Today, 12 January 2012, CologneOFF was releasing animateCOLOGNE – Art and Animation festival – 1st edition – in order to spotlight the artistic animation as a way to create artistic moving images content in opposite to the conventional static content in shape of a drawing, painting, photo etc) and encourage artists.
The field of animation is dominated by the professional commercially orientated animation as it is propagated by the Disney Studios, for instance, or advertising, while the artistic animation is representing a wide field for an artist to create moving images content independently from footage shot by a video camera, on one hand and combine animation with video footage, on the other hand.
To create an animation movie requires a lot of time, which regarding an independent artist is not paid – another point is that the artistic animation is unfortunately widely not accepted, yet, as a serious artistic medium to be exhibited in conventional contemporary art contexts, therefore generally not too many artists are motivated to invest this time in artistic experimenting, which is required in order to find one’s artistic individual way of creating.
The 1st edition animateCOLOGNE 2012 – following a preview edition – which was extracting artistic animations from previous CologneOFF festival editions –
had the venues – XI Kansk International Videoart Festival (Russia), Linoleum – International Animation Festival Moskow (Russia), 8th Budapest Short Film Festival (Hungary), anima-Banja Luka (Bosnia-Herzegovina), ExTeresa Arte Actual Mexico City (Mexico), Digital Marrakech (Morocco)
included videos by Bobby Abate, Natalia Biegaj, Arjan Brentjes , Ping-Yao Chen, David Clark , DoDomani Studio , Caro Estrada, //Andrew Fedak , Pablo Fernandez-Pujol, Andrea Ferri , Franesca Fini, Ben Fox , Karolina Glusiec, gruppoGruppo , Henri Gwiazda , Phillipp Haffner , Lauris Kalnins , Kok & Deiman, Ulf Kristiansen , Nina Kurtela , //Michael Lasater , Lily & Honglei, //Tessa Moult – Milewska , Gina Marie Napolitan, Barbara Marcel , Ygor Marotta, QNQ/AUJIK , Shuai Cheng Pu , Robby Rackleff , Marlena Rask , Pablo Renee Rosero Marino, Simon Ruschmeyer, //Klaus Schrefler, Brett Underhill , Loes van Dorp, Ezra Wube , Susanne Wiegner, SuZi Zimmermann
Open the complete festival program online streaming – here
the latest Flash plug-in is requred !
NewMediaFest2020 selection 1

Arjan Brentjes (Netherlands) – Il était une fois un Artiste, 2011, 6:34
Ping-Yao Chen (Taiwan) – Go West, 2012, 19:40
selection 2

David Clark (UK) – Odd Jobs, 2010, 4:16
Caro Estrada (Austria) – Typemachinery, 2011, 3:58
Gina Marie Napolitan (USA) – A Catechism of Familiar Things”, 2012, 8:00
Bobby Abate (USA) – A Party Record Packed with Sex and Sadness, 2011, 10 min
selection 3

Phillipp Haffner (Germany) – Car chase (part1), 2012, 7:00
Karolina Glusiec (Poland) – Velocity, 2012, 6:00
DoDomani Studio (Italy) – The Box, 2012, 3:00
Andrea Ferri (Italy) – Satura, 2008, 2:30
Brett Underhill (USA) – Threadbare, 2012, 4:40