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12 July 2020

video feature
WOW Jubilee 2020 VIII Berlin


Those believed dead live longer!
this proverb is good for the 1st physical event to take place in Berlin after the Corona shut down. The screenings take place at Stützpunkt Teufelsberg @

  • IAM – Institut für Alles Mögliche

    IAM – Institut für Alles Mögliche – Stützpunkt Teufelsberg – 09 July – 02 August 2020

  • – an incredible historical place for a screening!

    The screenings encompass in total 7 screening programs – listed below.

    WOW Jubilee 2020 VII Berlin

    IAM – Institut für Alles Mögliche Berlin
    9 July – 23 August 2020

    The Program - NewMediaFest 2020 Berlin - physical

    WOW Jubilee VII Berlin
    IAM – Institut für Alles Mögliche – 9 July – 2 August 2020 – prolonged to 23 August 2020
    Curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
    7 screening programs

    NewMediaFest2020 feiert dieses Jahr zahlreiche Jubiläen, darunter die Gründung im Jahre 2000 in Köln. WOW Jubilee VII Berlin – (WOW steht für „We Are One World“) ist das 7. Jubiläumsprogram in Folge, diesmal mit dem Fokus auf die 7 Videoart Programmeinheiten mit ihren insgesamt 11 Programmen, welche Wilfried Agricola de Cologne, der Leiter, Hauptkurator und Realisator von NewMediaFest2020 für die Screenings bei IAM – mit den 115 Videos von 115 Künstlern aus 25 Ländern zu Themen, die Künstler und Gesellschaft gleichermaßen beschäftigen – Gewalt, Migration, Klimawandel, Umwelt und Identität – vorbereitet hat, darunter auch die Programme der beiden Gastkuratoren Parya Vatankhah (Iran) und Tahir Ün (Türkei).
    NewMediaFest2020 ist eine Veranstaltungsstruktur mit einem retrospektiven Charakter, welche im Austausch zwischen virtuellen und physischen Raum während des gesamten Jahres 2020, beginnend am 26. Dezember 2019, bis zum 31. Dezember 2020 mit Netzwerkpartnern in aller Welt durchgeführt wird. Neben den 12 monatlichen Festivalprogrammen, kommt den täglichen Features mit der Veröffentlichung neuer Medienkunstprogramme des 365 Tage Tagebuchs online eine besondere Bedeutung zu.
    Nach Addis Abeba und Köln vor der Corona Krise, die NewMediaFest2020 dazu zwang, die Aktivitäten ausschließlich online als 1. Corona Festival weiterzuführen, ist Berlin mit den Screenings bei IAM nun der erste physische Austragungsort nach dem Abflauen der Krise. Als weitere Austragungsorte sind 2020 u.a. noch Los Angeles (USA), Cusco (Peru), Athen (Griechenland). Lucca (Italien), Beirut (Libanon) und Kalkutta (Indien) geplant.
    Während die Screenings in Berlin bereits am 28.6.2020 beginnen, geht die 7. Ausgabe von NewMediaFest2020 offiziell am 1. Juli 2020 online, und wird dabei die Videoprogramme, welche IAM während der Zusammenarbeit 2014 im physischen Raum vorgeführt hat, als Streamingprogramme online mit aufnehmen.

    NewMediaFest2020 celebrates numerous anniversaries this year, including the foundation in Cologne in 2000. WOW Jubilee VII Berlin – (WOW stands for “We Are One World”) is the 7th anniversary program in a row, this time with the focus on the 7 videoart program units with their 11 programs in total, which Wilfried Agricola de Cologne, the director, main curator and realizer of NewMediaFest2020 for the screenings at IAM – with the 115 videos of 115 artists from 25 countries on topics that concern artists and society alike – violence, migration, climate change, environment and identity – prepared, including the programs of the two guest curators Parya Vatankhah (Iran) and Tahir Ün (Turkey).
    NewMediaFest2020 is an event structure with a retrospective character, which is carried out in an exchange between virtual and physical space throughout 2020, starting on December 26, 2019, and ending December 31, 2020 with network partners around the world. In addition to the 12 monthly festival programs, the daily features are of particular importance with the publication of new media art programs from the 365 day diary online.
    After Addis Ababa and Cologne before the Corona crisis, which forced NewMediaFest2020 to continue its activities exclusively online as the 1st Corona Festival, with IAM, Berlin is now the first physical venue after the crisis has subsided. In 2020, other venues include Los Angeles (USA), Cusco (Peru), Athens (Greece). Lucca (Italy), Beirut (Lebanon) and Calcutta (India) planned.
    While the screenings in Berlin start on June 28th, 2020, the 7th edition of NewMediaFest2020 officially goes online on July 1st, 2020, and will include the video programs that IAM demonstrated in physical space during the collaboration in 2014 as streaming programs online .

    1 – INSIGHT
    1 – Einblicke

    WOW -Insight
    “Iranian Women artists, Sensibility against Violence”
    Iranische Frauen – mit Sensibilität gegen Gewalt
    curated by Parya Vatankhah

    Shaghayegh Cyrous (Iran) – No Smell,No Touch, Somewhere between the United States and Iran, 3’49”, 2018
    Haleh Jamali (Iran) – The End of the Beginning 2018,, 3’15”
    Parya Vatankhah (Iran) – Women must be beautiful-women must be hidden 2017, 11:12
    MandanaMoghaddam (Iran) – Exodus, 2012, 2:58
    Sara Niroobakhsh (Iran) – A woman behind, 2015, 2:35

    WOW Insight II
    curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
    Koorosh Asgari (Iran) – Shahrzad, 2012, 7:34
    Celine Barakat (Canada) – Tallulah, 2013, 7:30
    Kostia Vozniuk (Ukraine) – Woman in Her Room, 2017, 4:08
    Isabel Perez Del Pulgar (Spain) – Expediente No. 0/2, 2013, 5:56
    Catherine Del Buono (USA) – How to Not Get Raped, 2014, 3:09
    Karin & Didi Fromherz (CH) – Happy Noon!, 2014, 5:45

    1h 5 minutes

    2 – WOW – THE WAY IT WAS
    2- WOW – So wie es einmal war

    curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

    Marek Ranis (USA) – Like Shishmaref, 2016, 16:00
    Viktor Brim (Germany) – monoscape, 2017, 16:00
    Simon Welch (UK) – Focus, 2014, 7:37
    Szymon Krzyżanowski (Pl) – VHS, 2016, 1:00
    Alex Anikina (Russia) – Some Entropy in Your Tea, 2013, 8:15
    Collin Bradford (USA) – Deep Horizon, 2013, 6:35
    Cinzia Sarto (Italy) – Forbidden Fruit, 2009, 4.40
    Marek Ranis (USA) – Hold On, 2010, 3:00
    Muriel Montini (France) – Constellation, 2011, 5:00
    Mickey Petersen (USA) – Slip Away, 2014, 2:24
    Andrea Torrice (USA) – A Message from the Island of Kiribati, 2013, 5:11
    Julie Stephenson (Australia) – Melting Memory, 2019, 2:34
    Renata Padovan (Brazil) – Aral Mermaid, 2015, 4:12

    1h 31 m

    3 – WOW – about human nature
    3 – WOW – Über die menschliche Natur

    curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
    1h 38 minutes

    Stine Gonshold (Norway) – Human Nature, 2008, 1:50
    Roland Quelven (France) – Harey Solaris, 2015, 4:51
    Gregg Biermann (USA) – Crop Duster Octet, 2013, 5:32
    Sándor M. Salas (Spain) – De cara a la muerte, 2013, 03:52
    Theresa Khalil (Egypt) – It goes on, 2013, 5.40
    Istvan Horkay (Hungary) – The Lords Prayer, 2014, 5:04
    Laurent Pernot (France)- Still Alives, 2005, 2.34
    Francesca Lolli (Italy) – The Dying Lilium, 2016, 03:27

    WOW – Earth Games/Erdspiele
    curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

    Eija Temisevä (Finland) – An Attempt to be Earth, 2016, 5:15
    Kristina Frank (Sweden) – Earth One Minute, 2013, 1:43
    Coalfather Industries (USA) – User History, 2018, 6:02
    Albert Merino (Spain) – Bestiary, 2018, 5:10
    Lisa Birke (Canada) – Endgame, 2017, 7:05
    Emma Zukovic (Macedonia) – Post Memory From A Lost Country, 2018, 4:33
    Farid Hamedi (Iran) – 947, 2019, 4:44

    WOW Turkey / WOW Türkei
    curated by Tahir Ün

    1. Gökçen Dilek Acay (Turkey) – Lenin, 2010, 3:29
    2. Orhan Cem Çetin (Turkey) – Passiflora, 2016 / 04:34
    3. Ali Demirtaş (Turkey) – Vision, 2018, 02’30”
    4. Beste Erener (Turkey) – SATURN, 2018/ 4:24
    5. Murat Germen (Turkey) – Emerging talent, 2017 / 5:03
    6. Çağdaş Kahriman (Turkey) – Rear window, 2009-2013, 6:00
    7. Tahir Ün (Turkey) – The Game, 2013, 00:02:56

    1h 38 minutes

    4 – WOW – Contaminated Progress
    4 – WOW – Kontaminierter Fortschritt

    curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
    Robert Dohrmann (USA) – All Systems Go – Neil Armstrong, 2009, 3:16
    Anna Garner (USA) – Lineage (USA), 2013, 1:54
    Brit Bunkley (New Zealand) – Fleeced,2009, 4:22
    Paul Turano (USA) – Toxic Red Sludge, 2010, 5:00
    Ben Fox (UK) – Recent Tactile Nonsense, 2012, 2:17
    Manuel Ferrer and Alena Mesarosova (Spain/Slovakia) – Irreal Time, 2012, 3:30
    Diego de Los Campos (Uruguay) – Still Life, 2012, 2:28
    Luis Patino (Spain) – Echoes of the Forest, 2012, 6:52
    Javier Velasquez Cabrero (Spain) – My City a Bit Cleaner From Advertising, 2012, 6:00
    Xiaowen Zhu (China) – Terminal island, 2013, 10:50
    Claudia Borgna (Italy) – L’ultimo Accordo I, 2016, 06:05
    Carolin Koss (Finland) – Plastic Child, 2016, 12:11
    Francois Knoetze (South Africa) – Plastic, 2012, 5:00
    Laura & Sira Cabrera (Spain) – Climate Disorder, 2019, 4:18

    1h 19 munutes

    5 – WOW – In Troubled Waters
    5 – In gefährlichen Gewässern

    curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

    Enoh Lienemann (Germany) – In My Head, 2015, 6`34 min
    Angelina Voskopoulou (Greece) – Blind Traveller, 2018, 1:27
    Abe Abraham (USA) – Salt Water, 2017, 5:52
    Francesca Lolli (Italy – No country for everyone), 2015, 01:52
    Fu LE (France) – Mass, 2019, 10:00
    Cigdem Slankard (Turkey/USA) – Fresh Start, 2017, 12:50
    Sonia Guggisberg (Brazil) – Skaramanga Camp, 2017, 9:00
    Mathilde Babo (France) – After The Spring, 2016, 4:00
    Vito Alfarano (Italy) – I have a Dream, 2018, 11:32
    Alessandro Inglima (Italy) – Breathe, 2014, 2:41
    Daniela Lucato (Italy) When I dance, 2016, 67:00

    2h 17 minutes

    6 – WOW transcendental roots
    6 – WOW transzendentale Wurzeln

    Curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

    Cody Healey-Conelly (USA) – Glitch Noir – Datasifter Prelude, 2015, 2:41
    Peter Whittenberger (USA) – Don’t Worry, You’ll Get There, 2016, 4:53
    Hdys (USA) – We The People, 2018, 3:51
    Daniel Zezelj (Croatia) – The World of Wonder, 2015, 5:34
    Ezra Wube (Ethiopia) – Twilight Galaxies, 2017, 7’52”
    Tomislav Findrik (Croatia) – Oyashio, 2017, 04:29
    House of Style (Bryne Rasmussen-Smith and Andrew Smith-Rasmussen) (USA) -Infinite Leaks in the Memory Palace, 2013, 5:04
    Rui Hu (USA) – Metropolitan Triangle Garden, 2015, 5:52
    APOTROPIA (Italy) – The Kiss, 2016, 1:19
    Christina Lykoka (Greece) – Death Of A Blackbird, 2017, 6:26
    Maurizio Sanhueza (Peru) – Parasite, 2016, 6:23
    Harold Charre (France) – Requiem, 2017, 9:18
    Henry Gwiazda (USA) – Knowledge, 2017, 3:05

    WOW Babylonia /WOW Babylon
    curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

    Annetta Kapon (USA) – Synopsis, 2017, 0:35
    Perry Bard & Richard Sullivan (USA) – NO FLAK, 2017, 7’23
    Maria Korporal (NL/Germany) – Breaking Borders, 2017, 5:36
    Marie-Paule Bilger (France) – Sweet Fight, 2017, 4:35
    Lidia Starodubtseva (Ukraine) – Time Is Up, 2018, 4:00
    Lisi Prada (Spain) – Illuminationi Mattina, 2014, 3:14
    Pierre & Jean Villemin (France) – Lake, 2012, 5:35
    Laura Petrilla & Brooke Schooles (USA) – Wrong Me A Love Life, 2012, 4:50
    Alexander Delnevo (Italy) – Transhumances, 2012,3:48

    1h 41 min

    7 – WOW – Switching the Change
    7 – WOW -Die Veränderung wechseln

    Curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

    Uri Kloss (Israel) – Word, 2017, 1:29
    Fran Orallo (Spain) – Death Dance, 2017, 1:00
    James Murphy (Ireland) – Moving Water, 2019, 1:59
    Zlatko Cosic (Bosnia) – Even The Birds Know It, 2017, 2:55
    Alan Sondhein (USA) – American Life, 2018, 6:03
    Dmitry Kmelnitsky (USA) – URTH LING, 2019, 3:43
    Brit Bunkley (New Zealand) – Pillard of Cloud, 2016, 4:00
    Oleg Kharch (Ukraine) – Fakemet, 2019, 3:46
    Lana Z. Caplan (USA) – Canaries in the Mine, 2015, 8:19
    Kristina Frank /Mervi Kekarainen (Sweden) – 2Rabbits in Purgatorio, 2019, 05:11
    Arie Sigal & Ben-David Sigal (Israel) – Perlite, 2018, 4:17
    Marcha Schagen (NL) – Melt Less CO2, 2019, 3:48
    Adrien Gaumé (France) – Dry by innocence, 2018, 4’53”
    Kate Walker (USA) – Cloudship, 2018, 14:33
    Xia Han (China) – The Gift, 2019, 14: 23
    Michael Carmody & Elissa Goodrich (Australia) – Common Time, 2018, 12:23
    Boris Marinin (Israel) – Greenhouse, 2019, 3:19
    Ausin Sainz (Spain) – Today, 2019, 5:00
    Susanne Wiegner (Germany) – Sunrise, 2019, 5: 46
    Gabriele Stellbaum (Germany) – Shame, 2019, 1:11

    1h 50 min

    The screenings take place during the 4 days –
    Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday – 14h – 20h

    9-12 July 2020
    16-19 July 2020
    23-26 July 2020
    30 July – 02 August 2020
    06-09 August 2020
    13-16 August 2020
    20-23 August 2020

    Each week all 7 programs are screened

    Thursday (1st day) - programs 2+3
    Thursday (1st day) – programs 2+3

    2 – WOW – THE WAY IT WAS
    2- WOW – So wie es einmal war

    curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

    Marek Ranis (USA) – Like Shishmaref, 2016, 16:00
    Viktor Brim (Germany) – monoscape, 2017, 16:00
    Simon Welch (UK) – Focus, 2014, 7:37
    Szymon Krzyżanowski (Pl) – VHS, 2016, 1:00
    Alex Anikina (Russia) – Some Entropy in Your Tea, 2013, 8:15
    Collin Bradford (USA) – Deep Horizon, 2013, 6:35
    Cinzia Sarto (Italy) – Forbidden Fruit, 2009, 4.40
    Marek Ranis (USA) – Hold On, 2010, 3:00
    Muriel Montini (France) – Constellation, 2011, 5:00
    Mickey Petersen (USA) – Slip Away, 2014, 2:24
    Andrea Torrice (USA) – A Message from the Island of Kiribati, 2013, 5:11
    Julie Stephenson (Australia) – Melting Memory, 2019, 2:34
    Renata Padovan (Brazil) – Aral Mermaid, 2015, 4:12

    1h 31 m

    3 – WOW – about human nature
    3 – WOW – Über die menschliche Natur

    curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
    1h 38 minutes

    Stine Gonsholt (Norway) – Human Nature, 2008, 1:50
    Roland Quelven (France) – Harey Solaris, 2015, 4:51
    Gregg Biermann (USA) – Crop Duster Octet, 2013, 5:32
    Sándor M. Salas (Spain) – De cara a la muerte, 2013, 03:52
    Theresa Khalil (Egypt) – It goes on, 2013, 5.40
    Istvan Horkay (Hungary) – The Lords Prayer, 2014, 5:04
    Laurent Pernot (France)- Still Alives, 2005, 2.34
    Francesca Lolli (Italy) – The Dying Lilium, 2016, 03:27

    WOW – Earth Games/Erdspiele
    curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

    Eija Temisevä (Finland) – An Attempt to be Earth, 2016, 5:15
    Kristina Frank (Sweden) – Earth One Minute, 2013, 1:43
    Coalfather Industries (USA) – User History, 2018, 6:02
    Albert Merino (Spain) – Bestiary, 2018, 5:10
    Lisa Birke (Canada) – Endgame, 2017, 7:05
    Emma Zukovic (Macedonia) – Post Memory From A Lost Country, 2018, 4:33
    Farid Hamedi (Iran) – 947, 2019, 4:44

    WOW Turkey / WOW Türkei
    curated by Tahir Ün

    1. Gökçen Dilek Acay (Turkey) – Lenin, 2010, 3:29
    2. Orhan Cem Çetin (Turkey) – Passiflora, 2016 / 04:34
    3. Ali Demirtaş (Turkey) – Vision, 2018, 02’30”
    4. Beste Erener (Turkey) – SATURN, 2018/ 4:24
    5. Murat Germen (Turkey) – Emerging talent, 2017 / 5:03
    6. Çağdaş Kahriman (Turkey) – Rear window, 2009-2013, 6:00
    7. Tahir Ün (Turkey) – The Game, 2013, 00:02:56

    1h 38 minutes

    Friday (2nd day) - programs 6+4
    Friday (2nd day) – programs 6+4

    6 – WOW transcendental roots
    6 – WOW transzendentale Wurzeln

    Curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

    Cody Healey-Conelly (USA) – Glitch Noir – Datasifter Prelude, 2015, 2:41
    Peter Whittenberger (USA) – Don’t Worry, You’ll Get There, 2016, 4:53
    Hdys (USA) – We The People, 2018, 3:51
    Daniel Zezelj (Croatia) – The World of Wonder, 2015, 5:34
    Ezra Wube (Ethiopia) – Twilight Galaxies, 2017, 7’52”
    Tomislav Findrik (Croatia) – Oyashio, 2017, 04:29
    House of Style (Bryne Rasmussen-Smith and Andrew Smith-Rasmussen) (USA) -Infinite Leaks in the Memory Palace, 2013, 5:04
    Rui Hu (USA) – Metropolitan Triangle Garden, 2015, 5:52
    APOTROPIA (Italy) – The Kiss, 2016, 1:19
    Christina Lykoka (Greece) – Death Of A Blackbird, 2017, 6:26
    Maurizio Sanhueza (Peru) – Parasite, 2016, 6:23
    Harold Charre (France) – Requiem, 2017, 9:18
    Henry Gwiazda (USA) – Knowledge, 2017, 3:05

    WOW Babylonia /WOW Babylon
    curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

    Annetta Kapon (USA) – Synopsis, 2017, 0:35
    Perry Bard & Richard Sullivan (USA) – NO FLAK, 2017, 7’23
    Maria Korporal (NL/Germany) – Breaking Borders, 2017, 5:36
    Marie-Paule Bilger (France) – Sweet Fight, 2017, 4:35
    Lidia Starodubtseva (Ukraine) – Time Is Up, 2018, 4:00
    Lisi Prada (Spain) – Illuminationi Mattina, 2014, 3:14
    Pierre & Jean Villemin (France) – Lake, 2012, 5:35
    Laura Petrilla & Brooke Schooles (USA) – Wrong Me A Love Life, 2012, 4:50
    Alexander Delnevo (Italy) – Transhumances, 2012,3:48

    4 – WOW – Contaminated Progress
    4 – WOW – Kontaminierter Fortschritt

    curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
    Robert Dohrmann (USA) – All Systems Go – Neil Armstrong, 2009, 3:16
    Anna Garner (USA) – Lineage (USA), 2013, 1:54
    Brit Bunkley (New Zealand) – Fleeced,2009, 4:22
    Paul Turano (USA) – Toxic Red Sludge, 2010, 5:00
    Ben Fox (UK) – Recent Tactile Nonsense, 2012, 2:17
    Manuel Ferrer and Alena Mesarosova (Spain/Slovakia) – Irreal Time, 2012, 3:30
    Diego de Los Campos (Uruguay) – Still Life, 2012, 2:28
    Luis Patino (Spain) – Echoes of the Forest, 2012, 6:52
    Javier Velasquez Cabrero (Spain) – My City a Bit Cleaner From Advertising, 2012, 6:00
    Xiaowen Zhu (China) – Terminal island, 2013, 10:50
    Claudia Borgna (Italy) – L’ultimo Accordo I, 2016, 06:05
    Carolin Koss (Finland) – Plastic Child, 2016, 12:11
    Francois Knoetze (South Africa) – Plastic, 2012, 5:00
    Laura & Sira Cabrera (Spain) – Climate Disorder, 2019, 4:18

    Saturday (3rd day) - program 5
    Saturday (3rd day) – program 5

    5 – WOW – In Troubled Waters
    5 – In gefährlichen Gewässern

    curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

    Enoh Lienemann (Germany) – In My Head, 2015, 6`34 min
    Angelina Voskopoulou (Greece) – Blind Traveller, 2018, 1:27
    Abe Abraham (USA) – Salt Water, 2017, 5:52
    Francesca Lolli (Italy – No country for everyone), 2015, 01:52
    Fu LE (France) – Mass, 2019, 10:00
    Cigdem Slankard (Turkey/USA) – Fresh Start, 2017, 12:50
    Sonia Guggisberg (Brazil) – Skaramanga Camp, 2017, 9:00
    Mathilde Babo (France) – After The Spring, 2016, 4:00
    Vito Alfarano (Italy) – I have a Dream, 2018, 11:32
    Alessandro Inglima (Italy) – Breathe, 2014, 2:41
    Daniela Lucato (Italy) When I dance, 2016, 67:00

    Sunday (4th day) - programs 1+7
    Sunday (4th day – programs 1+7

    1 – INSIGHT
    1 – Einblicke

    WOW -Insight
    “Iranian Women artists, Sensibility against Violence”
    Iranische Frauen – mit Sensibilität gegen Gewalt
    curated by Parya Vatankhah

    Shaghayegh Cyrous (Iran) – No Smell,No Touch, Somewhere between the United States and Iran, 3’49”, 2018
    Haleh Jamali (Iran) – The End of the Beginning 2018,, 3’15”
    Parya Vatankhah (Iran) – Women must be beautiful-women must be hidden 2017, 11:12
    Mandana Moghaddam (Iran) – Exodus, 2012, 2:58
    Sara Niroobakhsh (Iran) – A woman behind, 2015, 2:35

    WOW Insight II
    curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
    Koorosh Asgari (Iran) – Shahrzad, 2012, 7:34
    Celine Barakat (Canada) – Tallulah, 2013, 7:30
    Kostia Vozniuk (Ukraine) – Woman in Her Room, 2017, 4:08
    Isabel Perez Del Pulgar (Spain) – Expediente No. 0/2, 2013, 5:56
    Catherine Del Buono (USA) – How to Not Get Raped, 2014, 3:09
    Karin & Didi Fromherz (CH) – Happy Noon!, 2014, 5:45

    7 – WOW – Switching the Change
    7 – WOW -Die Veränderung wechseln

    Curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

    Uri Kloss (Israel) – Word, 2017, 1:29
    Fran Orallo (Spain) – Death Dance, 2017, 1:00
    James Murphy (Ireland) – Moving Water, 2019, 1:59
    Zlatko Cosic (Bosnia) – Even The Birds Know It, 2017, 2:55
    Alan Sondhein (USA) – American Life, 2018, 6:03
    Dmitry Kmelnitsky (USA) – URTH LING, 2019, 3:43
    Brit Bunkley (New Zealand) – Pillard of Cloud, 2016, 4:00
    Oleg Kharch (Ukraine) – Fakemet, 2019, 3:46
    Lana Z. Caplan (USA) – Canaries in the Mine, 2015, 8:19
    Kristina Frank /Mervi Kekarainen (Sweden) – 2Rabbits in Purgatorio, 2019, 05:11
    Arie Sigal & Ben-David Sigal (Israel) – Perlite, 2018, 4:17
    Marcha Schagen (NL) – Melt Less CO2, 2019, 3:48
    Adrien Gaumé (France) – Dry by innocence, 2018, 4’53”
    Kate Walker (USA) – Cloudship, 2018, 14:33
    Xia Han (China) – The Gift, 2019, 14: 23
    Michael Carmody & Elissa Goodrich (Australia) – Common Time, 2018, 12:23
    Boris Marinin (Israel) – Greenhouse, 2019, 3:19
    Ausin Sainz (Spain) – Today, 2019, 5:00
    Susanne Wiegner (Germany) – Sunrise, 2019, 5: 46
    Gabriele Stellbaum (Germany) – Shame, 2019, 1:11

    1h 50 min

    Location – Berlin Teufelsberg

    Stützpunkt Teufelsberg

    Collaboration 2014

    Brave New World - IAM 2014 - streaming

    2014 – 10 Years Cologne International Videoart Festival

    CologneOFF 2014 Germany II

    @ Institut für Alles Mögliche Berlin/Germany
    4 September 2014

    CologneOFF X
    Total Art – Brave New World
    a collaboration with Institute fuer Alles Moegliche Berlin/Germany
    curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

    on occasion of the 26th anniversary of the foundation of GOOGLE
    (4 September 1998)

    # Part I
    Gabin Cortez Chance (USA) – Do Americans Dream of Being Electric Sheep, 2014, 7:52
    Ivar Veermäe (Estonia) – Crystal Computing (Google Inc., St. Ghislain), 2014, 9:19
    Robert Dohrmann (USA) – Me America, 2009, 1:38
    Fatih Bilgin (Turkey, – How would you like to Migrate, 2013, 3.36
    Lenka Kurikova & Michal Hustaty (Slovakia) – Who Wants To Belong to My Country, 2014, 3:41
    Kaiser Nahhas (Syria) – Anti-Censorship Protest at Taksim, 2014, 2014, 4:27
    William Pena (Colombia) – Control, 2013, 3:45
    Neil Ira Needleman (USA) – The Great Gate of Kiev, 2013, 2:15
    Margerita Novikova (Russia) – Chronicles On The Lap, 2014, 8:38
    Andrew Norman Wilson (USA) – Workers Leaving the Googleplex, 2011, 11:00
    Hector Rodriguez (Hongkong) – Theorem 8, 2014, 6:49
    Shiva Ahmadi (Iran) – Lotus, 2014, 8:52
    Hande Zerkin (Turkey) – Democracy, 2014, 2:34
    Karl F. Steward (Germany) – Video of Shadows, 2013, 7:00

    # Part II
    Salome MC (Iran) – Drunk Shah, Drunk Elder, 2012, 4:21
    Mr MVIN (Spain) – BREAK GLASS IN CASE OF CRISIS”, 2013, 1:50
    Laura Cabrera Díaz y Sira Cabrera Díaz (Spain) – “Irreconciliables, II”, , 2014, 3:54
    Boris Eldagsen & Sabine Taeubner (Germany) – SuperHigh, 3013, 38:00
    Zoe Hough (UK) – Smile, The Fiction had Already Begun, 2014, 3:30
    Orsolya Bajusz (Hungary) – Bela’s Struggle, 2011, 9:00
    Kristina Cranfeld (UK) – Manufactured Britishness, 2013, 10:00
    Roland Quelven (France) – La Chambre d’Eric B. 2014, 4:31
    David Fodel (USA) , So Were You, 2012,1:12

    Part III#
    Ranis Marek (USA) – Hold On, 2010, 3:00
    Keni Kojima (Japan) – Composition Fukushima 2011, 2014, 10:00
    Armstrong Tarke (Cameroun) – REVERSE CIVILISATION, 2014, 3:57
    Fabian Heitzhausen (Germany) – I’m Game, 2014, 3:08
    Yuval Yairi & Zohar Kawaharada (Israel) – Land, 2013, 4:36
    Gabriele Tosi (Italy) – The Extreme Challenge, 2014, 4:56
    Marcantonio Lunardi (Italy) – 370 New World, 2014, 5:08
    Francesca Fini Italy) – Touchless, 2014, 4:46
    Siniša Stojanović Sinister & Dragana Nikolić (Serbia) – Soup Kitchen, 2014., 04:59
    Tabita Rezaire (Guinea) – Same Sex Biz, 2014, 6:19
    Alina Vasilchenko (Russia) – I like going the the Pet Stores, 2014,7:00
    Sedi Ghadiri (Iran) – The Kings Hand, 2014, 10:00
    Sanglim Han (S.Korea) – Bloom, 2012, 3:35

    Screening on 4 September 22014 – pics © by Brit Bunkley





    DIRECT ACTION * 2014 Berlin - streaming

    CologneOFF 2014 Germany I

    2014 – 10 Years Cologne International Videoart Festival
    @ DIRECT ACTION * 2014 Berlin
    23-25 May 2014

    CologneOFF XP – Moving Gestures – Moving Targets
    selection curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

    List of videos

    Vito Alfarano (Italy) – My Shout, 2012, 7:42
    Cornelia Eichorn (Germany) – Parasites, 2011, 2:57
    Beate Hecher/Markus Keim (Austria) – ln Absentia, 2012, 10:00
    Maya Watanabe (Peru) – A-phan-ousia, 2008, 4:45
    Sofia Goscinski (Austria) – Without Head, 2013, 8:48
    Dorianne Wotton (France) – Cold, 2012, 4:55
    Hamza Halloubi (Morocco) – Lait, 2009, 0:56
    Yuri Pirondi & Ines Von Bonhorst (UK) – Emergencia, 2012, 10
    Peter Spiers (UK)- Mimicking Frame By Frame, 2010, 06:17
    Bill Aitchison (UK) – Proletarian Dance 1, 2012, 4:50

    Schedule for – 12 July

  • •Israeli Center for Digital Art Holon/Israel – 16 April – 16 July 2005
  • •Fonlad – Digital Art Show – Quarteirão das Artes Montemor-o-Velho (Portugal) – 5 May – 15 July 2007
  • •Videoart Festival Miden Kalamata – 7-9 July
  • Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012
  • Ares Film Festival – Siracusa/Italy – 11-14 July 2013
  • Proyector Festival 2011 Madrid – 11-17 July 2011
  • • Digitraffic@Germany – SENEF 2005 – Seoul Net & Film Festival Seoul/South Korea – 01 July – 01 Sept.
  • • *Norwich Gallery – EAST’05 – Making Things Better – Norwich/UK – 02 July – 20 August
  • •*Hic et Nunc – San Vito a/Tagliamento/Italy – VideoChannel presentation – 11 June – 17 July
  • •Al Kahf Art Gallery Bethlehem/Palestine 06 -30 July 2006 – ://selfportrait – a show for Bethlehem
  • • Outvideo Festival Ekaterinburg/Russia – 5 July – 7 August 2007
  • •Image Contre Nature – experimental Film Festival Marseille/F – 7-11 July 2009 Burning Phantom, One Day on Mars
  • •“Festival Proyector 2010″ – Optica Videoart – Espacio Menos Uno Madrid (Spain) 5-31 July 2010 – Silent Cry
  • •Galería Texu Oviedo (Spain) Optica Video Art – 5-31 July 2010 – Silent Cry
  • IAM – Institut für Alles Mögliche Berlin – 9 July – 02 August 2020