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4 June 2013

video feature
International Short Film Festival
Valparaiso /Chile
Proceso de Error Festival

This article is demonstrating, that Wilfried is on its way for incredible records. His jumps during the past months through time & space are most impressing – from one venue to another- from one continent to another – from one art genre to another – and, from one project to another. Yesterday on its way as a promissing netartist.Today, he is presenting one of his artistic curatorial compositions on two continents – jumping from Germany, the provincial town of Detmold, hosting Detmold International Shortfilm Festival , a renown shortfilm festival as a forum for presenting Wilfried’s curated selection from CologneOFF VII – Art & the City, to South America, to the beautiful place at the Pacific Ocean – Valparaiso (the valley of the paradise), in fact a kind of suburb of Chile’s capital, Santiago de Chile, where a festival of experimental film by name “Proceso de Error” – established two years ago, and Wilfried is participating in the 3rd festival edition, presenting a selection of experimental animations.


CologneOFF 2013 Germany @

Detmold International Shortfilm Festival – 31 May- 9 June 2013

CologneOFF 2013 Germany
CologneOFF – Cologne International Videoart Festival
@ Detmold International Shortfilm Festival
31 May- 9 June 2013

Cologne Art & Moving Images Awards
CologneOFF – Cologne International Videoart Festival
Art & the City – CologneOFF VII
Selection curated and coordinated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

List of videos/Liste der Videos

Mattias Härenstam (Sweden) – Closed Circuit, 2011, 3:01
Albert Merino (Spain) – The City and The Other, 2010, 3:09
Yuriy Kruchak, Yulia Kostereva (UA) – The 7th of November, 2009, 3:36
Sarah Mock (Germany) – Is there a Way Out, 2011, 3:47
Francesca Fini (Italy) – Oasis in the Desert, 2010, 5:00
Johanna Reich ( Germany) – A State of Crystal, 2010, 3’19
My Name is Scot (Canada) – Independance, 2011, 7:56
Liu Wei (China) – Hopeless Land, 2009, 7:28
Ana Brotas (Portugal ) – Okupa, 2009, 2:14,
Shahar Marcus (Israel) – Leap of Faith, 2010, 3:02
Marko Batista (Slovenia) – The Machine of Memory, 2008, 1:29


CologneOFF 2016 Chile @

“Proceso de Error” – 3rd International Experimental Video Festival

CologneOFF 2016 Chile
@ Proceso de Error – 3rd International Experimental Video Festival
31 May – 4 June 2016

Intro trailer

Special screening on 19 May 2016
Titel of screening program

Once Upon A Time
curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne


Francesca Fini (Italy) – Dadaloop, 2015, 10:00
Francois Knoetze (South Africa) – CAPE MONGO – Plastic, 2015, 5:00
Dee Hood (USA) – Parallel, 2010, 2:44
Sergio Sotomayor (Spain) – Quantum, 2009, 3:13
QNQ/AUJIK (Sweden/Japan) – Impermanence Trajectory, 2013, 07:00
Kristina Frank, & Mervi Kekarainen (Sweden) – 2 Rabbits, 2015, 09:18
Shuai Cheng Pu (Taiwan) – Still Here, 2010, 4:50
Karolien Soete (Belgium) – Tempus Fugit , 2013, 3:53
Mani Mehrvarz (Iran) – Wistful Affection For The Past, 2013, 3:06
Max Hattler (Germany) – Spin, 2010, 3:55

Curatorial statement
By Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

“Once Upon A Time” – many fairytales are beginning like that, and indeed the metaphoric character of the videos deal with time manifested in collective and individual memory.
As the representative of the “Present”, the artist is bridging the gap from the “Past” to the “Future” – experimenting with the processes of “new” media languages – intellectually, ideologically and emotionally from distance and deep affection alike, sometimes controversy, contradictory and critical, generating – the absurd! Like no other art medium, the time based medium of video is predestined to experience these processes on different levels of perception.

The curatorial concept would like to present “diversity” to the audience: the selection of 10 short art films, each one with a different duration and experimental approach, created by 10 individual artists from 10 different countries and cultural backgrounds, eg. Francesca Fini (Italy), Francois Knoetze (South Africa) Dee Hood (USA), Sergio Sotomayor (Spain), QNQ/Aujik (Sweden/Japan), Kristina Frank & Mervi Kekarainen (Sweden), Shuai Cheng Pu (Taiwan), Karolien Soete (Belgium), Mani Mehrvarz (Iran) and Max Hattler (Germany).

Schedule for -4 June 2020

  • •Israeli Center for Digital Art Holon/Israel – 16 April – 16 July 2005
  • •SENEF – Seoul Festival for Internet & Film – 01 May -01 July 2005
  • •Fonlad – Digital Art Show – Quarteirão das Artes Montemor-o-Velho (Portugal) – 5 May – 15 July 2007
  • •Electrocuciones – El Foro de Pozuelo Madrid – 18 May – 5 June 2010
  • •A Virtual Memorial Riga 2012 – 1-30 June 2012
  • Intro Out – Digital Art Festival Thessaloniki/Greece digital videos – 1-8 June 2006 –
  • “Proceso de Error” – 3rd International Experimental Video Festival Valparaiso/Chile – 31 May – 4 June 2016
  • Detmold International Shortfilm Festival – 31 May- 9 June 2013