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09 September 2008

video feature
Jose Vieira


FONLAD – Online Festival for Digital Art

Founded in 2005 by Jose Vieira in Coimbra, a famous historical place & university town in Portugal, located betwen Lisbon and Oporto, FONLAD was a typical and unusual initiative alike, typical for the time of its foundation aimed to spport and encourage digital technology in art, unusual because nobody would have expected such an initiative to come from the provincial area of a country situated at the perifery of Europe. Before the foundation of FONLAD, Jose Vieira was one the (digital) artists who collaborated with Wilfried, and when Wilfried was invited to collaborate, Jose confessed that Wilfried’s activities in the field of digital art had been the inspiration for him to start FONLAD. During the following 10 years, it became obvious, that FONLAD was a creative project environment complemented by diverse additional activities initiated by Jose – just to name some – UAVM – Unknown Artists Virtual Museum, Web Art Center, Fake Web Festival – but also artists residencies and from 2006 on annual collaborations with local cultural institutions. It is not completely clear, why after 2015 FONLAD was discontinued, but during the more than 10 years of FONDAD’s existence, the position of digital art had changed profoundly, and that type of initiatives which had been pioneers at the time of their foundation, had become usual, and – obsolete actually. But FONLAD will have its historical place in the field of digital art, even if, like in many other cases, also the existence of FONLAD is only indirectly (and most incompletely) documented – through its mentioning by former collaborators. Which persons finally were deciding over FONLAD’s future, they did not give much relevance to their own creation. That’s a pity, not only for the project, as such, but also for the collaborators!
The following feature can howeever be no more than a documentation of Wilfried’s periferal and occasional involvement as an artist and curator.

FONLAD - About
extracted from netMAXX

IC0 Cultural Association presents
(CologneOFF partner festival 2009)
FONLAD - Online Digital Art Festival
Fonlad at MIDAC

The art of the XXI century is headed sharply to a digital form where the support is no longer the object: in the wide world before us through the thousands of computer networks that link us all over the world, the Internet becomes not only as a important mean of artistic disseminating but also a creative one.

FONLAD - Online Digital Art Festival
Bitquid, Jeroen Holthius

It appears as a hidden world to the sight (the digital world requires to be perceived a computer screen), another world (virtual and not real) is difficult to see beyond the bright pixels that separate it from our reality. To know this world, to realize their creative potential, we must interact with it.

FONLAD - Online Digital Art Festival
Invisible Cities, Tatiana Santos

Intending to bring this world to the general public, through exposure on the Internet and in physical spaces, the IC0 Cultural Association presents the fifth FONLAD festival.
The Online Festival of Digital Arts is an event focused on the Internet in the format of a publication / web gallery of art projects of photography, digital painting, web art, animation and video. Since its first edition, the festival is complemented by exhibitions of international scope: Madrid (1st edition), Coimbra (2nd edition), Montemor-o-Velho (3rd edition + collection), Madeira’s Biennale -Funchal (4th edition + collection),
Belforte del Chienti , Italy (collection) and finally in Guarda (5th edition).
During these 5 years this festival was attended about 170 artists, including some names of international relevance, such as Annie Abrahams, Agricola de Cologne, Caterina Davinio and Jody Zellen.

FONLAD is curated by José Vieira

FONLAD - Online Digital Art Festival
Landscape murder, Jorge Simões

FONLAD #05_09 ‐ Digital Landscapes
14 Nov. 2009 ‐ 3 Jan. 2010
Exhibition curated by José Vieira in
TMG Gallery, Guarda ‐ Portugal

Timetable: Tuesday to Friday: 16h00 to 19h00 and 20h30 to 23h00 Saturday: 14h00 to 19h00 and 20h30 to 23h00 Sunday: 14h00 to 19h00


Conference and book presentation
TMG Coffee Concert, 14 November, 16h00

Video projections curated by Agicola de Cologne
TMG Coffee Concert, 24 and 25 November, 21h30

Fonlad ’09 artists
Agricola de Cologne (Germany, web art / video), Alfonso Caputo (Italy, digital painting), Antonio Azenha (Portugal, photography), Arthur Tuoto (Brazil, video), Benvinda Araujo (Portugal, photography), Boskizzi (Italy, photography), Cecilia Urioste (Brazil, photography), Cesar Peralta (Brazil, digital painting), Chirstin Bolewski (Germany, video), Christopher Cassidy (United States, video), Clint Enns (Canada, video), David Burns (United States, video), Ebert Brothers (Germany, video), Gideon Barnet (United States, web art), Henry Gwiazda (United States, video), Irad Lee (Germany, web art / video), Joana Soberano (Portugal, video), Jeroen Holthius (Holand, photography), Joe Reinsel (United States, video), Jose Carlos Nascimento (Portugal, photography), Jorge Simões (Portugal, photography), José Higino (Portugal, digital painting), José Pedro Reis (Portugal, photography), Julian Koncsak (United States, web art), Katie Bush (United States, digital painting), Maciej Miskievics (Ireland, video), Marco Bonvini (Italy, photography), Miriam Duarte (Brazil, web art), Pato (Portugal, digital painting), Patrick Millard (United States, photography), Paulo Corte Real (Portugal, digital painting), Phill Stearns (United States, video), Rui F. Antunes (Portugal, web art), Samuel Monnier (Switzerland, digital painting), Tatiana Santos (Portugal, photography).

FONLAD - Online Digital Art Festival
Patience within the antechamber, Patrick Millard


Fonlad - Digital Art Festival Coimbra/PT

Digital Art Festival Coimbra/Portugal

The on line Festival for Digital Arts appears in 2005, by the hand of the artist José Vieira, with the goal to promote and reflect on new forms of digital contemporary art.

The project was conceived as an online platform for the dissemination of works of digital art, particularly focusing on video art.
Since 2005 has been participated in the festival over 500 artists highlighting some prominent artists like Annie Abrahams, Agricola de Cologne, Caterina Davinio or Jody Zellen.

Fonlad - Digital Art Festival Coimbra/PT

Were held several exhibitions completing virtual exhibitions on the internet, workshops, residencies and installations in unconventional spaces.
Several partnerships were established with other festivals, such as “Cologne Off” (Germany), In-Out Festival (Poland), Oslo Screen (Norway), Magmart (Italy), Athens Video Art Festival (Greece), Miden (Greece) and others.

Fonlad - Digital Art Festival Coimbra/PT

The On Line Festival for Digital Arts reaches its 9th edition under the paradigm shift and renewal. Centered on the Space for Arts, Media & Performance, aims to celebrate the 50 years of video art by intervention projects in unconventional spaces and experimenting with new languages and forms of presentation of digital arts. In these 50 years, video art has evolved into supporting bracket, from television monitors to the projections on large building facades, through several different surfaces and supports, in which mixture of different arts elements make video a kind of chameleon that is transformed according to the location and the surface on which it stands.

Fonlad - Digital Art Festival Coimbra/PT

Video art is undoubtedly the great art of this century, on this new era that begins full of transformed potential, challenging new ways for society. The multiplicity of forms which video art contains demonstrates the versatility of this artistic medium , adapting to the location and time in there particular way of being: the same piece seems to change when it is presented in different places and in different contexts.

Fonlad - Digital Art Festival Coimbra/PT

The same paradigm lives digital art, including Web art that, while captive by the screen of a computer,it is transformed into new forms.
It is this versatility that FONLAD Festival aims to present through a number of initiatives in several unconventional spaces, ranging from the common room to the monumental space of a museum, the public space to a private garden.
Fonlad - Digital Art Festival Coimbra/PT

To test new ways of presentation of video art, photography and digital art in he’s new headquarters space, trying to bring the “street” these new forms of art.
In 2013 we will continue to invest in training and performing artist residencies, exhibitions and international video interventions in unconventional spaces, supported by partnerships with some of the most important international festivals in Europe.

Fonlad - Digital Art Festival Coimbra/PT

Espaço Artes, Multimédia e Performance, Coimbra – Portugal

2005 – FONLAD #01 – Coimbra/Portugal 22 Oct – 30 Nov 2005
2006 – FONLAD #02 Bissaya Barreto Foundation Coimbra/Portugal – 3-26 November
2007 – FONLAD #03 –Quarteirão das Artes Montemor-o-Velho (Portugal) – 5 May – 15 July 2007
2008 – FONLAD #04 – Bienal de Madeira – 1 September – 30 November 2008
2008 – Secret PORTraits – UAVM/VIRTUAL MUSEUM Coimbra/Pt – 4 April-31 May 2008
2009 – FONLAD #05 14 Nov. 09 – 3 Jan. 2010, Galeria de Arte Teatro Municipal da Guarda
Museo Internazionale Dinamico di Arte Contemporanea Belforte del Chienti – Italy 1 – 30 August 09
2010 – FONLAD #06 – Bienal de Porto Santo – Icon Gallery Coimbra – 15-28 May 2010
2011 – FONLAD #07_2011 NO TAKE C – 15 Oct. 2011 Casa Bernardo, Caldas da Raínha
2012 – FONLAD #08 – Fonlad at Take S Centro de Artes de Fines 27 Jan. 2012
2012 – FONLAD #09 FONLAD –Santa Clara Galeria – 14-28 April 2012
2013 – FONLAD – Digital Art Festival Coimbra/Pt – 25 May 2013 – Irregular Rhythm
2014 – FONLAD #10– 16 April – 12 July 2014 / May 17 – Cologne OFF, Santa Clara Gallery, Coimbra / June 21 – Glamia, Coimbra’s Exploratorium 21 June 2014
2015 – FONLAD – Santa Clara Gallery, Coimbra / 15 May 2015 11 April-2 May 2015

FONLAD #01 - 22 Oct – 30 Nov 2005
*FONLAD – Festival for Digital Art Coimbra/Portugal 22 Oct – 30 Nov 2005
Agricola de Cologne – Urban.early sunday morning_raw, 2002, 4:40
Video based on a poetic text by Agricola de Cologne inspired by the Central Station of Milan (Italy).

Metropolis: sunday morning, between open end and twilight, between hope and resignation, between following a dream and returning that night to the home town or village outside.
Coming from the disco, full of the impressions of that juicy girl or that horny boy, doubtful of whether preserving innocence or following the instinct for an outstanding erotic adventure.
It is the moment of not yet knowing, vacillating between yes or no.
It is a same ritual each week-end, even if decisions are made once.
It is a game between identifying and identity.
The work describes the urban landscape as a scenario of a play, where the protagonists are embedded in without any chance to escape.

Enter the Flash version 2002

*FONLAD – Festival for Digital Art Coimbra/Portugal 22 Oct – 30 Nov 2005

FONLAD #02 - Bissaya Barreto Foundation Coimbra – 3-26 November 2006
En[code]ed, 2008, 5:00
Digital video inspired by a visit of Thessaloniki.
The work describes the principle of “code” or “coding” in form of an allegory, a metaphoric story as a ritual of meeting, dominating and resigning. The code is identified as a state of the static, dogmatic and conservative, which asks for obedience, but gives no chance to escape.

2nd Digital Art Festival Fonlad Bissaya Barreto Foundation Coimbra/Portugal – 3-26 November – “En [code] ed” 2006

FONLAD #03 - Quarteirão das Artes Montemor-o-Velho – 5 May – 15 July 2007
FONLAD #03 – Quarteirão das Artes Montemor-o-Velho – 5 May – 15 July 2007
Agricola de Cologne – RED: One Day on Mars, 2007, 8:00

A human being is obliged to spend at least one day in his lifetime on Mars. Mars the red desert planet, Mars the god of war. Mars can be anywhere, any place which is identified with the inhuman, violence, hate, rage, revenge and despair.
Agricola de Cologne filmed the original material 2006 during a visit in Palestine & Israel.

Fonlad – Digital Art Show – Quarteirão das Artes Montemor-o-Velho (Portugal) – 5 May – 15 July 2007

Bienal de Madeira – 1 September – 30 November 2008

Secret PORTraits – UAVM/VIRTUAL MUSEUM Coimbra/Pt – 4 April-31 May 2008
CologneOFF 4 – selection
FONLAD 4 –Bienal de Madeira Casa da Luz, Funchal Casa da Cultura, Sta. Cruz – 1 September – 13 October 2008
Secret PORTraits – UAVM/VIRTUAL MUSEUM Coimbra/Pt – 4 April-31 May 2008

The Massada Manifestation

Galeria de Arte Teatro Municipal da Guarda 14 Nov. 09 - 3 Jan. 2010
Museo Internazionale Dinamico di Arte Contemporanea Belforte del Chienti - Italy 1 - 30 August 09
CologneOFF V
Casey McKee (USA)
Alex Lora (Spain)
Frank Gatti (France)
Jym Davis (USA)
Erika Yeomans (USA)
Margarida Paiva (Portugal)
Istvan Rusvai (Hungary)

Nitin Das (India)
Ascan Breuer (Germany)
Marita Contreras (Peru)
Masha Yozefpolsky (Israel)
Anna Porzelt (Germany)
Heidi Kumao (USA)
Les Riches Douaniers (France)
Soumendra Padhi (India)
Boris Sribar (Serbia)

FONLAD 5 14 Novembro 09 – 3 Janeiro 2010, Galeria de Arte Teatro Municipal da Guarda

Em parceria com a Associação dos Antigos Alunos da Arca-Euac, o UAVM Virtual Museum, a IC zero e a direcção da MIAB (Madeira’s International Art Bienal) apresenta uma representação de artistas participantes no Festival FONLAD. Entre estes artistas destacam-se as participações dos artistas da associação: António Azenha, Jorge Simões, José Higino, José Pedro Reis, José Vieira, Pato (Rodrigo Canhão) e Paulo Corte-Real. É de destacar a performance “Contemporâneo Vitruvius” de António Azenha que inaugurou a referida Bienal.

Fonlad – Digital Art Festival Coimbra/PT – Nov 2009 – One Day on Mars, VideoChannel, CologneOFF
Agricola de Cologne – RED: One Day on Mars, 2007, 8:00

A human being is obliged to spend at least one day in his lifetime on Mars. Mars the red desert planet, Mars the god of war. Mars can be anywhere, any place which is identified with the inhuman, violence, hate, rage, revenge and despair.
Agricola de Cologne filmed the original material 2006 during a visit in Palestine & Israel.

Fonlad – Digital Art Festival
TMG Gallery Guarda Portugal – 14 Nov 2009 – 03 Jan 2010

The IC0 Cultural Association presents the fifth FONLAD festival curated by Jose Vieira.
The Online Festival of Digital Arts is an event focused on the Internet in the format of a publication / web gallery of art projects of photography, digital painting, web art, animation and video. Since its first edition, the festival is complemented by exhibitions of international scope: Madrid (1st edition), Coimbra (2nd edition), Montemor-o-Velho (3rd edition + collection), Madeira’s Biennale – Funchal (4th edition + collection), Belforte del Chienti , Italy (collection) and finally in Guarda (5th edition).

During these 5 years this festival was attended about 170 artists, including some names of international relevance, such as Annie Abrahams, Agricola de Cologne, Caterina Davinio and Jody Zellen.

Participating artists
Agricola de Cologne (Germany, web art / video), Alfonso Caputo (Italy, digital painting), Antonio Azenha (Portugal, photography), Arthur Tuoto (Brazil, video), Benvinda Araujo (Portugal, photography), Boskizzi (Italy, photography), Cecilia Urioste (Brazil, photography), Cesar Peralta (Mexico, digital painting), Chirstin Bolewski (Germany, video), Christopher Cassidy (United States, video), Clint Enns (Canada, video), David Burns (United States, video), Ebert Brothers (Germany, video), Gideon Barnet (United States, web art), Henry Gwiazda (United States, video), Irad Lee (Germany, web art / video), Joana Soberano (Portugal, video), Jeroen Holthius (Holand, photography), Joe Reinsel (United States, video), Jose Carlos Nascimento (Portugal, photography), Jorge Simões (Portugal, photography), José Higino (Portugal, digital painting), José Pedro Reis (Portugal, photography), Julian Koncsak (United States, web art), Katie Bush (United States, digital painting), Marco Bonvini (Italy, photography), Miriam Duarte (Brazil, web art), Pato (Portugal, digital painting), Patrick Millard (United States, photography), Paulo Corte Real (Portugal, digital painting), Phill Stearns (United States, video), Rui F. Antunes (Portugal, web art), Samuel Monnier (Switzerland, digital painting), Tatiana Santos (Portugal, photography).

(International Festival of Digital Art, Fifth Edition)

Organization: Terra dell’Arte ­ International Cultural Association
Where: Museum M.I.D.A.C., in Belforte del Chienti, Macerata, Italy.

International Dynamic Contemporary Art Museum MIDAC Belforte Del Chienti
Museo Internazionale Dinamico di Arte Contemporanea
Belforte del Chienti – Italy – 1 – 30 August 09

The FONLAD 2009 festival presents at MIDAC (Belforte del chienti, Italy) a exhibition from the Fonlad Collection best works including the artists:
Agricola de Cologne (Video, Germany), Anthony Azenha (Photo, Portugal), Ariane Maugery (Video, France), Ariel Artigas Severino (Digital Painting, Uruguay), Arthur Tuoto (Video, Brazil), Benvinda Araújo (Digital Painting, Portugal), Boskizzi (Photo, Italy), Carola Blanco (Photo, Venezuela), CeciliaUrioste (Photo, Brazil), Collete Copeland (Video, USA), Dan McCormack(Photo, USA), David Burns (Photo, USA), Elaine Gomes (Digital Painting,Brazil), Ellen Jantzen (Photo, USA), Emma Rochester (Digital Photography,Italy), Fabian Gilles (Web Art, Mexico), Fernando Graça / Penousal Machado (Photo, Portugal), Fernando Velasquez (Video, Uruguay), Gruppo Sinestético(Vídeo Performance, Italy), Henry Gwiazda (Video, USA), Ines Manta (Digital Painting, Portugal), Ira Eduardovna (Video, Russia), Jen Kuang Chang (Video, Taiwan), Jody Zellen (Web Art, USA), Jorge Simões (Photo, Portugal) José Higino (Photography, Portugal), José Pedro Reis (Video, Portugal) Lemeh 42 (Video, Italy), Marco Bonvini (Photo, Italy), Midute (Digital Painting, Brazil), Pato (Digital Painting, Portugal), Paulo Corte Real (Digital Painting,Portugal), Robert Derr (Video Performance, USA), Samuel Monnier (Digital Painting, Switzerland), Shawn Lawson (Video, USA), Tamara Lai (Web Art,Belgium), Yan Chung Hsien (Video, Taiwan).

Espaço Rosa dos Ventos, Montemor-o-Velho
Bienal de Porto Santo - Icon Gallery Coimbra - 28 May - 5 June - 3 July 2010

Video Channel/Cologne Off (Germany) “Found Footage”
Curator: Agricola de Cologne
Artists: Bill Domonkos (USA), Deinse Hood (USA), Dr. Boston (USA), Alexander Mouton (USA), James Woodward (USA),
Constantin Hartenstein (Germany), Dennis Summers (USA), Jennifer Schwed (USA), Rajorshi Ghosh (USA)

Fonlad – Digital Art Festival- 15-28 May Coimbra/PT 2010 bienal de Porto Santo
FONLAD # 06_2010

(Partnership: Videolab / Teatro dos Castelos) – Instructor: Sérgio Gomes
22, 23, 29 and 30 of May, 2010
Escola Profissional Montemor-o-Velho – Time: 9h00/13h00 – 14h00/18h00

(Partnership Fonlad / Teatro dos Castelos) – Coordination: José Vieira
Participation: José Vieira (Fonlad), Pedro Almeida / Sérgio Gomes (Videolab), Tiago Serra (xDA), Sérgio Nogueira (Patch Zero).
22 May, 22h30 – Espaço Rosa dos Ventos

(Partnership Fonlad / Videolab / Cologne Off / VideoChannel)
May 22, 23:30 Videolab (Portugal) – Curators: Pedro Almeida e Sérgio Gomes
Artists: Masha Godovannaya (Russia), Taina Kontio (Finland), Marie Magescas (France), Jeremy Newman (USA),
Johanna Reich (Germany), Bart Wasem (Suitzerland), Leah Meyerhoff (EUA), Gabriel Judet-Weinshel (EUA), Ethem Ozguven (Turquia)

June 5, 23.30
Video Channel/Cologne Off (Germany) “Found Footage” – Curator: Agricola de Cologne
Artists: Bill Domonkos (USA), Deinse Hood (USA), Dr. Boston (USA), Alexander Mouton (USA), James Woodward (USA),
Constantin Hartenstein (Germany), Dennis Summers (USA), Jennifer Schwed (USA), Rajorshi Ghosh (USA)

June 12, 23:30
Fonlad (Portugal) – Curator: Jose Vieira
Artists: Anders Weberg (USA), Caterina Davinio (Italy), Daemiane (UK), Gruppo Sinestético (Italy), Henry Gwiazda (USA),
Jay Critchley (USA), Marius Tanasescu (Italy), Osvaldo Cibils (Uruguay)

June 19, 23:30
Fonlad (Portugal) – Curator: Jose Vieira
Artists: Alysse Stepanian (USA), Arthur Tuoto (Brazil), Clint Enns (Canada), Eduardo Romaguera (Spain),
Henry Gwiazda (USA), HP Process (France), Steven Hoskins (USA).

(Partnership Cologne Off / VideoChannel, Porto Santo’s Biennial) – Curator: Agricola de Cologne
Artists: Bill Domonkos (USA), Deinse Hood (USA), Dr. Boston (USA), Alexander Mouton (USA), James Woodward (USA),
Constantin Hartenstein (Germany), Dennis Summers (USA), Jennifer Schwed (USA), Rajorshi Ghosh (USA)
Galeria Icone/Icon Gallery – May 28; 22h00

(Partnership Videolab, Porto Santo’s Biennial) – Curators: Pedro Almeida, Sérgio Gomes
Artists: António Olaio, Francisco Queirós, João Pombeiro, José Maças de Carvalho,
Maria Lusitano, Margarida Paiva, Paulo Mendes, Susana Mendes Silva, Vasco Araújo
Galeria Icone/Icon Gallery – May 29; 22h00

(Partnership Videolab, Cologne Off / VideoChannel, Porto Santo’s Biennial)
Curators: Agricola de Cologne, José Vieira, Pedro Almeida, Sérgio Gomes
Artists: Fonlad: Arthur Tuoto (Brazil), Andres Weber (Sweden), Caterina Davinio (Italy), Gruppo Sinestético (Italy),
Osvaldo Cibils (Uruguay), Steven Hoskins (USA); Videolab: Anna Chiaretta Lavatelli (EUA), Artur Varela (Portugal),
Arzu Ozkal (Turquia), David Phillips & Paul Rowley (Irlanda/EUA), Diane Timmins (Reino Unido), Jean-Gabriel Périot (França),
Joshua Bryan (Reino Unido), Laetitia Bourget (França), Nick Jordan (Reino Unido), Paulo Bernaschina e Sérgio Gomes (Portugal),
Tito Guedes de Carvalho e Manuel Ogando (Portugal); VideoChannel (Alemanha): Bill Domonkos (EUA), Deinse Hood (EUA),
Alexander Mouton (EUA), James Woodward ((EUA), Constantin Hartenstein (Germany), Dennis Summers (EUA),
Jennifer Schwed (EUA), Rajorshi Ghosh (EUA)
Galeria Icone/Icon Gallery – July 3; 22h00

Artistic direction: José Vieira
Invited curators: Agrícola de Cologne, Pedro Almeida and Sérgio Gomes
Technical Support: Jorge Simões, Jorge Valente
Design: Paulo Corte Real
Support: Galeria Ícone, Quarteirão das Artes, Porto Santo’s Biennial, Videolab, Cologne Off / VideoChannel, Herning Film Festival,
In Out Festival, NewMediaFest 2010, Rec-On Muestra International de Audiovisuales, Videoart Cologne, ZerOne San Jose Biennial
Production: IC0 Cultural Ass. / Teatro dos Castelos
http://www.iczero.org – http://www.teatrodoscastelos.org

Galeria Icone/Icon Gallery
Artistic direction: José Vieira
Invited curators: Agrícola de Cologne, Pedro Almeida and Sérgio Gomes


Pátio da Inquisição, Coimbra
3 Julho July 22h00

Artistic direction: Tatiana Santos
Curators: Agricola de Cologne, José Vieira, Pedro Almeida, Sérgio Gomes
Technical Support: Jorge Simões
Support: IC Zero, Projecto Videolab, VideoChannel, Porto Santo Biennial
Production: Galeria Icone / Icone Gallery

FONLAD #07 - Museu Bernardo, Caldas da Raínha - 15 Oct. 2011
Museu Casa Bernarda Bernado’s House Museum FONLAD Caldas da Rainha ( (PT) – 15 October 2011
Agricola de Cologne – Silent Cry, 2016, 3:40

Short synopsis
Silent Cry is the visualization of an internal cry happening all the time, when society does not allow to show deep emotional affection. The silent cry is always present caused by never ending traumatizations during decades hidden behind the facade people wants to see. And even if the cry would be be seen or heard, people would refuse to face it. The work release is giving sound a particular relevance.

15 October 2011
Casa Bernardo, Caldas da Raínha

Apresentação de várias video instalações nos espaços da Casa Bernardo integradas no TAKE C.
Artistas: Agricola de Cologne (Alemanha); António Cabrita (Portugal); Corrine Bot (Holanda); Dietmar Krumrey (USA); Jacob Tonski (Turquia); Jan Hakon Erichsen (Noruega); Margarida Paiva (Portugal); Mie Olise (Dinamarca); Surabhi Saraf (India). Direcção artística de Pedro Bernardo e José Vieira. Parcerias: Videolab, Teatro dos Castelos, Conflito Estético, Museu Bernardo, Athens Video Art festival, Oslo Screen, Magmart, Cologne OFF.

Room on the main entrance:
Videolab Project I

Green Room:
Videolab project II

Middle room:
VÍDEO-TRÍPLICE “Onde o Passe Social Termina e o Abismo de Silêncio se Escava”, by António Cabrita (PT)
(Conflito Estético)

Room with window:
Who lives in my head, by Margarida Paiva
(Oslo Screen)

Basement stairs:
Silent Cry, by Agricola de Cologne
(Cologne OFF)

Playing Ship, by Mie Olise
(proposed by Enrico Tomaselli, Magmart)

Back Room:
Fold, by Surabhi Saraf presented inside a wardrobe.
(proposed by Sotiris Iliadis, Athens Festival)

Courtyard little house:
Balance Study, Jacob Tonski
(Fonlad Festival)

Blue basement:
Videolab Project III

FONLAD #08 - Centro de Artes de Fines 27 Jan. 2012
Santa Clara Galeria 14-28 April 2012

CologneOFF 2012 Portugal
@ FONLAD – MIVA – International Video Art Screenings
Claire Gallery, Coimbra – 28 April 2012

CologneOFF VII – In & Out of Balance
curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

Alexei Dimitriev (Russia) – Dubus, 2004, 4:09
Kristian de la Riva (UK) – Cut, 2009, 3:00
Stine Gonsholt (Norway) – Balance, 2009, 3:02
Andres Jurado (Colombia) – 2:48 minutes with the door, 2009, 3:01
Wrik Mead (Canada) – Winter’s End, 2010, 8:00

FONLAD – Digital Art Festival Coimbra/Pt – 14-28 April 2012 Santa Clara Galeria


Fonlad at Take S
Centro de Artes de sines 27 Janero 2012
Silent Cry, 2016, 3:40

Short synopsis
Silent Cry is the visualization of an internal cry happening all the time, when society does not allow to show deep emotional affection. The silent cry is always present caused by never ending traumatizations during decades hidden behind the facade people wants to see. And even if the cry would be be seen or heard, people would refuse to face it. The work release is giving sound a particular relevance.



CologneOFF 2013 Portugal I – 25 May 2013
CologneOFF – Cologne International Videoart Festival
Irregular Rhythm
selection curated by Agricola de Cologne

list of videos

Shabnam Piryaei (USA) – Dollhouse, 2011, 5:53
Cinzia Sarto (Italy) – Dirty Vacation, 2005, 7:00
Liu Wei (China) – Unforgettable Memory, 2009, 10:17
Karla Spiluttini (Austria) – Tiananmen, 2010, 3:18
Max Hattler (Germany) – Spin, 2010, 3:55

Santa Clara Gallery, Coimbra - 17 May 2014
Coimbra’s Exploratorium - 21 June 2014
Museu de Vila Velha - Vila Real

10 Years Cologne International Videoart Festival
CologneOFF X – Alienation on Mysterious Networks
Curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

List of videos

Isabel Pérez del Pulgar (Spain) – Latent State, 2013,4:47
Susanne Wiegner (Germany) – Inside My Room, 2013, 3:26
Marcantonio Lunardi (Italy) – The Choir, 2013, 4:19
David King (Australia) – What if You Woke One Day…?, 2013, 1:00
Maya Watanabe (Peru) – A-phan-ousia, 2008, 4:45
Allison Berkoy (USA) – Another Day, 2012, 4:42
Tessa Garland (UK) – Not far from Here, 2013, 5:00
Diego de los Campos Orefice (Uruguay) – Meatman, 2011, 5:12

Curatorial statement

„Alienation on Mysterious Networks“ is a selection curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne for FONLAD 2014 on occasion of the 10 anniversary of CologneOFF – Cologne International Videoart Festival.
All selected works deal with mysterious networking structures the protagonists are involved in and the alienation through their own subjective view. The next level of alienation by the artists’ work out is causing a strange, alienated objectivity.

FONLAD – Digital Art Festival Coimbra/Portugal – 17 May 2014
May 17 – Cologne OFF, Santa Clara Gallery, Coimbra

June 21 – Coimbra’s Exploratorium
Fonlad Digital Art Festival – 21 June 2014

26 Abril a 12 Julho 2014
Vários espaços da cidade de Coimbra

Em parceria com o Projecto Videolab, a Associação IC Zero promove mais uma edição do Festival Fonlad: performances de Francesca Leoni, Essere Aria e Sérgio Gomes. Mostras interncionais de video arte por Magmart, Miden, Proyector, Videoplay e Cologne OFF.
CologneOFF 2014 Portugal II
2014 – 10 Years Cologne international Videoart Festival

artvideoKOELN international
is happy to present CologneOFF 2014 June

CologneOFF 2014 Portugal II
@ Fonlad – Digital Art Festival
21 June 2014 – the screening of
GLAMIA – Global Art & Moving Images Awards

That’s it!
coordinated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

Global Art & Moving Images Awards
“That’s It”
@ FONLAD – Digital Art Festival Coimbra/Pt
21 June 2014
coordinated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

List of videos

# Cologne International Videoart Festival (Germany) – Curator Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
Owen Eric Wood (Canada) – Return, 2011, 5:00

# exDox – experimental documentary film festival (Germany) – Curator: Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
Yiotis Vrantzas (Greece) – Phone call from Cairo, 2012, 4:55

# Manipulated Images (Los Angeles, USA) – Curator: Alysse Stepanian
Guli Silberstein (UK/Israel) – Disturbdance, 2012, 3:25

# Now & After – Videoart Festival Moskow (Russia) – Curator: Marina Fomenko
Alexandra Mitlyanskaya, Russia, “Babylon 2010”, 2010, 5’00”

# Fonlad – Digital Art Festival Coimbra (Portugal) – Curator: José Vieira
Jacob Tonsky (USA) – “Balance Study: Threshold”, 2008, 1:02

# VideoBabel – Festival of Videoart (Peru) – Curator: Vera Tyuleneva
Jean Paul Zelada (Peru) – “Ciudad Cero”, 2010, 3:38

# AudioVisioni Digitali (Rome) – Curator: Veronica d’Auria
–> Lino Strangis (Italy) – Wake Up From the Drift, 4:12, 2012

# The Scientist – International Videoart Festival Ferrara (Italy) – Curator: Vitaliano Teti
Claudia Carboni (italy) “Real-lusion”, 2010, 4: 34

# Linoleum International Animation & Media Art Festival (Russia) – Curator: Olga Martynenko
Juan Pablo Zaramella (Argentina) – Luminaris, 2011, 5:53

# Digital Marrakesh Festival (Morocco) – Curator: Abdelaziz Taleb
Arab Media Lab Project, (Morocco/NL) – Recruiting identities, 2011, 6.20

# City Breath Festival Cape Town (South Africa) – Curator: Kai Lossgott
Khanyisile Mbongwa, James Taylor (RSA) – Fragmented, 4’53”, 2009

# VideoArt Festival Miden (Greece) – Curators: Gioula Papadopoulou & Giorgos Dimitrapoulos
Shahar Marcus (Israel) – The curator, 2011, 4:22

Silent Cry, 2016, 3:40

Short synopsis
Silent Cry is the visualization of an internal cry happening all the time, when society does not allow to show deep emotional affection. The silent cry is always present caused by never ending traumatizations during decades hidden behind the facade people wants to see. And even if the cry would be be seen or heard, people would refuse to face it. The work release is giving sound a particular relevance.

FONLAD 2015 - Santa Clara Gallery, Coimbra / 15 May 2015
Body & Soul
selection curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

List of videos

Apotropia (Italy) – K, 2012, 4:00
Matt Gibson (USA) – The Turtle, 2013, 2:00
John Graham (Canada) – Sincerus, 2013, 8:41
Heidi Kumao (USA) –Swollowed Hole, 2014, 3:53
Baptist Coelho (India) – Beneath It all I Am Human, 2009, 9:41
Sanglim Han (S.Korea) – Bloom, 2012, 3:35

FONLAD – Digital Art Festival Coimbra/PT @ Santa Clara Gallery, Coimbra / 15 May 2015 11 April-2 May 2015

Schedule for – 08 September

  • •Linoleum Animation & Media Art Festival Moscow – 10 July – 09 September 2012
  • •Torrance Art Museum Los Angeles – 18 July – 20 September 2020
  • *FILE – Electronic Language Festival Sao Paulo/Br 13/08 – 09/09 2007
  • FILE Hipersonic Festival Sao Paulo/Brazil – 13 August – 9 September 2007
  • Kansk International Video festival – 17-25 August 2012
  • MIVA – Muestra Internacional de Videoarte Alterego – Quito/Ecuador – 22 August – 14 September 2014
  • MIVA – Muestra Internacional de Videoarte Alterego – Quito/Ecuador – 24 August – 19 September 2012
  • BEAP – Biennale of Electronic Art Perth/Australia – 1 September – 17 November 2004
  • Busho – Budapest Short Film Festival – 4-9 September 2012
  • International Film Festival in Walthamstow (London/UK) – 3-12 September 2010
  • FestiNova Festival Garikula/Georgia – 5 Aug – 20 Oct 2009
  • Madeira International Art Biennale – FONLAD – 1 September – 13 October 2008
  • 3rd 0110 Digital Film Festival New Dehli/India – 05-08 September 2005