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26 November 2011

video feature


Today, it’s again a Marathon race – at first to Cuba – Camaguey Videoart Festival in 2011 (jump from Mexico City) – in 2008 to Cordoba/Spain – Art Tech Media Conference Cordoba, – in 2006 to Berlin where Artneuland Gallery is opening the exhibition “Videoneuland”, – in 2003 to Vienna where the Kunsthalle at Karlsplatz is presenting “Moving Media Multiplicator Vienna “, – and in 2015 to Lisbon where InShadow Festival is presenting the CologneOFF screening prpgram “Appassionata”. Fortunately, these events are not taking place in the same year, sothat Wilfried is able this time to attend all of them!

CologneOFF @ International Videoart Festival Camaguey


CologneOFF 2011 Cuba
@ International Videoart Festival Camaguey – 25 Nov – 2 Dec 2011

Cologne International Videoart Festival
is happy to announce

CologneOFF 2011 Cuba
@ International Videoart Festival Camaguey 25-29 Nov 2011

presenting a selection from
CologneOFF VII – Art & the City: Mirrors
curated by Agricola de Cologne

This selection includes videos from the 7th CologneOFF festival edition to be launched in September 2011. “Art & the City” – is the title of a series of selections dealing with the urban context and how artists reflect and experience it – as a machine producing continuously memory, as a mysterious, frightening, absurd, creative or hopeless environment – once initiated now endlessly looping like a perpetuum mobile.

Agricola de Cologne and other participants

Ramon Suau Lleal (Spain) – Hoax, 2010, 4:23
Johanna Reich (Germany) – A State of Crystal, 2010, 3’19
Mattias Härenstam (Sweden) – Closed Circuit, 2011, 3:01
Shahar Marcus (Israel) – Leap of Faith, 2010, 3:02
Sarah Mock (Germany) – Is there a way out, 2011, 3 :47
Albert Merino (Spain) – The City and The Other, 2010, 3:09
Francesca Fini (Italy) – Oasis in The Desert, 2010, 5:05
Yuriy Kruchak, Yulia Kostereva (Ukraine) – The 7th of November, 2009, 3:36
Ana Brotas (Portugal) – Okupa, 2009, 2:14
Ezra Wube (Ethiopia) – Amora, 2011, 2:26
Liu Wei (China) – Hopeless Land, 2009, 7:28
Andrew Fedak (USA) – Orange County Surreality, 2011, 3:00
My Name is Scot (Canada) – Independance, 2011, 7:57

Download now the new PDF catalogue for the details

CologneOFF7 PDF catalogue CologneOFF 2011 Mexico & Cuba – 10 November – 2 December 2011



Art Tech Media Cordoba ’08
Art Tech Media Cordoba ’08 – 25-27 November 2008 – Cordoba/Spain


Artneuland Berlin
Artneuland Gallery Berlin/Germany – 25 November 2006 -24 February 2007- video: Message from behind a Wall
Artneuland Gallery Berlin/Germany – 05 February 2009 -15 March 2009- video: One Day on Mars

View the streaming video, participating in “Videoland” exhibtion
Wilfried Agricola de Cologne – Message from Behind A Wall, 2005, 10:00


Today, 18 January 2007, the show “VideoLand” is running already since 11 December 2006 at Artneuland in Berlin – a new center for a “trialogue” between the big cultures/religions/ideologies – Christianity, Islam and Judaism.

Read the article about Artneuland Berlin

I was attending the opening of the first show at Artneuland, because I was one of the participating artists, and I wanted to meet Yael Katz Ben Shalom, the founder of Artneuland Tel-Aviv in 2002 and now of the new galleryin Berlin, after I met her earlier in 2006 personally in Tel-Aviv for the 1st time.

Yael Katz Ben Shalom @ Artneuland Berlin 2006

I never met a charismatic person before with such a power of enthusiasm and intelligence jumping really out of her eyes, really good eyes, if the eyes really are the mirror of the soul, I would like to be surrounded just with such people like Yael.

Yael Katz Ben Shalom & Peter Sloterdijk @ Artneuland Berlin 2006

I am so proud to be part of two shows at Artneuland, but obviously her way as a mediator – which is underlined by the fact that she was bringing together the most important philosophers and thinkers of our time, like Peter Sloterdijk – was not loved by all people, one day during the following years, this wonderful place Artneuland – was closed and Yael Katz Ben Shalom simply left Berlin nearly without leaving any trace – had she given up all her wonderful ideas?

Artneuland Opening
Artneuland – Videoland PDF catalogue

NewMediaFest2020 – would like to honour this outstanding person, much more such persons would be needed in our current completely disorientated world, and I would not be afraid of the future of mankind of our globe.

As an artist and curator myself, it was my aim – similiar like Yael – always to bring people from different cultures, religions or social backgrounds together via art. I am really happy and proud that and how these ideas were supported by those artists who decided to submit, contribute and participate in my projects – it is an equal-minded spirit deeply rooted in the human values, but like Yael also I experienced, that there are other people who do not appreciate such concepts.

These days while the exhibition was running in Berlin had an encouraging effect on me to start later another project as a contribution to a reconciliation between Jews and Germans by founding in 2009 the engaged project context – “Draft title: Shoah” – reacting on the uprising anti-Semitism in Germany and worldwide, and as a result of it I released in January 2010 – Shoah Film Collection, which will be honoured in following diary articles.

Artneuland’s new exhibition project – ART OF EMERGENCY – opened by Yael Katz Ben Shalom on 5 February 2009 @ Artneuland e.V., Schumannstraße 18, 10117 Berlin and running until 15 March 2009 – initiated in the framework of its cultural, social, and political engagement, as another exhibition context for artists who care about the mutual tragedy of the people in the Middle East. Wilfried is participating with his video


Participating creators – Hannan Abu Hussein & Haim Adri, Agricola de Cologne, Cheb M. Kammerer & Sharon Horodi, Guy Raz, Werkstadt Graz, Hannan Abu-Hussein, Stephan Weitzel, Heike Barndt
Performers: Dovrat Ana Meron, Tiefenrauschorchester and Razia Mizrahi (Dragonfly duo)
And artists: Adam Nankervis, Al Fadhil, Ala Al-Baba, Alexander Callsen, Amer Shomali, Amit Epstein, Amnon Friedmann, Ana Bilankov, Anat Behrman, Andrea Huyoff, Andrea Lange, Anette Urbanski, Angela Bergling, Annett Kuhlmann, Ariel Reichman, Aurore Reinicke, Bärbel Möllmann & Julia Gerlach, Benita S., Benjamin Heine, Benoit Géhanne, Benoit Singy, Benyamin Reich, Bilu Blich, Cheb Kammerer & Sharon Horodi, Christian de Lutz, Christof Schröter, Christoph Kasten, Claude Delmas, Dan Reisner, Daniel Jackson, Dorit Feldman, Dotan & Perry, Dovrat Ana Meron, Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung, Eitan Vitkon, Eliahu Gal-Or, Felix Koltermann, France Lerner, Gili Avissar, Guy Raz, Hanan Abu Hussein, Hasan Elahi, Heike Barndt, Heiko Daxl & Ingeborg Fülepp, Helly Mizrai, Ilana Lewitan, Inga Fonar Cocos, Jan Krayyem, Jasmin Gershony-Geyer, Javier Rodriguez, Joachim Behnke, Jonathan Acker, Joseph Semah, Karen Gillerman Harel, Karol Slowik, Keren Amiran & Tal Ben Amar, Lea Golda Holterman, Leah Elsey & Sonia Uddin, Leo Königsberg, Levy Shimon, Li Koelan, Lody Mewa & Tomasz Tarczynski, Marco Giani, Martin Hoffmann, Michael Igudin, Michaela Strumberger, Michal Dudek, Michal Fuhrer, Michal Yehezkel, Moshi Gitelis, Nadav Assor, Necmi Aydin, Neus Pastor, Nicola Rubinstein, Nir Kafri, Norma Drimmer, Orit Ishay, Pedro Balbás, Pip Brant, Rafi Műnz, Rainer Rehfeld, Rakefet Viner Omer, Razia Mizrahi, Rei Dishon, Reuven Zahavi, Revital Cohen, Rinat Reisner, Ron Golz, Ronen Siman Tov, Roy Mordechay, Sabine Schiffer, Salam Diab, Sarawut Chutiwongpeti, Sharon Paz, Shimon Palombo, Shira Richter, Shira Wachsmann, Stephan Weitzel, Stephana Schmidt, Tanya Ury, Thomas Müller, Tim Deussen, Tobias Becker, Toufic Beyhum, Ülkü Bal, Uri Bar-on, Varda Getzow, Wilmar König, Wolf Abraham, Yudith Schreiber, and Zari Harat.


Moving Media Multiplicator Vienna
Urban.early sunday morning_raw, 2002, 4:40
video based on a poetic text by Agricola de Cologne inspired by the Central Station of Milan

En[code]ed, 2008, 5:00
Digital video inspired by a visit of Thessaloniki.
The work describes the principle of “code” or “coding” in form of an allegory, a metaphoric story as a ritual of meeting, dominating and resigning. The code is identified as a state of the static, dogmatic and conservative, which asks for obedience, but gives no chance to escape.

*Moving Media Multiplicator Vienna (Austria) 2003


CologneOFF @ InShadow Festival Lisbon

CologneOFF 2015 Portugal II
@ InShadow Festival Lisbon
26 Nov -6. Dec 2015


CologneOFF 2015 Portugal

CologneOFF – Cologne International Videoart Festival
@ InShadow – International Performance Festival Lisbon
26 Nov – 6 Dec 2015

The best of videoperformance
curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne in collaboration with
City Breath Festival / Letters from the Sky curated by Kai Lossgott (Capetown/RSA)

List of videos

Louise Coetzer (RSA) – Dead Air, 2011, 5:12
Vibeke Bertelsen & Frederik Hilmer (Denmark) – Transient and Luminous, 2012, 4.04 min
Sara Holwerda (USA) – Chair Dance, 2012, 6:26
Khanyisile Mbongwa, James Taylor (RSA) – Fragmented, 4’53”, 2009
Agnes Pettersen (Norway) – All the Dreams, 2013, 12:31
Yuri Pirondi & Ines Von Bonhorst (UK) – Emergencia, 2012, 10
Damian Gromala (Poland) – PsychoKinetic, 2014, 5:11
Raquel Claudino (Spain) – Sing The Sand Into Pearls, 2014, 13:05
Meritxell Aumedes (Sweden) – mindsight, 2014, 06:39

Wilfried Agricola De Cologne
will attend InShadow Festival Lisbon between 2 and 6 December and hold a masterclass on Friday, 4 December 2015, 11.30h @ ETIC – ESCOLA DE TECNOLOGIAS, INOVAÇÃO E CRIAÇÃO Lisbon

Schedule for – 26 November

  • Biennale 3000 Sao Paulo by Fred Forest MAC – Contemporary Art Museum Sao Paulo – 7 October – 15 December 2006
  • *MICROPOLIS – International contest for Digital Film & Video Athens/Greece- 30 November -20 January 2006
  • *Centre d’Art la Panera, Lleida/Spain: 3 – 29 November -*”Violencia sin cuerpos”
  • VideoBabel Festival Cusco/Peru – 24-30 November 2015
  • VideoBabel – International Audiovisual Festival – 24 November – 19 December 2014
  • VideoBabel – Videoart festival Cuzco/Peru – 25 Nov-19 Dec 2013
  • InShadow – International Performance Festival Lisbon 26 Nov – 6 Dec 2015
  • International Videoart Festival Camaguey – 25 Nov – 2 Dec 2011
  • Art Tech Media Cordoba ’08 – 25-27 November 2008 – Cordoba/Spain
  • Artneuland Gallery Berlin/Germany – 25 November 2006 -24 February 2007