WOW Jubilee VIII 1-31 August 2020
WOW Jubilee Corona V – is the 5th Corona edition
WOW Jubilee VIII is an intervention in virtual space featuring videoart, netart, soundart & associated interviews complemented by

01 August 2020
video feature Los Angeles Torrance Art Museum 01 -07 August 2020 Los Angeles Schedule for – 01 August Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012 • Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01 July –…

03 August 2008
video feature ISEA Nagoya Singapore Nagoya Wilfried’s participation in symposia like ISEA, FILE Symposium or most recently in VideoVortex XII in Valletta/Malta showed him their doubtful relevance in terms of science, as well as art, one of several reasons why Wilfried did not participate very often in such events. There…

04 August 2009
video feature Jakarta OK Video Festival Jakarta Today, Wilfried is wandering again through time and space – finding himself suddenly in Jakarta in front of the National Gallery where OK Video Festival is still running . (28 July – 06 August 2009). Yes, that’s a really strange experience in Indonesia…

5 August 2020
video feature Athens ADAF online 2020 Athens ADAF – Athens Digital Arts Festival The NewMediaFest2020 is very happy to continue the collaboration with ADAF – Athens Digital Art Festival also in times of the Corona shut down crisis – ADAF online, that this new context for 2020 – 10 July…

6 August 2020
video feature NewMediaFest2020’8 Los Angeles Berlin NewMediaFest 2020 continues in August with WOW Jubilee VIII as the 1st Corona Festival – 5th edition focussing on the topic of violence – on occasion of 75th return of the Hiroshima bombings on 6 August 1945 – featuring “The Hiroshima // Fukushima Memorial…

7 August 2005
video feature Rio de Janeiro prog:ME – Electronic Art Festival Carlo Sansolo Rio de Janeiro Today, Wilfried is jumping for one day to Rio de Janeiro, one of the most fascinating places where pioneer-like Carlo Sansolo an Erika Fraenkel are organising the 1st electronic arts festival in 2005 -Prog:ME –…

8 August 2020
video feature Roland Quelven Videoartist of the Month August 2020 Videoartist of the Month August 2020 Roland Quelven Roland Quelven entered Wilfried’s videoart cosmos in 2010, so in 2020 10 years collaboration in the field of art can be celebrated – a very long time. Wilfried is remembering when Roland’s…

9 August 2020
video feature Los Angeles Torrance Art Museum 08 -14 August 2020 Los Angeles Schedule for – 09 August •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012 • Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01 July –…

10 August 2003
video feature Tabor Violence Online Festival 2002 Schedule for – 10 August •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012 • Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01 July – 01 Sept. • *Norwich Gallery – EAST’05…

11 August 2020
video feature Venezuela nodoCCS Videoart Festival Caracas Schedule for – 11 August •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012 • Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01 July – 01 Sept. • *Norwich Gallery – EAST’05…

13 August 1961
video feature 13 August 1961 erection of Berlin Wall Wilfried reports: “1961 was that year when World War III was about to happen. Living with my family in Southern Germany, like all years before, I was spending my summer holidays also in 1961 with my grandparents in Eastern Germany –…

14 August 2007
video feature Latin America SoundLAB IV – soundart from Chile Rainer Krause 2007 Schedule for – 14 August •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012 • Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01 July – 01…

15 August 2020
video feature Los Angeles Torrance Art Museum 15 -21 August 2020 Los Angeles Schedule for – 15 August •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012 • Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01 July –…

16 August 2007
video feature Sao Paulo FILE Electronic Art Festival Hipersonica Festival 2007 Sao Paulo 13 August – 9 September 2007 FILE – Electronic Language Festival Sao Paulo/Brazil FILE Hipersonic Festival Sao Paulo/Brazil FILE – Electronic Language Festival belongs to those events Wilfried was most frequently participating in – between 2001 and…

17 August 2003
video feature Lancaster (UK) 2003 Vancouver (Canada) 2003 Sao Paulo Hipersonica Festival 2007 Schedule for – 17 August •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012 • Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01 July – 01…

18 August 2001 /2002
video feature Biennale de Cerveira 2001 FILE 2002 Mirror at the Bottom 2002 Schedule for – 18 August •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012 • Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01 July – 01…

19 August 2012
video feature Riga Waterpieces Video Festival 2011-2012-2014 Schedule for – 19 August •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012 • Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01 July – 01 Sept. • *Norwich Gallery – EAST’05…

20 August 2012
video feature Kansk International Video Festival 2012 Schedule for – 20 August •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012 • Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01 July – 01 Sept. • *Norwich Gallery – EAST’05…

21 August 2009
video feature Aarau Aarau One Minute Film Festival 2008 – 2009 – 2010 One Minute Cologne Schedule for – 21 August •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012 • Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01…

22 August 2020
video feature Los Angeles Torrance Art Museum 22 -28 August 2020 Los Angeles Schedule for – 22 August •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012 • Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01 July –…

23 August 2020
video feature Berlin WOW Jubilee 2020 VIII Berlin Berlin Teufelsberg Schedule for – 23 August •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012 • Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01 July – 01 Sept. •Torrance Art…

24 August 2014
video feature Quito /Ecuador MIVA – Muestra Internacional de Videoarte Alterego Schedule for – 24 August •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012 • Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01 July – 01 Sept. •Torrance…

25 August 2006
video feature Buenos Aires Sao Paulo Brussels Stavanger Tampere Schedule for – 25 August •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012 • Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01 July – 01 Sept. •Torrance Art Museum…

26 August 2002
video feature New York August Art Videoart from Turkey Tahir Ün Schedule for – 26 August •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012 • Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01 July – 01 Sept. •Torrance…

29 August 2020
video feature Los Angeles Torrance Art Museum 29 August – 05 September 2020 Los Angeles Thanks a lot for hosting NewMediaFest2020 during 7 incredible weeks! Thanks to TAM – Torrance Art Museum for another inspiring trans-continental collaboration! Schedule for – 29 August •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow…

– in physical space complemented by the manifestation in Berlin – 9 July – 23 August 2020 @ Stützpunkt Teufelsberg – a magic place in the center of Berlin
The month August 2020
is another month for commemorating – on 6 August 1945 something happened which was before that date out of any imagination – the demonstration of the eliminating the human living environment on Earth – the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshimaand only a few days later on Nagasaki. On one hand, it stopped World War II after Adolf Hitler had committed suicide on 30 April 1945 and the Nazi dictatorship had definietly come to an end after capitulation on 8 May 1945 – with terror and horror – so many people had never been killed before in just a few years, and mankind had to define itself completely anew!

In August, the main topic is violence in its diverse manifestations, and therefore one of Wilfried Agricola de Cologne’s most ambitioned projects in his early phase 2000-2005 is standing in the focus – Violence Online Festival – a piece of netart and netart curating launched in August 2002 to be installed also in physical space as an online part of the physical “Violens” Festival taking place in August 2002, unfortunately all projects Wilfried was realising at that time were developed and executed in the Flash Technology which, however, will be in a few months from now on discontinued – and online contents created in Flash will vanish completely from the net – this is killing an essential part of online culture – causing the falsification of history due to commercial interests and the absolute incompetence of ADOBE – it is not true, there is not any other software program allowing such multi-dimensional design, especially for artistic use – and the other one The Argentina Memorial – focussing on the so-called “Dirty War” when the Argentinian military dictators were ruling past century. “Women: Memory of Repression in Argentina . Also this project belongs to the netart features, as well as JavaMuseum projects like – netart from Latin American countries.

The frame for the videoart features are representing the 5th edition of CologneOFF – Cologne International Videoart Festival under motto of “Taboo! Taboo!” additionally videoart from Latin American countries are features – Venezuela, Argentina, Mexico, Peru.
Finally, the soundart features during August include SoundLAB 5 – the 5th of the annual soundart projects since 2004 including a wide range of internationally renown soundartists.

6 August 1945
atomic bomb dropping on Hiroshima
9 August on Nagasaki

The Hiroshima // Fukushima Memorial

“Never More! – Hiroshima-Fukushima”
6 August 2015 – 70 Years Hiroshima – and a never ending collective trauma. That we did not learn from history showed the nuclear desaster of Fukushima on 11 March 2011.
The United States detonated two nuclear weapons over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945, respectively, with the consent of the United Kingdom, as required by the Quebec Agreement. The two bombings killed between 129,000 and 226,000 people, most of whom were civilians, and remain the only use of nuclear weapons in armed conflict.
In the final year of the war, the Allies prepared for a very costly invasion of the Japanese mainland. This undertaking was preceded by a conventional and firebombing campaign which devastated 67 Japanese cities. The war in Europe had concluded when Germany signed its instrument of surrender on May 8, 1945, and the Allies turned their full attention to the Pacific theater. The Allies called for the unconditional surrender of the Imperial Japanese armed forces in the Potsdam Declaration on July 26, 1945, the alternative being “prompt and utter destruction”. Japan ignored the ultimatum and the war continued.
By August 1945, the Allies’ Manhattan Project had produced two types of atomic bombs, and the 509th Composite Group of the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) was equipped with the specialized Silverplate version of the Boeing B-29 Superfortress that could deliver them from Tinian in the Mariana Islands. The Allies issued orders for atomic bombs to be used on four Japanese cities on July 25. On August 6, one of the modified B-29s dropped a uranium gun-type bomb (“Little Boy”) on Hiroshima. Another B-29 dropped a plutonium implosion bomb (“Fat Man”) on Nagasaki three days later. The bombs immediately devastated their targets. Over the next two to four months, the acute effects of the atomic bombings killed between 90,000 and 146,000 people in Hiroshima and 39,000 and 80,000 people in Nagasaki; roughly half of the deaths in each city occurred on the first day. Large numbers of people continued to die for months afterward from the effects of burns, radiation sickness, and other injuries, compounded by illness and malnutrition. In both cities, most of the dead were civilians, although Hiroshima had a sizable military garrison.
People on the ground reported a pika (ピカ)—a brilliant flash of light—followed by a don (ドン)—a loud booming sound.[145] Some 70,000–80,000 people, around 30% of the population of Hiroshima at the time, were killed by the blast and resultant firestorm, and another 70,000 were injured. It is estimated that as many as 20,000 Japanese military personnel were killed. U.S. surveys estimated that 4.7 square miles (12 km2) of the city were destroyed. Japanese officials determined that 69% of Hiroshima’s buildings were destroyed and another 6–7% damaged.
The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster (福島第一原子力発電所事故 Fukushima Dai-ichi (About this soundpronunciation) genshiryoku hatsudensho jiko) was a nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Ōkuma, Fukushima Prefecture. The disaster was the most significant nuclear accident since the 26 April 1986 Chernobyl disaster and the only other disaster since to be given the Level 7 event classification of the International Nuclear Event Scale.
The accident was started by the tsunami following the Tōhoku earthquake on 11 March 2011. On detecting the earthquake, the active reactors automatically shut down their fission reactions. Because of the reactor trips and other grid problems, the electricity supply failed, and the reactors’ emergency diesel generators automatically started. Critically, they were powering the pumps that circulated coolant through the reactors’ cores to remove decay heat, which continues after fission has ceased.[ The earthquake had generated a 13-15 meter high tsunami that arrived approximately 50 minutes later, which over-topped the plant’s seawall, flooding the basements and disabling the emergency generators. The resultant loss-of-coolant accidents led to three nuclear meltdowns, three hydrogen explosions, and the release of radioactive contamination in Units 1, 2 and 3 between 12 and 15 March. The spent fuel pool of previously shutdown Reactor 4 increased in temperature on 15 March due to decay heat from newly-added spent fuel rods; but did not boil down sufficiently to expose the fuel.
The earthquake and tsunami damaged or destroyed more than one million buildings leading to a total of 470,000 people needing evacuation from the surrounding area. Of that number the nuclear accident was responsible for 154,000 being evacuated due to the rising off-site levels of ambient ionizing radiation caused by the release of airborne radioactive contamination from the damaged reactors. A report by the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) and World Health Organization projected no increase in miscarriages, stillbirths or physical and mental disorders in babies born after the accident.[15] An ongoing intensive cleanup program to both decontaminate affected areas and decommission the plant will take 30 to 40 years, plant management estimate.
—->More on the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
Via an open call in 2015, CTF – Collective Trauma Film Collections – was looking for audio-visual works dealing with the topic of the nuclear desasters of Hiroshima and/or Fukushima and the perspectives for mankind.
The 70th return of bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki is again and again an appeal to stop using the uncoltrollable nuclear power and its desastrous effects on human existance,
but much more also an appeal to Peace and the renouncement of violence for resolving international conflicts.
Hiroshima and Fukushima are representing symbols that it is not yet too late to rethink and stop and give mankind and humanity a chance to survive.
CTF – Collective Trauma Film Collection
was inviting video and filmmakers all over the world to join and submit and appeal to the world “Never More – Hiroshima-Fukushima”. The collection is the result of this public intervention.
It is standing for itself individually, to be presented in total or in parts – selections, as well as a corporate part of the major exhibition project – The W:OW Project – We Are One World –
Founded in 2014 by the Cologne based media artist & curator Wilfried Agricola de Cologne, the film collection was launched in 2015. In 2017, the film collection was transformed in the “The Memorial for the Victims of Neclear Threads”, and the memorial became corporate part of the media art context
– The 7 Memorials for Humanity –
The Hiroshima // Fukushima Film Collection
participating artists
Sonia Laura Armaniaco (Italy), Maureen Bachaus (Netherlands, Brandon Bauer (USA) , Jeroen Cluckers (Belgium), Mengyu Chen ( USA) , Mark Kadota USA) , Beate Hecher /Marcus Keim (Austria) , Kenji Kojima (Japan/USA) , Maria Korporal (Netherlands) , Lin Li (HK/UK) , Paribartana Mohanty (India) , Jean Gabriel Periot (France), Lisi Prada (Spain) , Filip Gabriel Pudlo (Poland), Rrose Present (Spain) , Ausin Sainz (Spain) , Emilio Ibanez Sanchez/ Lourdes Chesa Carda/ (Spain) , Paul Turano (USA), Nico Winz (France)


CTF – Collective Trauma Film Collections
Collection – Never More! Hiroshima-Fukushima
List of works

Sonia Laura Armaniaco (Italy) – ‘It Is in the Air for You and Me’, 2015, 05:16
Maureen Bachaus (Netherlands) – Happiness, 2015, 2:36
Brandon Bauer (USA) – AN602: Tsar Bomba, 2014, 03:21
Jeroen Cluckers (Belgium) – Oneiria, 2014, 3’52”
Mengyu Chen ( USA) – Simulacra, 2013, 2:20
Mark Kadota USA) – “Persistence of Emotion”, 2015, 9:55
Beate Hecher /Marcus Keim (Austria) – Vanishing Point, 2015, 15:57
Kenji Kojima (Japan/USA) – Composition FUKUSHIMA 2011, 2014, 10:00
Maria Korporal (Netherlands) – Underwater Desert, 2015, 2:35

Paribartana Mohanty (India) – – The Miniaturist, 2015, 12: 44
Jean Gabriel Periot (France) – Nijuman no borei , 2008, 7.30
Lisi Prada (Spain) – Over Red Grass, 2015, 5:00
Filip Gabriel Pudlo (Poland) – Operation Castle, 2013, 4.20, 10:00
Rrose Present (Spain) – “Origen del mundo (Eros/Tanatos) o Hiroshima sin amor”, 2015, 03:30
Ausin Sainz (Spain) – Stress Society, 2015, 02:35
Emilio Ibanez Sanchez/ Lourdes Chesa Carda/ (Spain) – Stagecoach Ufo, 2013, 04:34
Paul Turano (USA) – Fallout, 2013, 4:30
Daniel Wechsler (Israel) – Dust, 2015, 03:42
Nico Winz (France) – Irradiated, 2015, 3:03
Nico Winz (France) – Fukushima Beach, 2014, 5:25

Los Angeles
WOW Jubilee 2020 VIII Los Angeles
TAM – Torrance Art Museum – 18 July – 05 September 2020
From July 18 – September 5, 2020* TAM’s Dark Room will present a new video each week from NewMediaFest2020’s Seven Memorials for Humanity.
*All Seven Memorials for Humanity videos will be available as a special extended recap from September 6-20.
NewMediaFest 2020 is a retrospective of video art curated from around the world during the past 20 years, taking place between 26 December 2019 and 31 December 2020 – as an event structure in an exchange between virtual and physical space in collaboration with networking partners all over the world, like the Torrance Art Museum. The Seven Memorials for Humanity, curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne draws on the conceptual structures of “social and networked media” to present a kind of multi-dimensional virtual sculpture.
Agricola de Cologne is not only a living witness of the development of the digital technologies in art, he was a pioneer of a time when there were few or no experiences yet to explore their potential for artistic use. As a curator, mediator and catalyst , Agricola de Cologne encourages artists in different disciplines of digital technologies; (digital) video, internet based art (netart), soundart, etc.
The Seven Memorials for Humanity deals with new forms of commemorating and respectively generating awareness to related to topics that matter in the current global and local escalating political, social, ecological and cultural situations, which endanger a free, open and democratic society, and Humanity in general. It is a plea to contemporary society to keep and defend humanity as the highest human value for future generations.
screening dates
18 – 24 July 2020
25 – 31 July 2020
01 – 07 August 2020
08 – 14 August 2020
15 – 21 August 2020
22 – 28 August 2020
29 August – 05 September 2020
Enter the TAM Darkroom directly
The 7 Memorials for Humanity 2020
7 programs – 7 weeks
During the 7 weeks, each week will present another program. After a program has been screened by TAM, NewMediaFest2020 will include the respective program in itsonline screenings.
4 – WOW – Contaminated Progress
curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
Robert Dohrmann (USA) – All Systems Go – Neil Armstrong, 2009, 3:16
Anna Garner (USA) – Lineage (USA), 2013, 1:54
Brit Bunkley (New Zealand) – Fleeced,2009, 4:22
Paul Turano (USA) – Toxic Red Sludge, 2010, 5:00
Ben Fox (UK) – Recent Tactile Nonsense, 2012, 2:17
Manuel Ferrer and Alena Mesarosova (Spain/Slovakia) – Irreal Time, 2012, 3:30
Diego de Los Campos (Uruguay) – Still Life, 2012, 2:28
Luis Patino (Spain) – Echoes of the Forest, 2012, 6:52
Javier Velasquez Cabrero (Spain) – My City a Bit Cleaner From Advertising, 2012, 6:00
Xiaowen Zhu (China) – Terminal island, 2013, 10:50
Claudia Borgna (Italy) – L’ultimo Accordo I, 2016, 06:05
Carolin Koss (Finland) – Plastic Child, 2016, 12:11
Francois Knoetze (South Africa) – Plastic, 2012, 5:00
Laura & Sira Cabrera (Spain) – Climate Disorder, 2019, 4:18
1h 19 minutes
5 – WOW – In Troubled Waters
curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
Enoh Lienemann (Germany) – In My Head, 2015, 6`34 min
Angelina Voskopoulou (Greece) – Blind Traveller, 2018, 1:27
Abe Abraham (USA) – Salt Water, 2017, 5:52
Francesca Lolli (Italy – No country for everyone), 2015, 01:52
Fu LE (France) – Mass, 2019, 10:00
Cigdem Slankard (Turkey/USA) – Fresh Start, 2017, 12:50
Sonia Guggisberg (Brazil) – Skaramanga Camp, 2017, 9:00
Mathilde Babo (France) – After The Spring, 2016, 4:00
Vito Alfarano (Italy) – I have a Dream, 2018, 11:32
Alessandro Inglima (Italy) – Breathe, 2014, 2:41
Daniela Lucato (Italy) When I dance, 2016, 67:00
6 – WOW transcendental roots
Curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
Cody Healey-Conelly (USA) – Glitch Noir – Datasifter Prelude, 2015, 2:41
Peter Whittenberger (USA) – Don’t Worry, You’ll Get There, 2016, 4:53
Hdys (USA) – We The People, 2018, 3:51
Daniel Zezelj (Croatia) – The World of Wonder, 2015, 5:34
Ezra Wube (Ethiopia) – Twilight Galaxies, 2017, 7’52”
Tomislav Findrik (Croatia) – Oyashio, 2017, 04:29
House of Style (Bryne Rasmussen-Smith and Andrew Smith-Rasmussen) (USA) -Infinite Leaks in the Memory Palace, 2013, 5:04
Rui Hu (USA) – Metropolitan Triangle Garden, 2015, 5:52
APOTROPIA (Italy) – The Kiss, 2016, 1:19
Christina Lykoka (Greece) – Death Of A Blackbird, 2017, 6:26
Maurizio Sanhueza (Peru) – Parasite, 2016, 6:23
Harold Charre (France) – Requiem, 2017, 9:18
Henry Gwiazda (USA) – Knowledge, 2017, 3:05
WOW Babylonia /WOW Babylon
curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
Annetta Kapon (USA) – Synopsis, 2017, 0:35
Perry Bard & Richard Sullivan (USA) – NO FLAK, 2017, 7’23
Maria Korporal (NL/Germany) – Breaking Borders, 2017, 5:36
Marie-Paule Bilger (France) – Sweet Fight, 2017, 4:35
Lidia Starodubtseva (Ukraine) – Time Is Up, 2018, 4:00
Lisi Prada (Spain) – Illuminationi Mattina, 2014, 3:14
Pierre & Jean Villemin (France) – Lake, 2012, 5:35
Laura Petrilla & Brooke Schooles (USA) – Wrong Me A Love Life, 2012, 4:50
Alexander Delnevo (Italy) – Transhumances, 2012,3:48
1h 41 min
7 – WOW – Switching the Change
Curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
Uri Kloss (Israel) – Word, 2017, 1:29
Fran Orallo (Spain) – Death Dance, 2017, 1:00
James Murphy (Ireland) – Moving Water, 2019, 1:59
Zlatko Cosic (Bosnia) – Even The Birds Know It, 2017, 2:55
Alan Sondheidoartoldo-subt. (USA) – American Life, 2018, 6:03
Dmitry Kmelnitsky (USA) – URTH LING, 2019, 3:43
Brit Bunkley (New Zealand) – Pillard of Cloud, 2016, 4:00
Oleg Kharch (Ukraine) – Fakemet, 2019, 3:46
Lana Z. Caplan (USA) – Canaries in the Mine, 2015, 8:19
Kristina Frank /Mervi Kekarainen (Sweden) – 2Rabbits in Purgatorio, 2019, 05:11
Arie Sigal & Ben-David Sigal (Israel) – Perlite, 2018, 4:17
Marcha Schagen (NL) – Melt Less CO2, 2019, 3:48
Adrien Gaumé (France) – Dry by innocence, 2018, 4’53”
Kate Walker (USA) – Cloudship, 2018, 14:33
Xia Han (China) – The Gift, 2019, 14: 23
Michael Carmody & Elissa Goodrich (Australia) – Common Time, 2018, 12:23
Boris Marinin (Israel) – Greenhouse, 2019, 3:19
Ausin Sainz (Spain) – Today, 2019, 5:00
Susanne Wiegner (Germany) – Sunrise, 2019, 5: 46
Gabriele Stellbaum (Germany) – Shame, 2019, 1:11
1h 50 m
1 – Corona! Shut Down?

Ebba Jahn, Berlin based filmmaker since 1980 – Stay Home, 2020, 1:00
Gili Avissar, Israerl – Ganges River, 2008/2020, 8:15
Danielle Imara and Yolande Brener, UK/USA – Y&I Lockdown, 2020, 1:00
Werther Germondari, Italy – Constraint 19, 2020, 0:55
Dee Hood, USA – Chant for Chant For A Pandemic, 2020, 5:08
+ including contributions by the global artists: Finn Harvor, Maria Korporal, Sandra Bougerch, Tushar Waghela, Muriel Paraboni, Lisi Prada, Eija Temiseva, Ian Gibbons, Jutta Pryor, Sarah Bliss, Darko Duilo, Gwendolyn Audrey Foster, Erick Tapia, lori Ersolmaz, Sarahjane Swan, RogerSimian, Lino Mocerino, Francesca Giuliani, Luis Carlos Rodriguez, Willow Morgan
Antonio Alvarado, Spain – Cloistered, 2020, 3:27
Lorenzo Papanti, Italy – Disease, 2020, 1:02
Ulf Kristiansen, Norway – title of video: Coronavirus waltz, 2020, 1:00
Matteo Campulla, Italy – The COVID-19 Spring Breakers, 2020, 3:00
Agricola de Cologne, Germany The Corona Video, 2020, 4:24
Alina Tofan, Romania – Ritual of the Quarantine, 2020, 0:52
Jack Williams /Uk/Poland – Entangled, 2020, 1:00
Shivkumar KV, India – Stay Home, 2020, 1:00
Isabel Chiara, Spain – A Bout Of Fever, 2020, 2:15
Tova Beck – Friedman, USA – Pregnant with the Dead, 2020, 3:36
Alireza Amin Mozafari, Iran – You were Zhkvnd, 2018, 4:00
Kenji Kojima, Japan – Techno Synesthesia: open mailbox, 2020, 3:15
Kokou Ekouagou, (Togo) – VICTORY AGAINST COVID-19, 2020, 1:36
Dawn Westlake/USA – Touch, 2020, 7:35
Manon Pichon, France Quarantine Contact, 2020, 0:59
Bernhard Hollinger, Austria – “ME, MYSELF & I”, 2020, 1:56
Ellen Maiorano, Australia – Home Safe Home, 2020, 1:45
Noviki, Poland – Covid-19 Playgrounds, 2020, 1:52
Marie Bismonte, USA – Emergency, 2020, 3:36
Johannes Christopher Gérard, NL – Isolate, 2019, 2:58
Abdoul-Ganiou Dermani (Togo)- Social Distancing, 2020, 1:40
Robert Frankle, Luxembourg – Washing, 2020, 5:00
Amy Alexander, USA – What The Robot Saw, 2020, endless
Anja Strelec, Croatia The Shift, 2020, 1:20
Katya Kan, KZ – Self-isolation Film, 2020, 1:00
Igor Krasik, Belarus – Love is for free, 2020, 1:40
Musical Friends, Germany – Musical Friends – Covid Who!?, 2020, 2:58
Stephan Groß, Germany – Panda Nikogda, 2020, 3:24
Jerry Galle, Belgium – The Soul, Stats and Feelings of a lockdown, 2020, 2:31
Artoldo (Sara Ferro / Chris Weil), Germany -. Vespertillio Spillover, 2020, 4:16
Katherine Sweetman, US – Weird, 2020, 1:00
Amadeu Rodrigues (Portugal) – “Cityados” (besieged) , 2020, 1:31
Kim Maree, New Zealand – MMXX, 2020, 2:27

Viktor Brim (Germany) – monoscape, 2017, 16:00
Simon Welch (UK) – Focus, 2014, 7:37
Szymon Krzyżanowski (Pl) – VHS, 2016, 1:00
Alex Anikina (Russia) – Some Entropy in Your Tea, 2013, 8:15
Collin Bradford (USA) – Deep Horizon, 2013, 6:35
Cinzia Sarto (Italy) – Forbidden Fruit, 2009, 4.40
Marek Ranis (USA) – Hold On, 2010, 3:00
Muriel Montini (France) – Constellation, 2011, 5:00
Mickey Petersen (USA) – Slip Away, 2014, 2:24
Andrea Torrice (USA) – A Message from the Island of Kiribati, 2013, 5:11
Julie Stephenson (Australia) – Melting Memory, 2019, 2:34
Renata Padovan (Brazil) – Aral Mermaid, 2015, 4:12
1h 31 minutes
3 – WOW – about human nature
curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
1h 38 minutes

Roland Quelven (France) – Harey Solaris, 2015, 4:51
Gregg Biermann (USA) – Crop Duster Octet, 2013, 5:32
Sándor M. Salas (Spain) – De cara a la muerte, 2013, 03:52
Theresa Khalil (Egypt) – It goes on, 2013, 5.40
Istvan Horkay (Hungary) – The Lords Prayer, 2014, 5:04
Laurent Pernot (France)- Still Alives, 2005, 2.34
Francesca Lolli (Italy) – The Dying Lilium, 2016, 03:27
WOW – Earth Games/Erdspiele
curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
Eija Temisevä (Finland) – An Attempt to be Earth, 2016, 5:15
Kristina Frank (Sweden) – Earth One Minute, 2013, 1:43
Coalfather Industries (USA) – User History, 2018, 6:02
Albert Merino (Spain) – Bestiary, 2018, 5:10
Lisa Birke (Canada) – Endgame, 2017, 7:05
Emma Zukovic (Macedonia) – Post Memory From A Lost Country, 2018, 4:33
Farid Hamedi (Iran) – 947, 2019, 4:44
WOW Insight
curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
Koorosh Asgari (Iran) – Shahrzad, 2012, 7:34
Celine Barakat (Canada) – Tallulah, 2013, 7:30
Kostia Vozniuk (Ukraine) – Woman in Her Room, 2017, 4:08
Isabel Perez Del Pulgar (Spain) – Expediente No. 0/2, 2013, 5:56
Catherine Del Buono (USA) – How to Not Get Raped, 2014, 3:09
Karin & Didi Fromherz (CH) – Happy Noon!, 2014, 5:45
1h 38 minutes

The 7 Memorials for Humanity
developed, created and curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne & released in 2019, the 7 Memorials Project is a multi-facetted digital media art context – a “platform for commemorating” – to be understood as a kind of multi-dimensional virtual sculpture – working in an exchange between virtual and physical space. While the memorial sites are located online for permanent – accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days of a year, there will be temporary locations in physical space hosting a manifestation of one or more memorials to be complemented by interventions like screenings, a symposium, lectures, discussions, artists meetings, exhibitions, performances etc in order to reach a higher degree of sustainability by sensitizing people via art.
Commemorating can be understood as an advanced and, additionally, collective form of perception as the contrary of consuming in which the aspect of time is receiving generally a particular relevance – stimulating the “audience” permanently or at least regularly to be activated again and again and reflect and re-reflect – and, in the given case, also as a higher goal of art which goes far beyond the visual or sensual sensation.
Based on 7 differently aimed ongoing audio-visual media art contexts, launched between 2001 and 2020, the project is dealing with new forms of commemorating, respectively generating awareness, related to topics that really matter in the currently globally and locally escalating political, social, ecological and cultural situations endangering a free, open and democratic society and Humanity as that fundamental human value, at all. It is a plea to the contemporarily living people to keep and defend humanity as the highest human value also for future generations.
The Memorial context and its creator are acting as mediators between different parties by demonstrating diversity, eg. activating on one hand artists to articulate and contribute their (artistic) opinion, on the other hand by doing so, activating the audience to use the artistic interventions as the basis for their own reflections.
It is said, that art cannot change world as it is, but this is not completely true, art as the most human of all human expressions has that particular potential to sensitize people and change awareness, this way. However, it lies in the responsibility of the individual what he/she is doing with this awareness.
Each one of the incorporated memorials is rooted on another collection of audio-visual art, which can be experienced online. The Sonic Memorial is the only one using the non-visual medium of sonic art, generating different kinds of associations than the visual medium of video or film: for instance, The Refugee Film Collection, incorporating more than 100 videos from documentary to video art & experimental film.
As a media art work itself, the 7 Memorial commemorative platform is incorporating 20 individual projects acting individually as Memorials, commemorative projects contexts which are each one representing works of media art for itself, created by Wilfried Agricola dde Cologne, simultaneously they are based on the engagement of (external) artists by contributing (mainly audio-visual) art works which form in the sum of all, related to each topic differently, individual art collections in a community based responsibility, curated and coordinated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne.
The works created before 2010 are completed – standing as Memorial sites for a PAST to be commemorated, the works created after 2010 referring partially to historical, and partially to most recent incidents and events are ongoing and still in an active conceptual progress.
In total more than 2000 artworks by 1700 artists from 60 countries are forming the fundament of the commemorative platform and the individual Memorial sites, give the 7 Memorials project a multi-dimensional character – including & complementing each other: the global, as well as the local: while the online context is available 24 hours a day to the global community, the individual local manifestation to be realized in an exchange between virtual and physical space in collaboration with worldwide networking partners allow people to meet each other at venues that change their meaning and the awareness related to it by becoming a temporarily limited memorial & space of art.
The main medium of the active part is „art & moving images“ – mono channel art films & videos in an hybrid format, allowing to present the works in different presentation formats, eg. screening, projection & installation.
The short films & videos are forming outstanding collections to be presented to an open minded audience, but together with other artistic media like digital static images and the non-visual medium manifested in sonic art – the form also the basis for exhibition installations of different kind, online and in physical space.
The manifestations are realized in the framework of “The W:OW Project” – We Are One World – – a global networking project, launched in 2017.
The 7 Memorials for Humanity
- The Refugee Memorial – based on – The Refugee Film Collection – why and how become people refugees
- d/i/light Memorial – based on Shoah Film Collection – dedicated to the victims of Holocaust
- The Never More Memorial – no more genocide – dedicated to the victims of genocides
- The Wake-Up Memorial – for an open and free society- against populism and intolerance
- The Hiroshima // Fukushima Memorial – based on “The Hiroshima//Fukushima Film Collection – dedicated to the threats of nuclear power
- The iTERROR Memorial – dedicated to the victims of terror
- The Sonic Memorial – soundart as a tool for commemorating – collective trauma & identity
a digital media art project context created & curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
Concept, text & realisation
copyright © 2001-2019 by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
Included art works (video, digital, images, soundart, text etc & related images/screenshots)
copyright © by the artists or owners
The 7 Memorials for Humanity
are part of The New Museum of Networked Art
operated by artvideoKOELN

WOW Jubilee 2020 VIII Berlin

The screenings take place during the 4 days –
Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday – 14h – 20h
9-12 July 2020
16-19 July 2020
23-26 July 2020
30 July – 02 August 2020
06-09 August 2020
13-16 August 2020
20-23 August 2020
Each week all 7 programs are screened
More details on

WOW Jubilee VII Berlin
IAM – Institut für Alles Mögliche Berlin – 09 July – 23 August 2020
Curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
7 screening programs
NewMediaFest2020 feiert dieses Jahr zahlreiche Jubiläen, darunter die Gründung im Jahre 2000 in Köln. WOW Jubilee VII Berlin – (WOW steht für „We Are One World“) ist das 7. Jubiläumsprogram in Folge, diesmal mit dem Fokus auf die 7 Videoart Programmeinheiten mit ihren insgesamt 11 Programmen, welche Wilfried Agricola de Cologne, der Leiter, Hauptkurator und Realisator von NewMediaFest2020 für die Screenings bei IAM – mit den 115 Videos von 115 Künstlern aus 25 Ländern zu Themen, die Künstler und Gesellschaft gleichermaßen beschäftigen – Gewalt, Migration, Klimawandel, Umwelt und Identität – vorbereitet hat, darunter auch die Programme der beiden Gastkuratoren Parya Vatankhah (Iran) und Tahir Ün (Türkei).
NewMediaFest2020 ist eine Veranstaltungsstruktur mit einem retrospektiven Charakter, welche im Austausch zwischen virtuellen und physischen Raum während des gesamten Jahres 2020, beginnend am 26. Dezember 2019, bis zum 31. Dezember 2020 mit Netzwerkpartnern in aller Welt durchgeführt wird. Neben den 12 monatlichen Festivalprogrammen, kommt den täglichen Features mit der Veröffentlichung neuer Medienkunstprogramme des 365 Tage Tagebuchs online eine besondere Bedeutung zu.
Nach Addis Abeba und Köln vor der Corona Krise, die NewMediaFest2020 dazu zwang, die Aktivitäten ausschließlich online als 1. Corona Festival weiterzuführen, ist Berlin mit den Screenings bei IAM nun der erste physische Austragungsort nach dem Abflauen der Krise. Als weitere Austragungsorte sind 2020 u.a. noch Los Angeles (USA), Cusco (Peru), Athen (Griechenland). Lucca (Italien), Beirut (Libanon) und Kalkutta (Indien) geplant.
Während die Screenings in Berlin bereits am 28.6.2020 beginnen, geht die 7. Ausgabe von NewMediaFest2020 offiziell am 1. Juli 2020 online, und wird dabei die Videoprogramme, welche IAM während der Zusammenarbeit 2014 im physischen Raum vorgeführt hat, als Streamingprogramme online mit aufnehmen.
NewMediaFest2020 celebrates numerous anniversaries this year, including the foundation in Cologne in 2000. WOW Jubilee VII Berlin – (WOW stands for “We Are One World”) is the 7th anniversary program in a row, this time with the focus on the 7 videoart program units with their 11 programs in total, which Wilfried Agricola de Cologne, the director, main curator and realizer of NewMediaFest2020 for the screenings at IAM – with the 115 videos of 115 artists from 25 countries on topics that concern artists and society alike – violence, migration, climate change, environment and identity – prepared, including the programs of the two guest curators Parya Vatankhah (Iran) and Tahir Ün (Turkey).
NewMediaFest2020 is an event structure with a retrospective character, which is carried out in an exchange between virtual and physical space throughout 2020, starting on December 26, 2019, and ending December 31, 2020 with network partners around the world. In addition to the 12 monthly festival programs, the daily features are of particular importance with the publication of new media art programs from the 365 day diary online.
After Addis Ababa and Cologne before the Corona crisis, which forced NewMediaFest2020 to continue its activities exclusively online as the 1st Corona Festival, with IAM, Berlin is now the first physical venue after the crisis has subsided. In 2020, other venues include Los Angeles (USA), Cusco (Peru), Athens (Greece). Lucca (Italy), Beirut (Lebanon) and Calcutta (India) planned.
While the screenings in Berlin start on June 28th, 2020, the 7th edition of NewMediaFest2020 officially goes online on July 1st, 2020, and will include the video programs that IAM demonstrated in physical space during the collaboration in 2014 as streaming programs online .
1 – Einblicke
Shaghayegh Cyrous (Iran) – No Smell,No Touch, Somewhere between the United States and Iran, 3’49”, 2018
Haleh Jamali (Iran) – The End of the Beginning 2018,, 3’15”
Parya Vatankhah (Iran) – Women must be beautiful-women must be hidden 2017, 11:12
MandanaMoghaddam (Iran) – Exodus, 2012, 2:58
Sara Niroobakhsh (Iran) – A woman behind, 2015, 2:35
WOW Insight II
curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
Koorosh Asgari (Iran) – Shahrzad, 2012, 7:34
Celine Barakat (Canada) – Tallulah, 2013, 7:30
Kostia Vozniuk (Ukraine) – Woman in Her Room, 2017, 4:08
Isabel Perez Del Pulgar (Spain) – Expediente No. 0/2, 2013, 5:56
Catherine Del Buono (USA) – How to Not Get Raped, 2014, 3:09
Karin & Didi Fromherz (CH) – Happy Noon!, 2014, 5:45
1h 5 minutes
2- WOW – So wie es einmal war
curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
Marek Ranis (USA) – Like Shishmaref, 2016, 16:00
Viktor Brim (Germany) – monoscape, 2017, 16:00
Simon Welch (UK) – Focus, 2014, 7:37
Szymon Krzyżanowski (Pl) – VHS, 2016, 1:00
Alex Anikina (Russia) – Some Entropy in Your Tea, 2013, 8:15
Collin Bradford (USA) – Deep Horizon, 2013, 6:35
Cinzia Sarto (Italy) – Forbidden Fruit, 2009, 4.40
Marek Ranis (USA) – Hold On, 2010, 3:00
Muriel Montini (France) – Constellation, 2011, 5:00
Mickey Petersen (USA) – Slip Away, 2014, 2:24
Andrea Torrice (USA) – A Message from the Island of Kiribati, 2013, 5:11
Julie Stephenson (Australia) – Melting Memory, 2019, 2:34
Renata Padovan (Brazil) – Aral Mermaid, 2015, 4:12
1h 31 m
3 – WOW – about human nature
3 – WOW – Über die menschliche Natur
curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
1h 38 minutes

Stine Gonshold (Norway) – Human Nature, 2008, 1:50
Roland Quelven (France) – Harey Solaris, 2015, 4:51
Gregg Biermann (USA) – Crop Duster Octet, 2013, 5:32
Sándor M. Salas (Spain) – De cara a la muerte, 2013, 03:52
Theresa Khalil (Egypt) – It goes on, 2013, 5.40
Istvan Horkay (Hungary) – The Lords Prayer, 2014, 5:04
Laurent Pernot (France)- Still Alives, 2005, 2.34
Francesca Lolli (Italy) – The Dying Lilium, 2016, 03:27
WOW – Earth Games/Erdspiele
curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
Eija Temisevä (Finland) – An Attempt to be Earth, 2016, 5:15
Kristina Frank (Sweden) – Earth One Minute, 2013, 1:43
Coalfather Industries (USA) – User History, 2018, 6:02
Albert Merino (Spain) – Bestiary, 2018, 5:10
Lisa Birke (Canada) – Endgame, 2017, 7:05
Emma Zukovic (Macedonia) – Post Memory From A Lost Country, 2018, 4:33
Farid Hamedi (Iran) – 947, 2019, 4:44
WOW Turkey / WOW Türkei
curated by Tahir Ün
1. Gökçen Dilek Acay (Turkey) – Lenin, 2010, 3:29
2. Orhan Cem Çetin (Turkey) – Passiflora, 2016 / 04:34
3. Ali Demirtaş (Turkey) – Vision, 2018, 02’30”
4. Beste Erener (Turkey) – SATURN, 2018/ 4:24
5. Murat Germen (Turkey) – Emerging talent, 2017 / 5:03
6. Çağdaş Kahriman (Turkey) – Rear window, 2009-2013, 6:00
7. Tahir Ün (Turkey) – The Game, 2013, 00:02:56
1h 38 minutes
4 – WOW – Contaminated Progress
4 – WOW – Kontaminierter Fortschritt

curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
Robert Dohrmann (USA) – All Systems Go – Neil Armstrong, 2009, 3:16
Anna Garner (USA) – Lineage (USA), 2013, 1:54
Brit Bunkley (New Zealand) – Fleeced,2009, 4:22
Paul Turano (USA) – Toxic Red Sludge, 2010, 5:00
Ben Fox (UK) – Recent Tactile Nonsense, 2012, 2:17
Manuel Ferrer and Alena Mesarosova (Spain/Slovakia) – Irreal Time, 2012, 3:30
Diego de Los Campos (Uruguay) – Still Life, 2012, 2:28
Luis Patino (Spain) – Echoes of the Forest, 2012, 6:52
Javier Velasquez Cabrero (Spain) – My City a Bit Cleaner From Advertising, 2012, 6:00
Xiaowen Zhu (China) – Terminal island, 2013, 10:50
Claudia Borgna (Italy) – L’ultimo Accordo I, 2016, 06:05
Carolin Koss (Finland) – Plastic Child, 2016, 12:11
Francois Knoetze (South Africa) – Plastic, 2012, 5:00
Laura & Sira Cabrera (Spain) – Climate Disorder, 2019, 4:18
1h 19 munutes
5 – WOW – In Troubled Waters
5 – In gefährlichen Gewässern
curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

Enoh Lienemann (Germany) – In My Head, 2015, 6`34 min
Angelina Voskopoulou (Greece) – Blind Traveller, 2018, 1:27
Abe Abraham (USA) – Salt Water, 2017, 5:52
Francesca Lolli (Italy – No country for everyone), 2015, 01:52
Fu LE (France) – Mass, 2019, 10:00
Cigdem Slankard (Turkey/USA) – Fresh Start, 2017, 12:50
Sonia Guggisberg (Brazil) – Skaramanga Camp, 2017, 9:00
Mathilde Babo (France) – After The Spring, 2016, 4:00
Vito Alfarano (Italy) – I have a Dream, 2018, 11:32
Alessandro Inglima (Italy) – Breathe, 2014, 2:41
Daniela Lucato (Italy) When I dance, 2016, 67:00
2h 17 minutes
6 – WOW transcendental roots
6 – WOW transzendentale Wurzeln
Curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
Cody Healey-Conelly (USA) – Glitch Noir – Datasifter Prelude, 2015, 2:41
Peter Whittenberger (USA) – Don’t Worry, You’ll Get There, 2016, 4:53
Hdys (USA) – We The People, 2018, 3:51
Daniel Zezelj (Croatia) – The World of Wonder, 2015, 5:34
Ezra Wube (Ethiopia) – Twilight Galaxies, 2017, 7’52”
Tomislav Findrik (Croatia) – Oyashio, 2017, 04:29
House of Style (Bryne Rasmussen-Smith and Andrew Smith-Rasmussen) (USA) -Infinite Leaks in the Memory Palace, 2013, 5:04
Rui Hu (USA) – Metropolitan Triangle Garden, 2015, 5:52
APOTROPIA (Italy) – The Kiss, 2016, 1:19
Christina Lykoka (Greece) – Death Of A Blackbird, 2017, 6:26
Maurizio Sanhueza (Peru) – Parasite, 2016, 6:23
Harold Charre (France) – Requiem, 2017, 9:18
Henry Gwiazda (USA) – Knowledge, 2017, 3:05
WOW Babylonia /WOW Babylon
curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
Annetta Kapon (USA) – Synopsis, 2017, 0:35
Perry Bard & Richard Sullivan (USA) – NO FLAK, 2017, 7’23
Maria Korporal (NL/Germany) – Breaking Borders, 2017, 5:36
Marie-Paule Bilger (France) – Sweet Fight, 2017, 4:35
Lidia Starodubtseva (Ukraine) – Time Is Up, 2018, 4:00
Lisi Prada (Spain) – Illuminationi Mattina, 2014, 3:14
Pierre & Jean Villemin (France) – Lake, 2012, 5:35
Laura Petrilla & Brooke Schooles (USA) – Wrong Me A Love Life, 2012, 4:50
Alexander Delnevo (Italy) – Transhumances, 2012,3:48
1h 41 min
7 – WOW – Switching the Change
7 – WOW -Die Veränderung wechseln
Curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

Uri Kloss (Israel) – Word, 2017, 1:29
Fran Orallo (Spain) – Death Dance, 2017, 1:00
James Murphy (Ireland) – Moving Water, 2019, 1:59
Zlatko Cosic (Bosnia) – Even The Birds Know It, 2017, 2:55
Alan Sondhein (USA) – American Life, 2018, 6:03
Dmitry Kmelnitsky (USA) – URTH LING, 2019, 3:43
Brit Bunkley (New Zealand) – Pillard of Cloud, 2016, 4:00
Oleg Kharch (Ukraine) – Fakemet, 2019, 3:46
Lana Z. Caplan (USA) – Canaries in the Mine, 2015, 8:19
Kristina Frank /Mervi Kekarainen (Sweden) – 2Rabbits in Purgatorio, 2019, 05:11
Arie Sigal & Ben-David Sigal (Israel) – Perlite, 2018, 4:17
Marcha Schagen (NL) – Melt Less CO2, 2019, 3:48
Adrien Gaumé (France) – Dry by innocence, 2018, 4’53”
Kate Walker (USA) – Cloudship, 2018, 14:33
Xia Han (China) – The Gift, 2019, 14: 23
Michael Carmody & Elissa Goodrich (Australia) – Common Time, 2018, 12:23
Boris Marinin (Israel) – Greenhouse, 2019, 3:19
Ausin Sainz (Spain) – Today, 2019, 5:00
Susanne Wiegner (Germany) – Sunrise, 2019, 5: 46
Gabriele Stellbaum (Germany) – Shame, 2019, 1:11
1h 50 min
Video Artist of the Month August 2020 – Roland Quelven
Born in 1967. Lives in Brittany. Graduated in mathematics, painter, video artists and sound collagist. He collaborates with various artists, is involved in several collaborative projects, and his works are screened in many international videoart festivals. In 2009 he created the multimedia project «Napolecitta or the fractals virtues of Detail»: digital and sound collages, flash animations in a website devoted to a description of an ancient imaginary city named Napolecitta (fusing Napoli and Cinecitta). Since 2010 the ancient city has become an encyclopedic and imaginary world also named Napolecitta. Most of the videoworks are numbered, gathered as a register, an imaginary official record, a combination of numbers, maps, writings, paintings, masterpieces of Art history, video footage, video materials recorded digitally assembled as palimpsests. All this seen through the prism of the Detail. The reality concentrates as the fragment stands out… seeing through the prism of the Detail, whether iconic or pictorial, produces always the same effect: an « invitation to travel inside.
Roland Quelven’s videos will be featured in a “Special” during August!
Enter here!!
CologneOFF V

CologneOFF V – Taboo! Taboo?
5th edition of Cologne Online Film Festival
is directed and chief curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
(wikipedia) “A taboo is a strong social prohibition or ban against words, objects, actions, or discussions considered undesirable or offensive to a group, culture, society, or community. Breaking a taboo, considered objectionable, abhorrent or unacceptable by the majority in a community by in engaging in activities or not adhering to local customs usually leads to severe penalties applied by rule of law. Other common reactions by persons breaking taboos result in embarrassment, shame and are commonly considered by others as a sign of rudeness.” In our Western socities “the taboo” changed its meaning profoundly and does actually not exist anymore as a dogma and an instrument of social and moral ruling, but it is replaced by a kind of individual “taboo” practiced by groups of mind-likes. In this way, people can be confronted with different types of “taboos” depending on the needs of certain social groups. The selected videos refer to this invidualization and take the artistic consequences in most different ways, whereby the digitaltechnology offers many solutions to the artists and the viewer. It is this variety, which makes the festival program so exciting and vivid. It is up to the viewer to search and find his personal definition(s).
Venues 2010
AllArtNow International New Media Art Festival Damascus/Syria – 25-30 May 2010 – CologneOFF V
Fonlad – Digital Art Festival – 15-28 May Coimbra/PT – CologneOFF V
One Shot – International Shortfilm Festival Yerewan/Armenia
17-24 May 2010 – CologneOFF V
Athens Video Art Festival – 7-9 May 2010 – CologneOFF V
Oslo Screen Festival – 12-14 March 2010 –
CeC – Carnival of e-Creativity New Dehli/India – 19 -21 Feb 2010
Venues 2009
Rauland Kunstforening 8Norway) 30 December 2009
MICROWAVE – New Media Arts Festival Hong Kong – 13 Nov – 11 dec 2009
FONLAD – Digital Art Festival Guarda/Pt – 14 Nov’09 – 03 Jan ’10
Videoart Festival Maracaibo/Ve – 7-8 October 2009
Busho – Budapest Intern. Short Film Festival – 1-5 Sept 2009
Program 1
International section

Corporate Warfare, 2005, 3:32 by Casey McKee (USA)
Noli Me Tangere, 2008, 6:20 by Masha Yozefpolsky (Israel)
Into Eden, 2009, 12:46 by Jym Davis (USA)
Via Crucis, 2008, 4:00 by Marita Contreras (Peru)
BOO!, 2008, 4:00 by Erika Yeomans (USA)
Slapstick Social, 2008, 15:25 by Frank Gatti (France)
Hole in the Floor, 2008, 7:00 by Heidi Kumao (USA)
Motorized Ordeal, 2009, 8:46 by Les Riches Dounaniers (France)

The Kurukshetra-Report, 2009, 8:00 by Ascan Breuer (Germany)
Roghieh, 2009, 5:30 by Alysse Stepanian (Iran)
I love you so much I could kill for you, 2009, 3:20 by Boris Sribar (Serbia)
BIP, 2009, 7:30 by Karlos Alastruey (Spain)
Who lives in My Head, 2009, 4:30 by Margarida Paiva (Portugal)
TheTunnel, 2008 3:36 by Soumendra Padhi (India)
Picking Cherries, 2009, 15:00 by Ioannis Roumeliotis (Greece)
Everything is Urgent, 2008, 4:08 by Ran Slavin (Israel)
The Art Reception, 2006, 11:20 by Ulf Kristiansen (Norway)
Program 2
International section

Forbidden City, 2007, 4:15 by Lily & Honglei (China)
Partition, 2009, 8:00 by Holly Rodricks (USA)
Murdered Brides, 2007, 2:09 by Arzu Ozkal Telhan (Turkey)
Scale of reference, 2008, 7:43 by Daniel Desiderio Páez Castillo & Carolina Padilla Villarraga (Spain)
Red Star, 2009, 2:49 by Milica Rakic (Serbia)
Anonymous Soldiers Don’t Tell Your Mother, 2005, 6:00by Haim Ben Shitrit (Israel)
Reconstruction, 2008, 15:00 by Sonja Vuk (Croatia)
Essay for a surveillance video, 2009, 5:26 Arthur Tuoto (Brazil)
Basbas, 2009, 4:49 by Joaquin Gasgonia Palencia (Philippines)
How to Clean a Puddle, 2008, 1:47 by Roland Wegerer (Austria)
Everyday Occurrences, 2004, 8:00 by Fumiko Matsuyama (Japan)
Etude Red and Blue, 2008, 3:31 by Vladimir Mitrev (Bulgaria)
War is Good for Business, 2009, 3:06 by Jill Sigman (USA)
The Wild Goose, 2009, 3:6 by My name is Scot (Canada)
Pass, 2009, 1:00 by Istvan Rusvai (Hungary)
White, 2009, 1:00 by Lin Fangsuo (China)
Program 3
International section

Little Pleasure, 2007, 11:09 by Jamie Marie Waelchli (USA)
Berenice, 2008, 4:31 by Bill Domonkos (USA)
dead SEEquences, 2009, 4:10 by Fabio Scacchioli (Italy)
Rebirth, 2009, 1:07 by Pekka Ruuska (Finland)
Good Trip, Good Hunt, Good Appetite, 2008, 2:54 by Roland Fuhrmann (GER)
Electric Icon, 2009, 13:00 by Aryn Zev (USA)
Cakesitter, 2007, 5:00 by Valerie Garlick (USA)
Bodies and Metals, 2009, 3:00 by Rafael (Belgium)
Cruentation, 2008, 3:48 by Iona Pelovska (Canada)
Which Came First? (Chicken and Egg), 2009, 2:08 by Anna FC Smith (UK)
Ophelia, 2006, 4:30 by Virginie Foloppe (France)
Pig’s Feet, 2007, 10:22 by Priscilla Pomeroy (Mexico)
Lolita, 2007, 0:43 by Carla Della Beffa (Italy)
Elena in the Prison of Herself, 2006, 6:58 by Julio Orta Villarreal (MX)
Silent, 2007, 1:16 by Silvana Dunat (Croatia)
The Magnitude of the Continental Divide, 2009, 6:00 by Chis Coleman (USA)
As Angels under Snow, 2008, 1:00 by Luana Visciglia (Italy)
Anomia, 2008, 4:50 by Nuria Frogoso (Mexico)
Program 4
German section

One’s Bits and Pieces (Siebensachen), 2004, 3:00 by Anna Porzelt
Seidene Stille (Silken Silence), 2009, 30:00, by Amorea Cosmalion
UpStairs, 2008, 15:00 by Jonas Ungar
The Visitors (Der Besuch), 2009, 14:55 by Nilgün Serbest & Tobias Kurtz
“Cyclic Islands: Meme´s“, 2009, 9:00 by Sibylle Trickes
Imagines et loci, 2009, 11:57 by Susanne Wiegner
Passing down Frame one, 2007, 10:36 by Maya Schweizer
Stockholm syndrome part 1 – golden mission, 2007, 15 by Amit Epstein
Place & Monster, 2009, 3:00 by Anna Hirschmann
fleeting glimpse (street), 2009, 5:19 by Johanna Reich
In front of us is a wide valley, 2009, 15:50 by Dina Boswank
Additionall, NewMediaFest2020 will feature videoart from Latin American countries including Venezuela (curated by ), Argentina and Mexico (curated by..)
NewMediaFestt’2020 will feature besides netat from Latin speking countries, also additional netart –
NewMediaFest2020 ‘8 will feature during August 2020 – the 5th edition of Soundlab
Please follow the daily features of The 365 days Diary for August 2020
WOW Jubilee VIII is an intervention in virtual space featuring videoart, netart, soundart & associated interviews complemented by

01 August 2020
video feature Los Angeles Torrance Art Museum 01 -07 August 2020 Los Angeles Schedule for – 01 August Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012 • Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01 July –…

03 August 2008
video feature ISEA Nagoya Singapore Nagoya Wilfried’s participation in symposia like ISEA, FILE Symposium or most recently in VideoVortex XII in Valletta/Malta showed him their doubtful relevance in terms of science, as well as art, one of several reasons why Wilfried did not participate very often in such events. There…

04 August 2009
video feature Jakarta OK Video Festival Jakarta Today, Wilfried is wandering again through time and space – finding himself suddenly in Jakarta in front of the National Gallery where OK Video Festival is still running . (28 July – 06 August 2009). Yes, that’s a really strange experience in Indonesia…

5 August 2020
video feature Athens ADAF online 2020 Athens ADAF – Athens Digital Arts Festival The NewMediaFest2020 is very happy to continue the collaboration with ADAF – Athens Digital Art Festival also in times of the Corona shut down crisis – ADAF online, that this new context for 2020 – 10 July…

6 August 2020
video feature NewMediaFest2020’8 Los Angeles Berlin NewMediaFest 2020 continues in August with WOW Jubilee VIII as the 1st Corona Festival – 5th edition focussing on the topic of violence – on occasion of 75th return of the Hiroshima bombings on 6 August 1945 – featuring “The Hiroshima // Fukushima Memorial…

7 August 2005
video feature Rio de Janeiro prog:ME – Electronic Art Festival Carlo Sansolo Rio de Janeiro Today, Wilfried is jumping for one day to Rio de Janeiro, one of the most fascinating places where pioneer-like Carlo Sansolo an Erika Fraenkel are organising the 1st electronic arts festival in 2005 -Prog:ME –…

8 August 2020
video feature Roland Quelven Videoartist of the Month August 2020 Videoartist of the Month August 2020 Roland Quelven Roland Quelven entered Wilfried’s videoart cosmos in 2010, so in 2020 10 years collaboration in the field of art can be celebrated – a very long time. Wilfried is remembering when Roland’s…

9 August 2020
video feature Los Angeles Torrance Art Museum 08 -14 August 2020 Los Angeles Schedule for – 09 August •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012 • Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01 July –…

10 August 2003
video feature Tabor Violence Online Festival 2002 Schedule for – 10 August •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012 • Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01 July – 01 Sept. • *Norwich Gallery – EAST’05…

11 August 2020
video feature Venezuela nodoCCS Videoart Festival Caracas Schedule for – 11 August •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012 • Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01 July – 01 Sept. • *Norwich Gallery – EAST’05…

13 August 1961
video feature 13 August 1961 erection of Berlin Wall Wilfried reports: “1961 was that year when World War III was about to happen. Living with my family in Southern Germany, like all years before, I was spending my summer holidays also in 1961 with my grandparents in Eastern Germany –…

14 August 2007
video feature Latin America SoundLAB IV – soundart from Chile Rainer Krause 2007 Schedule for – 14 August •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012 • Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01 July – 01…

15 August 2020
video feature Los Angeles Torrance Art Museum 15 -21 August 2020 Los Angeles Schedule for – 15 August •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012 • Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01 July –…

16 August 2007
video feature Sao Paulo FILE Electronic Art Festival Hipersonica Festival 2007 Sao Paulo 13 August – 9 September 2007 FILE – Electronic Language Festival Sao Paulo/Brazil FILE Hipersonic Festival Sao Paulo/Brazil FILE – Electronic Language Festival belongs to those events Wilfried was most frequently participating in – between 2001 and…

17 August 2003
video feature Lancaster (UK) 2003 Vancouver (Canada) 2003 Sao Paulo Hipersonica Festival 2007 Schedule for – 17 August •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012 • Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01 July – 01…

18 August 2001 /2002
video feature Biennale de Cerveira 2001 FILE 2002 Mirror at the Bottom 2002 Schedule for – 18 August •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012 • Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01 July – 01…

19 August 2012
video feature Riga Waterpieces Video Festival 2011-2012-2014 Schedule for – 19 August •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012 • Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01 July – 01 Sept. • *Norwich Gallery – EAST’05…

20 August 2012
video feature Kansk International Video Festival 2012 Schedule for – 20 August •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012 • Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01 July – 01 Sept. • *Norwich Gallery – EAST’05…

21 August 2009
video feature Aarau Aarau One Minute Film Festival 2008 – 2009 – 2010 One Minute Cologne Schedule for – 21 August •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012 • Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01…

22 August 2020
video feature Los Angeles Torrance Art Museum 22 -28 August 2020 Los Angeles Schedule for – 22 August •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012 • Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01 July –…

23 August 2020
video feature Berlin WOW Jubilee 2020 VIII Berlin Berlin Teufelsberg Schedule for – 23 August •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012 • Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01 July – 01 Sept. •Torrance Art…

24 August 2014
video feature Quito /Ecuador MIVA – Muestra Internacional de Videoarte Alterego Schedule for – 24 August •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012 • Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01 July – 01 Sept. •Torrance…

25 August 2006
video feature Buenos Aires Sao Paulo Brussels Stavanger Tampere Schedule for – 25 August •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012 • Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01 July – 01 Sept. •Torrance Art Museum…

26 August 2002
video feature New York August Art Videoart from Turkey Tahir Ün Schedule for – 26 August •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012 • Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01 July – 01 Sept. •Torrance…

29 August 2020
video feature Los Angeles Torrance Art Museum 29 August – 05 September 2020 Los Angeles Thanks a lot for hosting NewMediaFest2020 during 7 incredible weeks! Thanks to TAM – Torrance Art Museum for another inspiring trans-continental collaboration! Schedule for – 29 August •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow…