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01 March 2020

Videoart feature
Rhineland artists

On 01 March 2020, WOW Jubilee 2020 took place at Halle Zollstock Cologne. Letitia Gaba and Wilfried arrived already on 12h in order to prepare the even starting on 14h.

It was as a nice improvised event, as Wilfried had in mind. Some of the local artists joint. – Irena Paskali, a media artist living in Cologne, but originating from Macedonia. She had participated for the first time already in 2001, but Wilfried had never her met before, Enoh Lienemann, living in Krefeld, participating in Refugee Film Collection since 2017, and Kai Welf Hoyme also living in Cologne, who participated in CologneOFF in 2010 for the first time, he was the only one whom he had met previously several times.

projection of the video program featuring artists from the Rhineland region
It was Sunday afternoon, and some young families from the quater arround Halle Zollstock came to have a coffee at the bar. Obviously many visitors were not accustomed to take a seat and watch the video programs running on the installed laptops, on the other hand when the even started on 14 h, the sun was shining and this had a negative influence on the image quality of the projection. Later, when it started to rain, the light condition were perfect. The local newspapers – Kölner Stadtanzeiger” and “Kölnische Rundschau” had sent their reporters who were interviewing Wilfried and Letitia Gaba. Although the outside temperature was quite reasonable, but standing more than four hours on the icecold concrete ground, at the end, on 19h nobody could stand the cold anylonger!

Kai Welf Hoyme, Irena Paskali, Wilfried Agricola de Cologne, Enoh Lienemann

3 programs featuring a selection from “The 7 Memorials for Humanity” were installed on 3 laptops

Halle Zollstock – outside/inside

a complementary video selection

Irena Paskali (Macedonia) – 2202m, 2018, 2:36
Kai Welf Hoyme (D) – Nocturn, 2012, 3:58
Karl F. Stewart (Germany) – I Don’t Need Their Voices, 2014, 00.05.30
Enoh Lienemann (Germany) – In My Head, 2015, 6`34 min
Kristina Kanders (Germany) – Human Rights, 2011, 4:20
Myriam Thyes (Switzerland) – Global Vulva, 2009, 6:20
Beate Gördes (Germany) – Been a war child / Kriegskind gewesen, 2014, 3:22
Johanna Reich (Germany) – A State of Crystal, 2010, 3’19
Robert Olawuyi (Hungary) – Freedom is.., 2014, 4:14
Wilfried Agricola de Cologne (Germany) – Silent Cry, 2008, 3:40

and additional fotos by Enoh Lienemann

Wilfried talking to Irena Paskali & Kai Welf Hoyme
Wilfried talking to Kai Welf Hoyme

some more fotos by Letitia Gaba

group of artists – including Kai welf Hoyme, wilfried Agricola de Cologne, Irena Paskali, Enoh Lienemann

posing for a group foto

Wilfried Agricola de Cologne – finally sitting

Exhibition of grafics anf fotos by Letitia Gaba and Irena Paskali

projection video – Global Vulva by Myriam Thyes

projection – video “Embracement by Lital Dotan & Eyal Perry

Projection – video “Comes From Outside” by Jasmine Kainy

Schedule for 01 March

  • •FILE – Electronic Language Festival Rio de Janeiro/Brazil 26/02-29/03 2008
  • •Art Of Emergency – Artneuland Gallery Berlin/G – 5 Feb-15 March 2009
  • •Fundación Luis Seoane, La Coruña: 20 February – 20 March –“Violencia sin cuerpos”
  • •Mediateca -CaixaForum-, Barcelona 14 February – 7 April – “Violencia sin cuerpos”
  • •(6th) Media Arts Festival, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography 27 Feb to 9 March
  • •Al Kahf Art Gallery Bethlehem/Palestine – [R][R][F] 2005–>XP 17 February – 14 March – 2005
  • •Festival Audiovisual Zemos98_7 Sevilla/Spain 1-6 March 2005
  • •Guildford Lane Gallery. Melbourne, Australia – 25 Feb – 8 March 2009
  • •MAC – Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Fe/Argentina -10 December 2006 – 7 March 2007