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27 November 2014

video feature


Carnival of e-Creativity

CeC – Carnival of e-Creativity
CeC ~ The Carnivals of e-Creativity
[presented by The Academy of Experimental Arts, India, 2006-2016] 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 ] 2015 | 2016
CeC (pronounced “Sek’) was a series of 10 annual incidents intended to collectively seek out, manifest, learn from, connect with, and enjoy, a studied broad canvas of cutting-edge participation & content from India and the world, addressing Experimental Creativity, and the Creative Empowerment of Individuals being wrought by the burgeoning spread of Technology across multiple streams of human endeavour.
With various component parts to it, CeC was always a public incident played out across several congruent venues through a Friday-Saturday-Sunday 2006-2016 (skipping 2014 though, when we were building a foundation upon which to migrate it from Sattal to Shillong).
Whereas CeC was developed and driven by The Academy of Electronic Arts, the first three iterations were co-presented and also hosted by India International Centre- as CeC & CaC (pronounced “Sek & Sak”) – in New Delhi, after which it moved to the Lower Himalay of Kumaon/Uttarakhand 2009-2013, and then to Shillong/Meghalaya 2015-2016.
The series proceeded in a continuum subject to evolutionary flux, with each iteration eventually belonging to it’s Primary Participants,.. some of whom directly or indirectly also co-curated later iterations.
The two documentary films embedded below are representative of incidents from the series in Delhi and Sattal respectively.

CeC – Carnival of e-Creativity by Shankar Barua and the 12 colllaborations between 2006 and 2016 will be honoured in 2021 by installing a permanent space at – ALPHABET – the new art centre @ The New Museum of Networked Art

CologneOFF @ RIA - The Research & Innovation Ashram - 2

CologneOFF 2014 India
@ RIA Guwahati/India
28 November 2014

CologneOFF 2014 India

CologneOFF X
Mixed & Alienated
curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
@ RIA Guwahati – The Research & Innovation Ashram

28 November 2014

List of videos

Brit Bunkley (NZ) – By Blood and Water, By Blood and Sand, 2014, 5:37
Heidi Kumao (USA) –Swollowed Whole, 2014, 3:53
Karolien Soete (Belgium) – Tempus Fugit , 2013, 3:53
Ezra Wube (Ethiopia) – Kaled, 2014, 6:10
Rick Fisher (Canada) – Arcadia, 2014, 4:49
Edward Ramsay-Morin (USA) – As Dreams Sometimes Do, 2013, 3: 19
Ben Grosser (USA) – Computers Watching Movies, 2013, 7:51
Jose Vieira (Portugal) – The Great Builder, 2013, 1:38
John Graham (Canada) – Move, 2011, 7:48
Francesca Leoni (italy) – D (mov#2), 2013, 3:15
Cinzia Sarto (Italy) – Disquiet, 2013, 3:13

Igor Krasik (Germany) – Breakadventure , 2014, 1:18
Mani Mehrvarz (Iran) – Wistful Affection For The Past, 2013, 3:06
Dustin Morrow (UK) – Ground London, 2013, 7:41
Maria Korporal (Netherlands) – {Naked}, 2012, 4:01
Kai Welf Hoyme (Germany) – Nocturn, 2012, 3:58
Che-Yu Hsiu (Taiwan) – November 11th 1970, 2012, 8:01
Adriano Vesicchelli (Italy) – Agent of Chaos, 2014, 3:51
Marina Fomenko (Russia) – Not Water, 2014, 4:44
Elisabeth Leister (USA) – Strange Loop, 2014, 6.45
Filip Gabriel Pudło (Poland) – Operation Castle, 2013, 4.20
Carlo Sampiero (Italy/USA) – TAMBURINE BUTTOCKS, 2012, 2:10
vvitalny (Tusia Dabrowska & Clara Inés Schuhmacher) (USA) – In Peru, 2013, 3:05

Atom Samit (Spain) – Disappear, 2014, 3:26
Marcantonio Lunardi (Italy) – 370 New World, 2014, 5:08
Gabriele Tosi (Italy) – The Extreme Challenge, 2014, 4:56
Weigang Song (China) – Walling Dissensus, 2014, 5:01
Francesca Fini (Italy) – White Sugar, 2013, 13:00
Cristina Pavesi (Italy) – Giallo, 2014, 4:00
SinQuenza (Spain) – Exotic Shadow in a Shadow, 2013, 2.15
Mauricio Sanhueza (Peru) – Copycat, 2013, 8:12
Michael Gaddini (Italy) – “My TV Heart”, 2013, 7:40

CologneOFF @ RIA - The Research & Innovation Ashram - 1

CologneOFF 2014 India
1#minuteCOLOGNE (2013)
Cologne One Minute Film Festival
Curated by Wilfried Agricola De Cologne
19 April 2014
Screening & Natter on Good Friday,
@ The Research & Innovation Ashram, Guwahati/india

Here’s the listing of works:

1. Helena Alvesalo (Sweden) – Microfilm 5, 2012, 1:00
2. Fabrizio Bellomo (Italy) – the most beautiful views of Milan, 2011,1:00
3. Ali Ahmed Brohi (Pakistan) – Innocent Dream, 2011, 1:00
4. Ana Henriques Brotas/Joana Gomes dos Santos (Portugal) – ABC Whistling, 2012, 1:00
5. Zlatko Cosic (Bosnia) – 180, 2012, 1:00
6. Carlos Cruz Martinez (Mexico) – Supernatural, 2012, 1:00
7. Josh Bricker (USA) – Deterrance machine, 2012, 1:00
8. Bill Domonkos (USA) – Quantum Harmonic Oscillator, 2012, 1:00
9. George Dorobantu (Romania) – Beyond, 2011, 1:00
10. Fatima Fakih and Owen Eric Wood (Canada) – Scarves, 2012, 1:00
11. Tamta Gabrichidze (Georgia) – Lady Inmate, 2012, 1:00
12. Osmara Lorena Gámez Ramírez (Mexico) – Exit, 2012, 1:00
13. Silvia De Gennaro (Italy) – Interrupted Thought, 2012,1:00
14. Roser Teresa Gerona Ribas (Spain) – Measuring Art, 2012, 1:00
15. Aris Gkertsos (Greece) – Finally We Met, 2010, 1:00
16. Bilsu Hacar (Turkey) – Keep My Pic Sister, 2012, 1:00
17. Drew Hamilton (USA) – The Street Corner Project, 2012, 1:00
18. Mohammed Harb (Palestine) – Daeth Tunnel, 2012, 1:00
19. Saana Inari Lähteenmäki (Finland) – Sparrow Flock, 2012, 1:00
20. Filip Jacobson (Poland) – Is it the end?, 2012, 1:00
21. Zikica Jovanovic (Serbia) – Dandelion, 2011, 1:00
22. Ursa Kastelic (Slovenia) – Last Minute, 2012, 1:00
23. George Krastev (Bulgaria) – Restore of the Summer, 2011, 1:00
24. Tammy Mike Laufer (Israel) – Touch the Fame, 2012, 1:00
25. Basir Mahmood (Pakistan) – Dot in the Line, 2012,1:00
26. Mikael Muraz (France) – Hangar, 2012, 1:00
27. Cristina Pavesi (Italy) – Night Lights, 2012,1:00
28. Diogo Pessoa de Andrade (Portugal) – Gesture of Love, 2012, 1:00
29. Tatiana and Olga Poliektovi (Russia) – Inspiration, 2012, 1:00
30. Benjamin Poynter (USA) – The Issue With Fantasy, 2011, 1:00
31. Roland Quelven (France) – Roja Catharsis, 2009, 1:00
32. Lino Strangis (Italy) – A sense of not to be, 2012, 1:00
33. Karin Till (Australia) – Within/Without, 2012, 1:00
34. Myriam Thyes (Ch/Lu) – Janus Goddess Flies over Malta, 2010, 1:00
35. Ariadni Vezyroglou (USA) – Hey There!, 2012, 1:00
36. vjsuave (Brazil) – La Cena, 2012, 1:00
37. Angela Washko (USA) – Give Stripes, Pretty Khaki, 2010, 1:00
38. Roland Wegerer (Austria) – Perfect wave, 2012, 1:00
39. MARIUSZ WIRSKI (Poland) – Performance, 2011, 1:00
40. Tatyana Zambrano (Colombia) – Encoder, 2012, 1:00
41. Monika Zywer (Poland) – The Cat Song, 2011, 1:00

RIA Guwahati – The Research & Innovation Ashram

Schedule for – 26 November

  • Biennale 3000 Sao Paulo by Fred Forest MAC – Contemporary Art Museum Sao Paulo – 7 October – 15 December 2006
  • *MICROPOLIS – International contest for Digital Film & Video Athens/Greece- 30 November -20 January 2006
  • *Centre d’Art la Panera, Lleida/Spain: 3 – 29 November -*”Violencia sin cuerpos”
  • VideoBabel Festival Cusco/Peru – 24-30 November 2015
  • VideoBabel – International Audiovisual Festival – 24 November – 19 December 2014
  • VideoBabel – Videoart festival Cuzco/Peru – 25 Nov-19 Dec 2013
  • InShadow – International Performance Festival Lisbon 26 Nov – 6 Dec 2015
  • International Videoart Festival Camaguey – 25 Nov – 2 Dec 2011
  • Art Tech Media Cordoba ’08 – 25-27 November 2008 – Cordoba/Spain
  • Artneuland Gallery Berlin/Germany – 25 November 2006 -24 February 2007