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11 September 2001

video feature
9/11 attacks – New York und Washington
Memorial for the victims of Terror

11 September 2001
terror attacks in NY & Washington DC

The terror attacks of 9/11 had on Wilfried, who was observing on the television what was happening in New York nearly the same desastrous effect. Some days ago, on Friday, 31 August Wilfried had the final session of his post traumatic stress disorder therapy after the terror attack on 12 September 1998 and the many months lasting coma. He had the feeling he could deal with the disorder attacks starting about one year after the terror attack, but when he was sitting in the living room watching TV how the plane was crashing into the skyscraper, he felt as if it was crashing into himself. Later the neighbors were telling him, they had heard an incredible desperatly loud scream. Completely paralyzed, Wilfried got from one second to another the highest fever like the skyscraper was exploding of fire – he could not help watching the desaster and at the same time he was nearly losing his consciousness, and when Micha, Wilfried’s partner, returned later the evening back home he found Wilfried in agony glowing with fever – Wilfried was only weakly rising his hands pointing to television which was repeating in the very moment the horrible news of NEw York crash – and he immediately understood that Wilfried’s life was highly endagered – under no circumstances Wilfried was allowed to fall into a coma again, but all attemps to lower the fever failed. Finally after some hours, Micha called the emergency, and while Micha was holding Wilfried’s hands because nothing else was left to do – and the emergency car was about to start, Wilfried opened his eyes – begging Micha: do not bring me again to the hospital! he would die there. So, Micha stoppend the car and they returned back home where the emergency doctor gave Micha some helpful tips how to handle the complicated situation. Wilfried was lying for the next couple of weeks in a dark room, only the light of the computer monitor illuminated the space – and only two days later already on 13 September – Wilfried initiated online the Memorial for 9/11 Victims of Terror – the psychlogical effect on this was saving Wilfried’s life.

The Terror Memorial

The Triple Method
the Triple Method. 2002, interactive
It took more than one year (2002), before Wilfried was starting the first attempt to deal artistically with this traumatic experiences via an interactive video created in Flash, an mp4 version can be viewed below (of course without interactive effects). Only in 2005, Wilfried was able to deal with the terror attack on him in 1998, and only then the time was mature to combine – The Memorial for Victims of terror, the non-linear, interactive piece and the linear video to one project – The Triple Method, an artist way to overcome the trauma in one or the other way by being creative.
*File 2003 – Electronic Language Festival Sao Paulo (Brazil)
*Art on the Net – City Museum of Matsushita/Japan 2002

[Dis]tortion_Projected, 2005, 4:40
In 1998, Agricola de Cologne became a victim of a terror attack. The video is the attempt to make the traumatic experiences perceivable via metaphoric images on an emotional level .
The artist’s voice performing one of his musical compositions uses sound instead of words in order to symbolize the speechlessness and inability of the people surrounding him to react properly.

Traverse Video Festival Toulouse/France 11-30 March 2008
*International ShortFilm Festival Budapest/Hungary 03/08 – 07/08 2007
*Pixeldance Festival Thessaloniki/Greece 12/05-15/05 2006
* Camargo Cibernetico – Camargo/Spain 29/02-02/06 2006
*D-NEFF – experimental video festival Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain) 12/06-13/06 2006
*MAGMART – videoart festival Naples/Italy 21/01-29/01 2006
*Biennale of Video Santiago/Chile 18/11-27/11 2005
*Asolo Film Festival Asolo/Italy 9/10-14/10 2005
*International Center Bethlehem/Palestina 17/2-14/03 2005

The Memorial for the Victims of Terror

9/11 - Memorial for the Victims of Terror

The Memorial for the Victims of Terror

This Memorial project was initiated on occasion of the terror attack on 11 September 2001 in USA (New York & Washington),
but is dedicated to all victims of terror as terror happens in all parts of the world at any time.
The principle of those attacks is to hit innocent citizens – the more, the better.
During the years countless of them died, vanished in anonymity and are forgotten.
This Memorial is a place to commemorate all of them, noone will be forgotten.

This Memorial is also referring to the terrorattacks on Bali 2002 and London, Madrid 2004 and London 2005.
The September 11 attacks (also referred to as 9/11) were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda against the United States on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001. The attacks killed 2,996 people, injured over 6,000 others, and caused at least $10 billion in infrastructure and property damage.[5][6] Additional people died of 9/11-related cancer and respiratory diseases in the months and years following the attacks.

Four passenger airliners operated by two major U.S. passenger air carriers (United Airlines and American Airlines)—all of which departed from airports in the northeastern United States bound for San Francisco and Los Angeles—were hijacked by 19 al-Qaeda terrorists. Two of the planes, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175, were crashed into the North and South towers, respectively, of the World Trade Center complex in Lower Manhattan. Within an hour and 42 minutes, both 110-story towers collapsed. Debris and the resulting fires caused a partial or complete collapse of all other buildings in the World Trade Center complex, including the 47-story 7 World Trade Center tower, as well as significant damage to ten other large surrounding structures. A third plane, American Airlines Flight 77, was crashed into the Pentagon (the headquarters of the U.S. Department of Defense) in Arlington County, Virginia, which led to a partial collapse of the building’s west side. The fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93, was initially flown toward Washington, D.C., but crashed into a field in Stonycreek Township near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, after its passengers thwarted the hijackers. 9/11 is the single deadliest terrorist attack in human history and the single deadliest incident for firefighters and law enforcement officers in the history of the United States, with 343 and 72 killed, respectively. (Wikipedia)

Contributing artists in different project versions:

Judson Wright, ERP, Melissa Gould, Frim Parado, Tiia Johannson, Fung Lin Hall, Martin Baldock, Trip Dixon , Tom Chambers, Agricola de Cologne, Christa Niestrath, Joy Garnett, Anahi Caceres, Trebor Scholz, Warren Furman, david c. l. cheung, Christina McPhee, Raquel Partnoy, Bill Bartee’s, Ursula Freer, Richard Ellis, Igor Ulanowsky, Ansgard Thomson, Sarawut Chutiwongpeti, Andres Waissmann
Dagmar Kase, Ingrid Kamerbeek, Rika Ohara, Andres Sanchez, Tom Scarpino, Jo-Anne Green, Francois Davin, Bernhard Keller, Popportraits NY, Birgita Jonsdottir, Elayne Zalis, Vittorio Bacelli, Marya Triandafellos, Sean G.Colahan, x mac dunlop, Angelo Ricciardi, Monika Krautscheid-Bosse, Jim Murray, Rene Joseph,Carl Porter, Michelle Loughery, St.Johns School, Toronto, Antonio Sassu, Hans-Georg Tuerstig , Maria Jackson, anton roca, Frank Shifreen , Shalva Khakhanashvili , WITTWULF Y MALIK, Moataz el Safti, Oleg Tschebunin, Michael-M von Karkowsky, Klemens Etz, jimpunk, Scott Becker, Gustavo Alberto Garcia Vaca, Mary Anne Breeze, Frederic Vignale, Tamara Lai , Shirin Kouladjie, Brooke A. Knight, John V. Haynes, Max Greenberg, Coco Gordon, Eternity conception , Nina Meledandri Richard Lubrich, Eva Lewarne, llll-llll-llll.com, Blanka Lyszczarz, Ralph Mayer, Eryk Salvaggio, Domenico Olivero, Luke Murphy, Ives Aubrymore, Fevzi Konuk, Seth Lew , Enrico Christion, Jose Cuckier, Catherine Marche, Alejandro Jaimes-Larrarte, Glimpses, Nicole Stenger, Gabriel Otero, Kenji Siratori, Gregory Chatonsky, Regina Celia Pinto, Andres Yepes, Artur Augustynowicz, dlsan
Dora Mandell, radu negulescu, floe tudor, mona vatamanu, Eduardo Navas, Sergio Maltagliati , Gregg Alayon , Agricola de Cologne, Antonio Sassu , Sheila Ernst-Bifano , Peter Vere Simmons , Vittorio Baccelli, Jeph Guerecka , Peter Sprenkeler , Pat Stamas, Marco , Tania , Christina McPhee , Judith Villamayor , Julie Olivari , Gabriel Otero , Karen Wilkinson, Maureen Margaret Mulvihill , Shirley Shor, Anahi Caceres, Nick Fox-Gieg , Juergen Trautwein , Fanny Aboulker, Neil Howe, Mac Dunlop, Antonia Sassu, Jordons Francisco, Gonzalo Frasca, Per Pegelow, alvaro Ardevol, Robert Spahr, Tim Bowen, Wolfgang Peter Menzel, Maria Miranda & Norie Neumark, Luigia Cardarelli, Atte Ahrnell, Stephen Mead, Katya Moorman, John Johnston & May Trubuhovich, Robert Labor, Cezar Lazarescu, Elena Paroucheva, Mac Dunlop, Regula Erni,m Wolfgang Peter Menzel, RODRIGO M. MALMSTEN, Benjamin Gaulon, Przemyslaw Moskal, Tamar Schori, Tatomir Ion Marius, Mike Haskett, Unni Lokken, Brian Routh, Robert Spahr, Seth Lew, Domenico di Caterino, Kenji Siratori, Barbara Campbell, Otto von Strassenbach, Brigitte Neufeld, Mac Dunlop, Babel, Cendres Lavy, SocialMediaGroup,Mark Edward Grimm, Agricola de Cologne, Suguru Goto, Dorothea Fleiss, ANN RAPSTOFF, Eva Weaver, Sanne Moe, Lars Vilhelmsen, Jonathan Aldous, Andrew Williams, Angela Cockayne, Sinasi Gunes, Monika K. Adler, Eldad Tsabary, Alex Hamilton, Nadja Franz, Salvatore Iaconesi, Caterina Davinio


please take care, that you have “Flash plugin” installed, which can be downloaded for free from the Adobe site – http://www.adobe.com

As a part of A Virtual Memorial Foundation, The 9/11 Memorial was presented

Trash Project – Experimenta (Australia) 2001
*Artists respond on 9/11 – Mercury Productions – 2001
*Net_working – Exhibition at Watershed Media Centre Bristol (UK) and
*4th International Conference on Modern Technology and Processes for Art, Media and Design, Bangkok (Thailand) 2001
*16th Videoformes Festival Clermont Ferrand (F) 2001
*File – Electronic Language Festival 2001 Sao Paulo and Curitiba City (Brazil) 2001
*Circus 2001 Conference Glasgow (UK) 2001
*ARCO WebArt Award – 2001
*Computer Space 2001 Sofia (Bulgaria)
*Prix Ars Electronica 2001
*Peace and Human Security Media Festival – New York (USA) 2002
*”Terror” – exhibition at DRCCC (Australia) 2002
*Version02 – Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago (USA) – 2002

The 7 Memorials for Humanity

The 7 Memorials for Humanity

developed, created and curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne & released in 2019, the 7 Memorials Project is a multi-facetted digital media art context – a “platform for commemorating” – to be understood as a kind of multi-dimensional virtual sculpture – working in an exchange between virtual and physical space. While the memorial sites are located online for permanent – accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days of a year, there will be temporary locations in physical space hosting a manifestation of one or more memorials to be complemented by interventions like screenings, a symposium, lectures, discussions, artists meetings, exhibitions, performances etc in order to reach a higher degree of sustainability by sensitizing people via art.

Commemorating can be understood as an advanced and, additionally, collective form of perception as the contrary of consuming in which the aspect of time is receiving generally a particular relevance – stimulating the “audience” permanently or at least regularly to be activated again and again and reflect and re-reflect – and, in the given case, also as a higher goal of art which goes far beyond the visual or sensual sensation.

Based on 7 differently aimed ongoing audio-visual media art contexts, launched between 2001 and 2020, the project is dealing with new forms of commemorating, respectively generating awareness, related to topics that really matter in the currently globally and locally escalating political, social, ecological and cultural situations endangering a free, open and democratic society and Humanity as that fundamental human value, at all. It is a plea to the contemporarily living people to keep and defend humanity as the highest human value also for future generations.

The Memorial context and its creator are acting as mediators between different parties by demonstrating diversity, eg. activating on one hand artists to articulate and contribute their (artistic) opinion, on the other hand by doing so, activating the audience to use the artistic interventions as the basis for their own reflections.

It is said, that art cannot change world as it is, but this is not completely true, art as the most human of all human expressions has that particular potential to sensitize people and change awareness, this way. However, it lies in the responsibility of the individual what he/she is doing with this awareness.

Each one of the incorporated memorials is rooted on another collection of audio-visual art, which can be experienced online. The Sonic Memorial is the only one using the non-visual medium of sonic art, generating different kinds of associations than the visual medium of video or film: for instance, The Refugee Film Collection, incorporating more than 100 videos from documentary to video art & experimental film.

As a media art work itself, the 7 Memorial commemorative platform is incorporating 20 individual projects acting individually as Memorials, commemorative projects contexts which are each one representing works of media art for itself, created by Wilfried Agricola dde Cologne, simultaneously they are based on the engagement of (external) artists by contributing (mainly audio-visual) art works which form in the sum of all, related to each topic differently, individual art collections in a community based responsibility, curated and coordinated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne.

The works created before 2010 are completed – standing as Memorial sites for a PAST to be commemorated, the works created after 2010 referring partially to historical, and partially to most recent incidents and events are ongoing and still in an active conceptual progress.

In total more than 2000 artworks by 1700 artists from 60 countries are forming the fundament of the commemorative platform and the individual Memorial sites, give the 7 Memorials project a multi-dimensional character – including & complementing each other: the global, as well as the local: while the online context is available 24 hours a day to the global community, the individual local manifestation to be realized in an exchange between virtual and physical space in collaboration with worldwide networking partners allow people to meet each other at venues that change their meaning and the awareness related to it by becoming a temporarily limited memorial & space of art.

The main medium of the active part is „art & moving images“ – mono channel art films & videos in an hybrid format, allowing to present the works in different presentation formats, eg. screening, projection & installation.

The short films & videos are forming outstanding collections to be presented to an open minded audience, but together with other artistic media like digital static images and the non-visual medium manifested in sonic art – the form also the basis for exhibition installations of different kind, online and in physical space.

The manifestations are realized in the framework of “The W:OW Project” – We Are One World – http://wow.engad.org – a global networking project, launched in 2017.

The 7 Memorials for Humanity

  • The Refugee Memorial – based on – The Refugee Film Collection – why and how become people refugees
  • d/i/light Memorial – based on Shoah Film Collection – dedicated to the victims of Holocaust
  • The Never More Memorial – no more genocide – dedicated to the victims of genocides
  • The Wake-Up Memorial – for an open and free society- against populism and intolerance
  • The Hiroshima // Fukushima Memorial – based on “The Hiroshima//Fukushima Film Collection – dedicated to the threats of nuclear power
  • The iTERROR Memorial – dedicated to the victims of terror
  • The Sonic Memorial – soundart as a tool for commemorating – collective trauma & identity

a digital media art project context created & curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

Concept, text & realisation
copyright © 2001-2019 by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

Included art works (video, digital, images, soundart, text etc & related images/screenshots)
copyright © by the artists or owners

The 7 Memorials for Humanity
are part of The New Museum of Networked Art
operated by artvideoKOELN

Schedule for – 10 September

  • •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012
  • •Torrance Art Museum Los Angeles – 18 July – 20 September 2020
  • Kansk International Video festival – 17-25 August 2012
  • MIVA – Muestra Internacional de Videoarte Alterego – Quito/Ecuador – 22 August – 14 September 2014
  • MIVA – Muestra Internacional de Videoarte Alterego – Quito/Ecuador – 24 August – 19 September 2012
  • BEAP – Biennale of Electronic Art Perth/Australia – 1 September – 17 November 2004
  • International Film Festival in Walthamstow (London/UK) – 3-12 September 2010
  • FestiNova Festival Garikula/Georgia – 5 Aug – 20 Oct 2009
  • Madeira International Art Biennale – FONLAD – 1 September – 13 October 2008