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23 June 2012

video feature
CologneOFF 2012 Valencia


The name Valencia has an ambigous meaning to Wilfried. In 2008, he was participating with his curated exhibition “SoundObjects” in “Digital Media” @ La Nau in Valencia, one of the negative experiences to forget, at best immediately. But then, it is connected to the second visit in 2012 in a positive way, when Wilfried was invited by Empar Cubells, professor at The Politechnical University of Valencia to participate in the event she is organising – “The Hybrid Festival” @ La Naves (21-26 June 2012), a municipal art center. Empar Cubells is one of those video artists who joined Wilfried’s curatorial activities in their early phase in 2004/2005, when he had released VideoChannel – as a platform for curating art & moving images. In Valencia, Wilfried is presenting in the frame-work of the festival not only a selection of “ColognOFF VII – Art & the City”, but he is holding also a lecture/presentation to the audience of students.
And because he has contacts to another festival taking place at the same time in Valencia – Incubarte 2012, the festival director – Javier Marisco – invites Wilfried to be part of the jury for videoart, in this way Wilfried is learning something from the internal art related structures within Valencia.
Strangely enough, at that time Valencia hadn’t such a positive fame in German media, but Wilfried did not understand why some travelling journalists were neglecting Valencia an attractive place for tourists, so Wilfried finds the city as such with its history and the historical city center really exciting, but – even if Valencia has a kind of metropilitan character, it is provincial as well, not in its negative sense, but in this sense that everything is limited also the cultural structures of the city.
Particular, Incubarte Festival 2012 was showing itself as a devoted event, but it has just local relevance (according to Wilfried’s impression) and particularly the involvement of some international participants is demonstrating this assessment. The exhibition at MUVIM – one of the Valencian museums is reminding Wilfried of the exhibition of local artists he was participating 17 years old in when he was living in Esslingen (Southern Germany) where he grew up. It has the same athmosphere – and a similiar artistic quality. And even if there is a digital and video section. it has that devoted provinciality, which is very sympathic it is own way, but from Wilfried’s point of view – the structure, the concept and the way of organisation has no perspectives, a perception which will be confirmed some years later, because Incubarte will discontinue, and it is often like that, there is no new structure which might have the potential to replace the previous one – and then it is always the same – such initiatives depend always on its “maker”, a person who is deeply engaged in making such activities only possible.
For Wilfried, it is strange to see, that it is always the same, whereever in the world, also in his own case – when Wilfried will stop his activities once, there will be no follower, who might continue.

Empar Cubells (Valencia) & Elisabeth Ross (Mexico City)
But then during “The Hybrid Festival” , Wilfried will meet another participant – Elisabeth Ross, a Mexican performing artist, who joint later some of his projects. Wilfried will be spending some very nice days in Valencia, while in Cologne a desaster is cooking – a case at a court which – Wilfried is winning! When Wilfried had left Cologne for Valencia, it was not clear if the case of an attack on Wilfried’s life will succeed at the court. While Wilfried is sitting in his comfortable hotel room in Valencia, he receives the message, the authorities in Cologne confessed the attack.

Incubarte - Festival for the Arts 2012

Incubarte – Festival for the Arts Valencia/Spain – 21-24 June 2012 – Jury: Videoart
http://www.incubarte.org/ (discontinued – offline))

Incubarte 2012, V Festival Internacional de Arte Independiente MuVIM, Valencia. Director :Javier Marisco. Comisarios: Lourdes Casany, Damiá Jordá, Emanuela Loprieno, Jorge Montalvo, Rebeca Plana.
MUVIM – Museo Valenciano de la Ilustración y la Modernidad
INCUBARTE in Valencia is an international Festival of Independent Art which unifies plastic- with visual art. They just create a link between different types oft art and culture like painting, sculpture, instalations, photography and video-arts.

It’s an amazing meeting point of several artists representing their newest works in a nice and cheery ambience, free for sure and open for everyone who wants to see what art can do…

MUVIM – Museo Valenciano de la Ilustración y la Modernidad

The Hybrid Art Festival 2012

CologneOFF 2012 Spain I
@ CologneOFF @ Polytechnical University Valencia – 21-26 June 2012

Enter CologneOFF VII here

Hybrid Art Festival Valencia June 2012

The Hybrid Art Festival
took place at Las Naves – Espacio de Creación Contemporánea, C/ de Juan Verdeguer 16, 46024 Valencia. – 21-26 June 2012

Invited artists


Lecture & Presentation – Internet streaming

Screening 1

CologneOFF 2012 – Art & the City
special selection by Agricola de Cologne

Mattias Härenstam (Sweden) ‐ Closed Circuit, 2011, 3:01
Albert Merino (Spain) ‐ The City and The Other, 2010, 3:09
Francesca Fini (Italy) ‐ Oasis in the Desert, 2010, 5:00
Nick Fox‐Gieg (USA) ‐ Disarmed , 2002, 2:42
Ellen Lake (USA) ‐ Call + Response, 2009, 3:00
Theme Bannenberg & NOK Snel (NL) Behind Closed Doors, 2010, 7:38
Shahar Marcus (Israel) ‐ Leap of Faith, 2010, 3:02
Yuriy Kruchak, Yulia Kostereva (UA)‐ The 7th of November, 2009, 3:36
Ana Brotas (Portugal) ‐ Okupa, 2009, 2:19
My Name is Scot (Canada) ‐ Independance, 2011, 7:56
Liu Wei (China) ‐ Hopeless Land, 2009, 7:28
Emeka Ogboh (Nigeria) ‐ [dis]connect III, 2011, 3:36
Ramon Suau Lleal (Spain) – Hoax, 2010, 4:23

Screening 2
Videoart from Peru – partner program by VideoBabel Cusco/Peru

Jean Paul Zelada – Ciudad Cero, Perú, 03:38, 2010
Sinopsis en inglés. Video art ironically presenting a post-apocalyptic panorama of the town of Trujillo. National Award for the best video of VideoBabel Festival.

Poco Floro (Aurelio de la Guerra) – Arte urbano, Perú, 08:23, 2010-2011
Sinopsis en inglés. Audiovisual record of the creation of mural paintings / graffiti in Lima and other cities of Latin America. International Award for the best video about art project of VideoBabel Festival.

Camilo Masilva y Mikael Stornfelt – Criollo Businessman, Perú, 03:31, 2009
Sinopsis en inglés. Videoclip about popular wit and inventiveness of the underworlds of Latin America. International Award for the best videoclip of VideoBabel Festival.

Alfredo Velarde – Cuetero / ladrones de fuego, Perú, 06:14, 2010
Sinopsis en inglés. The narrator tells a myth of an Amazon native tribe about the origin of fire, accompanied with images of traditional fireworks in Cusco. International Award for the best video about traditional culture of VideoBabel Festival.

Adriana Ugarte Stiglich, Celeste Zeña, Viola Varotto, Daniel P. Salguero, ::: (signo generador), Perú, 13:27, 2010
Sinopsis en inglés. The documentary is a daring attempt to show the world of the blind through audiovisual language. International Award for the best video about social issue of VideoBabel Festival.

Alfredo Velarde – Delirios grises, Perú, 09:55, 2010
Sinopsis en inglés. The video is based on photographic records of a project of art therapy at a mental hospital. National Award for the best low budget video of VideoBabel Festival.

Alonso Del Río – Urpillay Sonqollay, Perú, 15:00, 2010
Sinopsis en inglés. Daily life and ritual practices of the native community of Q’eros. Cusco selection of VideoBabel Festival.

César Alberto Venero Torres y Marco Vega – Reconocer, Perú, 02:43, 2011
Sinopsis en inglés. A joke on visual perception. Cusco selection of VideoBabel Festival.

Jorge Portugal – Cusco terminal, Perú, 03:18, 2007
Sinopsis en inglés. The other side of Cusco, gloomy and full of cars, an antithesis of the postcard image presented to tourists. Cusco selection of VideoBabel Festival.

Sara Suzuki – Un break, Perú, 02:38, 2011
Sinopsis en inglés. Mourning routine of a young girl. Cusco selection of VideoBabel Festival.

Empar Cubells (Valencia) & Elisabeth Ross (Mexico City)

Empar Cubells – Infern domestic, 2003, 5:50

Empar Cubells

Born in Valencia (Spain) in 1962. Works actually as Professor in the Faculty of Fine Arts in Valencia. Speciality in audiovisual Art. Graduated in the Facultat de Belles Arts de Sant Carles of Valencia in 1993. Member of the Laboratory of Intermedia Creation of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Valencia. Master in interactive communication, telecommunication and multimedia, University Autònoma of Barcelona, Grant in the Banff centre for the arts, Canada, 1998; Coordinations of various workshops, exhibitions and video projects.
Complete biography

 Las Naves Valencia

Wilfried in Valencia (Photo by Elisabeth Ross)


Quiliano is a small town in the mountains Western from Genova (Italy). One day in 2006, Wilfried received the invitation to participate in a “netart” competition initiated by SACS – Spazio Arte Contemporanea Sperimentale (Experimental Art Centre) of Quiliano. Wilfried had never heard before of this place, but he appreciated the initiative of an art structure outside of the capitals. It is fatal if art activities are reduced mainly to spectacular events of the big art competitors like metropolitan museums of festivals. It is at least as relevant, that art initiatives on the countryside have their voice, as well as in realizing substantial art projects. In times, when the cultural budgets are continuously cut and finally only the institutions are funded which have the best lobby, it is even more important to encourage art activists outside of the metropoles to make that all people have the chance to participate in new developmenmts of art and culture.
In this way, it was no qwuestion for Wilfried to participate in two projects initiated by SACS.
Honestly has to be stated, that the term “netart” as it is used in both initiatives from Quiliano, do not correspond with that “netart” Wilfried was promoting since 2000 via JavaMuseum or projects like “Violence Online Festival” of “The RRF Project” – but it is allowed, of course, to re-interpret terms, even if the original meaning is vanishing completely.
Wilfried participates with two digital images. SACS gave a template of an image and the particpating artists had to re-interprete the theme by using, modifying or manipulating the image digitally. Both themes were related to Quiliano.

Netart Project “San Pietro di Carpignano 2007
Netart Project “San Pietro di Carpignano” – Spazio Arte Contemporanea Sperimentale Quiliano/Italy – June 2007

Schedule for – 23 June

  • •Israeli Center for Digital Art Holon/Israel – 16 April – 16 July 2005
  • •SENEF – Seoul Festival for Internet & Film – 01 May -01 July 2005
  • •Fonlad – Digital Art Show – Quarteirão das Artes Montemor-o-Velho (Portugal) – 5 May – 15 July 2007
  • •A Virtual Memorial Riga 2012 – 1-30 June 2012
  • •Outvideo Festival Ekaterinburg/Russia – 5-25 June 2003
  • •52 Venice Biennale – Divine_in.tent – curated by Doron Polak & Amir Cohen – 7-30 June 2007
  • 53rd Venice Biennale 2009 – Scalamata Gallery -“Souvenir Art” – International Artists Museum – Collateral event- 6-26 June 2009
  • •52nd Venice Biennale 2007 – Divine_in.tent – curated by Doron Polak & Amir Cohen – 7-30 June 2007
  • •ArtChannel Paris – “13Sévigné” Gallery Paris 14-23 June 2007 – art videos
  • •Incubarte – Festival for the Arts Valencia/Spain – 21-24 June 2012
  • •The Hibrida Festival – 21-26 June 2012