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19 April 2012

Festival Internacional de la Imagen Manizales/Colombia
ArtChSo Festival 2011 – 2012


Today 19 April 2012, Wilfried is jumping over the Atlantic ocean in order to attend the CologneOFF screening on 19h local time @ Festival de la Imagen, a prestigeous media art festival organized by Universidad de Caldas in Manizales/Colombia. Wilfried is presenting “The Best of ..CologneOFF VII – Art & the City – a topic which always fits best in the overcrowded South American cities.
The University of Manizales is usually organizing additionally an international symposium around the new digital image in art, technology and society.

Festival de la Imagen - CologneOFF streaming program
CologneOFF 2012 Colombia
@ Festival Internacional de la Imagen
16-20 April 2012

Festival program as PDF

Screening on 19 April 2012 – 16h-18h
@ C.C.C. Teatro Los Fundadores
Museo de Arte de Caldas
Calle 33 Carrera 22 / Tel: 878 25 30
Sala Olimpia

Art & the City
The Best of CologneoFF VII
a special selection curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

Johanna Reich ( Germany) – A State of Crystal, 2010, 3’19
Francesca Fini (Italy) – Oasis in the Desert, 2010, 5:00
Matthias Härenstam (Sweden) – Closed Circuit, 2011, 3:01
Albert Merino (Spain) – The City and The Other, 2010, 3:09
Sarah Mock (Germany) – Is there a Way Out, 2011, 3:47
Yuriy Kruchak, Yulia Kostereva (Ukraine) – The 7th of November, 2009, 3:36
My Name is Scot (Canada) – Independance, 2011, 7:56
Liu Wei (China) – Hopeless Land, 2009, 7:28
Cinzia Sarto (Italy) – Dirty Vacation, 2005, 7:00
Oksana Chepelyk (Ukraine) – Urban Multimedia Utopia: 10:00, 2002
Ramon Suau Lleal (Spain) – Hoax, 2010, 4:23


Today, Wilfried would like to spotlight a cultural phenomenon in France – the decentralization. During centuries France was rules centralized from Paris as the capital -differently to Germany, which is existing in the current form only since 1949 – and additionally ruled according to the federal structures of the German constitution. When people were speaking of French culture it was always meant “Paris”, France was identified with its capital, the rest of the country wasn’t that relevant. But since the European Union is existing, the regions- thus, decentralized structures get more relevance, also in France, motivating the capitals of each of the numeous French departments to develop regional culture and art – cities like Lyon, Nancy, Lille, Clermont Ferrand, Toulouse, Grenoble, Mulhouse or Rennes were opening important cultural institutions, many initiatives started in France from the provincial areas. In previous articles, Videoformes Festival from Clermont-Ferrand, Video Festivals from Toulouse and Lyon were spotlighted where Wilfried was participating as a video creator and curator. This article is focussing on the
ArtChSo Festival in Rennes
(Bretagne) taking place in 2011 (18 March – 1 April) and 2012 ( 26 April-9 May), taking place not at a central venue, but diffenerent small venues all over the town, partially installed in street windows of stores, so it is the aim to bring videoart to the audience instead of waiting that the audience is attending an event at a certain central venue, so the organizer are following democratocized decetrally orientated concepts. Art is understood not as a kind of luxury good for privilegded people, but as a part of an open culture. These ideas are very sympathic, but they are representing also a logistic, technical and conceptual challenge, that’s probaly why after 2012 this festival idea wasn’t continued.

ArtChSo Festival Rennes 2011 - Focus: Asia

CologneOFF 2011 -Rennes

ARTCHSO Festival Rennes 2011
18 March – 1 April 2011

Special Selection
Title: ASIAN Focus I & II
Near East – Far East

Short statement
As complex as Asia is in its geographical and cultural structures, as complex is also how artists from those countries use video as a way of expressing artistically their individual identity. Therefore also different approaches can be found how they are dealing with experimenting and defining what they feel would be an experiment. They do it from their different cultural, religious, historical and social background in contents and the use of moving images. Obviously, the selected artists of “Near East” transport basically political messages telling about such complicated political and economical living circumstances like in Palestine, Iran, Iraq, while the selection of “East Asia” is rather using the Eastern philosophical background for transporting messages about understanding the world. The diversity of filters of perception and their use is making video as a medium for experimenting in Asian art so relevant.

Asian Focus I – Near West/Near East (60 minutes)
Curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne (director of CologneOFF)

CologneOFF 2011 -Rennes – PDF catalogue
PDF catalogue

List of videos and artists:

Mohammed Harb (Palestine) – Without Windows, 2009, 5:00
Alysse Stepanian (Iran) – Roghieh, 2009, 5:30
Masha Yosefpolsky (Israel) – Noli Me Tangere, 2008, 6:20
Sinasi Günes (Turkey) – GICIR, 2006, 03:03
Shahar Marcus (Israel) – The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on edge, 2008, 4:07
Shwan Dler Qaradaki (Iraq) – The sun tattooed, 3′34”, 2009
Shareef Sarhan (Palestine) – Zananah, 3:54, 2010,
Larissa Sansour (Palestine) – Bethlehem Bandolero, 2006, 5:36
Aysegul Guryuksel (Turkey) – Nobody’s Pet, 2007, 7m
Oksana Shatalova & Alla Girik (Kazakhstan) – Warning Women, 2006, 3:00
Tajinder Singh (India) – ELECTOTUNING, 2010, 03 min 46 seconds
Biyonji Chatterjee (India) – When I was, 2009, 9:51
Nitin Das (India) – Benefits of War, 2008, 1:00

Special selection II
ASIAN Focus II – Far West/Far East (48 minutes)

List of selected artists

Ji Hyung Kim (South Korea) – Wo-Men – Wo-Rld, 2:40, 2003
Yu Cheng Yu (Taiwan) – Switch, 2008, 3:30
Liu Wei (China) – Is Fighting Our Machine” 2003, 4:10
Nhieu Do (Vietnam) – Testimony”, 2008, 7:12
Ling-Yin Chen (Taiwan) – Trace” 2007, 5:36
Lili & Honglei (China) – Forbidden City, 2007, 4:15
Aiko Okamoto (Japan) – Silk (Teardrops-salt) – , 2009, 2:48
Bijing Zhang (China) – In the Field, 2009, 3 minutes 15 seconds
Sreedeep (India) – 1 minute crash-course on SEDUCTION, 1:00, 2009
Yoko Taketani (Japan) – Wall of China, 1:00, 2009
Ji Hyun Ahn (South Korea) – Their Circumstances, 9, 38, 2007
Lin Fangsuo (China) – White, 2010, 1:00
Sai Hua Kuan (Singapore) – Space Drawing No. 5 – , 2009, 1:02

ArtChSo Festival Rennes 2012 - Focus: Africa

CologneOFF2012 France

@ ARTchSO Video Festival Rennes/France
26 Apil -9 May 2012

is featuring
Here We Are! – Videoart from African countries
curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

Selection I

Esra Wube (Ethiopia) – Amora, 2010, 3:26
Jude Anogwih (Nigeria) – UNSTABLE STABLES, 2009, 1:20
Simohammed Fettaka (Morocco) – Creatruction, 2011, 10:00
Michele MAGEMA (D.Congo) – Interiority-Fresco IV / 2010 / 2′31″
Kai Lossgott (South Africa) “alpha”, 2007, 3:17
Samba Fall (Senegal) – Yesterday, I had a Dream, 2011, 7:08
Kisito ASSANGNI (Togo) Explosion, 2009, 2’22”
Henok Getachew (Ethiopia) – Framed Embryo, 2008, 4:12
Hamza Halloubi (Morocco) – untiltled (lait), 2009, 0:57

Selection II

Ezra Wube (Ethiopia) – Hisab, 2011, 7:56
Alpha Sadou Gano & Jacques Faton (Senegal/Belgium) – Laar, 2011, 19:00
Khanyisile Mbongwa/ James Tayler (South Africa) – Fragmented, 2009, 4′53”,
Jeanette Ginslov (South Africa) – Korohano, 2009, 3:40,
Emeka Ogboh (Nigeria) – [dis] connection – 2009, 1:58


Schedule for 19 April

  • •MNAC – National Museum of Contemporary Art in Bucharest (5 March- 30 April 2004) – RRF
  • •Japan Media Arts Festival 24/03 – 05/05 2006
  • • *Museo National Arte Contemporanea Reina Sofia – 31 March – 8 May -“Violencia sin cuerpos”
  • •CologneOFF 2016 USA @ Torrance Art Museum – Los Angeles/CA – 2 April – 28 May 2016
  • •“Bivouac Project – The Big Switch: New Media, Film and Video” – Sumter County Gallery of Art (USA) – 2 April- 22 May 2009
  • •Now & After International Videoart Festival Moscow – 2-30 April 2014
  • •The Hong Kong Artists Biennale 2005 – 1-30 April
  • •Unauthorized Access Festival – Ermitage Museum St. Petersburg/Russia (7-21 April 2006)
  • •Emergenzaarte – videoart festival – Santa Maria die Sale (Venice) – 10 -25 April – 2010
  • •FILE Rio de Janeiro/Brazil – 10-19 April 2009
  • •Version>02 – Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago (USA) 15 – 20 april 2002 – A Virtual Memorial
  • •Versionfest>04 Festival Chicago (USA) – 16 April – 01 May 2004 – The RRF Project