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02 March 2005 / 2006

Videoart feature

Today, Wilfried is holding his lecture at Camera Obscura School of Art in Tel-Aviv. It is his 4th lecture while he is visiting at first Bethlehem in Palestina (14 -19 February 2005) lecture at Cathlolic University Bethlehem on 16 February & International Center on 19 February, and afterwards in Israel Jerusalem (20-23 February 2005) – Musrara Media Art Academy – 22 February, und finally Tel-Aviv (24 February- 4 March 2005) – lecture at Camera Obscura School of Art – 02 March 2005.
Before it was so far, Wilfried was visiting together with his host in Tel-Aviv, Ariel Yannay Shani- during the week-end the Dead Sea and Masada, the fortification where during the Jewish War 74 p.C. the last Jews had found a shelter and committed collective suicide in order to prevent their surrender to the Romans. It is a wonderful wild landscape, holy and full of violence alike, the view from Masada is going deeply into Jordan on the opposite of the Dead Sea.

Wilfried @ the Dead Sea 2005

In Tel-Aviv, Wilfried met diverse artists who participated later in his projects, among them – Tamar Schori, Mushon Zer-Aviv, Oren Ben Yosef, Adina Bar-On

a complementary video selection including

Jasmine Kainy (Israel) – Comes from Outside, 2011, 3:35
Tagit Klimor (Israel)- Fcity, 2011, 4:50
Yoav Peled (Israel) – My Own Private Israel, 2012, 4:15 min
Eitan Vitkon (Israel) – Convergeance, 2011, 1:17
Miri Nishri (Israel – Who is Miri Nishri, 2008, 9:40
Tammy Mike Laufer (Israel) – Visions of Another War, 2009, 2:15
Shahar Marcus (Israel) – Still Burning, 2010, 3:02
Masha Yosefpolsky (Israel) – Noli Me Tangere, 2008, 6:20
Guli Silberstein (UK/Israel) – Disturbdance, 2012, 3:25
Yuval Yairi & Zohar Kawaharada (Israel) – Land, 2013, 4:36


Today 2 March 2006, Wilfried is flying over to Ankara, at least virtually, where his videos – “Truth -Paradise Found” and “Message from Behind A Wall” are participating in “Metu Video Festival” – organised by METU University Ankara. Scheduled actually for 2005, due to the lack of funding the festival had been moved to 2-4 March 2006. —> see also the PDF catalogue

Schedule for 02 March

  • •FILE – Electronic Language Festival Rio de Janeiro/Brazil 26/02-29/03 2008
  • •Art Of Emergency – Artneuland Gallery Berlin/G – 5 Feb-15 March 2009
  • •Fundación Luis Seoane, La Coruña: 20 February – 20 March –“Violencia sin cuerpos”
  • •Mediateca -CaixaForum-, Barcelona 14 February – 7 April – “Violencia sin cuerpos”
  • •(6th) Media Arts Festival, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography 27 Feb to 9 March
  • •Generation Loss Festival – 02-28 March 2012
  • •Al Kahf Art Gallery Bethlehem/Palestine – [R][R][F] 2005–>XP 17 February – 14 March – 2005