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1 February 2005/2009/2012

Videoart feature
One Day on Mars by agricola de Cologne
exDOX selection

1 February 2005 Digicult
1 February 2009 Mid East Cut Film Festival Kopenhagen /Denmark
1 February 2012 Bangkok Experimental Film Festival

1 February 2005

Today, 1 February 2005, Marco Mancuso releases the 1st edition of the new art magazine “Digicult” – including, among others, an article about Wilfried and his project “ A Virtual Memorial” – this project was undergoing evolutionary developments since it foundation in 2000, and so it will do the next following years. Retrospectively seen, the project represents the attempt to establish a new kind of Wilfried’s memory & identity via art, after both were erased as the result of the coma 1998/99. When Wilfried created and established “ Agricola de Cologne” as his new identity, he was playing “GOD” like a child in a sandpit , but many years afterwards, it will become obvious that the previous Wilfried, who had died on 31 December 1998, was, although completely different, the same as after the new creation – at least, others told him so.

1 February 2009

Today, MidEast CUT Film Festival scheduled the screening of Wilfried’s video “One Day on Mars” at Kunsthallen Nikolaj in Kopenhagen/Denmark, which is reflecting his visit in Bethlehem/ Palestine 2005.

He perpetuated with his camera an extraordinary historical moment, when the wall which the Israeli were erecting to separate Israeli from Palestinian territory, was not complete, yet, and Palestinians were expelled from the homeland. A human being is obliged to spend at least one day in his lifetime on Mars. Mars the red desert planet, Mars the god of war. Mars can be anywhere, any place which is identified with the inhuman, violence, hate, rage, revenge and despair.
1 February 2012

Today, BEFF 06 – Bangkok Experimental Film Festival is presenting a program of experimental videos extracted from CologneOFF – Cologne International Videoart Festival at the venue “Goethe Institute Bangkok”. Since 2000, Thailand had been the place for non-native initiatives to organise international media art festivals, at first in Chiang-Mai an university city in the NORTH and later Bangkok – confronting the exotic local culture and the Eastern philosophy with the Western way of life via the use of new media which were – material & immaterial alike, but to whom all this was addressed to, besides of being a party venue? Had it a sustainable effect on the perception of the Thai population on art in general, and digital art in particular?

As the CologneOFF festival director and curator of the selection of videos to be presented, Wilfried likes the creative tension between different poles – but he is also aware that he will reach always only a marginal share of educated people.

See the complete program

a complemetary NewMediaFest2020 selection


Pat Badani (USA) – Al Grano : Corn Regime, 2011, 7:37
Anthony Askew (Malta) – Brief notes on being in a pistachio orchard, 2011, 3:43
Adele Rackövi (Austria) – CRoAX-evoluting errors, 2012, 4:00
Daan Bunnik (Netherlands) – Skin Feels, 2012, 5:49
Hou Chien Cheng (Taiwan) – You Are My Translator for Nothing, 2010; 3:13
Emanuela Iorga (Moldova) – My Jazz, 2011, 3:20
Trang Nguyen (Vietnam) – Lottoboy, 2005, 2:24
Hugo Burgos (Ecuador) – Major Matter, 2012, 1:24

Jonathan Minard and James George (USA) – Clouds, 2012, 5:29
QNQ/AUJIK (Sweden) – Cathexis, 2012, 20:00
Adrian Zalewski (Poland) – Where, 2012, 3:21