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11 October 2005

video feature
Buenos Aires
Women: Memory of Repression in Argentina
Impact SA

Women: Memory of Repression in Argentina

Buenos Aires

Plaza de Mayo

Visiting Argentina in October 2005 had a particular relevance, because it is a particular project Wilfried is presenting. In 2001, he met Raquel Partnoy virtually in Internet, one of the Mothers of Place de Mayo, like many of the them of Jewish origin. Her family was escaping from the economical disaster and progroms in Eastern Europe looking for a place to settle and live in peace, thinking finally Argentina was the promissed land, but the military rulers came in Argentina to power persecuting different minded like they are persecuted by most totalitarisn systems. The particular terror in Argentinia was the so called Argentine Holocaust – The Dirty War – the war of the military rulers against the own population – kindapping primarily the male members of a family like fathers and sons collecting them like the Nazis in detention (concentration) camps in order to kill ten thousands of them in most infamous ways.
When Wilfried heard about this background of Raquel as an artist, who had been participating in one of his previous projects, he invited her for collaborating intending to create an Internet based project about the diasporadic life of her family, entitled: Family Portrait. His fascination of this collaboration is manifested in this project, but it was just the start of a new project, because meanwhile Wilfried had several female artists from Argentina participating in his projects, – inspriing Wilfried to check whether they could imagine to work on a common project about the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, by contributing material of different kind like art works, images, texts, interviews, testimonies etc.
Raquel was acting as a co-curator together with Wilfried, while Anahi Caceres involved her artists network arteUNA which was working (by chance) on a similiar topic. Like Raquel of Jewish origin, Anahi was of Mapuche origin, one of the indigeneous peoples living in Argentina and Chile and also particularly affected by the military persecutions during the Dirty War, together with Andamio Contiguo- a female artists couple from Santa Fe, and Marina Zerbarini and Irene Coremberg, Wilfried had soon the team for the common project, and then this project was complete consisting of a diversity of different components.
It was Anahi who had the idea to invite Wilfried to present their common project in Argentina – but how could such ideas be realized. In 2005, the constellation of Wilfried’s activities was very promissing, he was collaborating with several festivals and institutions in Latin America, for instance FILE – Electronic Language Festival, and when Wilfried’s ideas were taking shape to make a kind of tour through Latin America, he contacted the Goethe Institutes in Sao Paulo and Montevideo/Uruguay, and the result of the negotiations was, that these institutes accepted Wilfried’s budget plan to share the travel and accomodation expenses amoung different partners – Wilfried was coordinating the travel in Cologne and – then, the dream actually came true, Wilfried was holding the flight ticket in his hands and was waiting to leave Cologne for Madrid, where he had to change the plane for Sao Paulo, where he had to change a 2nd time for the next plane to Buenos Aires, a really long distance over night flight,
Anahi catched him in Buenos Aires at a bus stop, taking him to his hotel, and – this was really a surprise – in Buenos Aires the Recoleta Cultural Centre is running a hotel for artists on the ground of the cultural center. It was simply incredible to be part of a kind art installation, because this hotel is such a wonderful place, and the venue for the 1st project presentation is Recoleta, this evening, 11 October 2005, tomorrow, 12 October Anahi arranged a 2nd presentation at The National Bibliotheque, but this evening has a particular relevance, hardly to believe but Wilfried will meet not only the other participants in the project, besides Raquel who is residing in Washington DC in USA, but representatives of the Mother pof Plaza de Mayo organisation will be attending, and these will be the most touching moments of the entire journey.

Anahi had made a wonderful organisation, she spent a lot of time with him, he met her arteUNA friends, so he saw some parts of Buenos Aires he usually would not see, the harbour area of La Boca, Retiro, the famous railway station and visited her home which is also her studio. In this end the time will be much too short to stay and to tell about.

W:Moria - the concept

Women: Memory of Repression in Argentina

curatorial environment by Agricola de Cologne & Raquel Partnoy

The project is referring to the thirty thousands of persons who disappeared during the military dictatorships of the 20th century in Argentina, a war of the military against the own population, a genocide, which is also called “Argentine holocaust”.
These disappeared were mainly members of a family like sons and fathers/husbands, intellectuals and different minded, but many of them also Jews.
Only the resistance of courageous women, the mothers, better known as “Mother of Plaza de Mayo” against the military regime changed the country profoundly by organising demonstrations in order to get the answers what happened to their sons and husbands.
Raquel Partnoy, herself one of the mothers who lost a son and whose daughter was persecuted and imprisoned, is collaborating as a co-curator.
The project contains a number of authentic testimonies, a portrait of the Jewish family Partnoy who emigrated in the beginning of the 20th century from Europe to Argentina, a documentary which gives an idea how family structure were systematically destroyed while the military were ruling, further a number of young Argentine female New Media artists who deal with this traumatic memory manifested in their net based art works, curated by Agricola de Cologne, by name Irene Coremberg, Marina Zerbarini, Anahi Caceres and her Arte UNa network and Andamio Contiguo, an artists collaborative.
During many decades only the demonstrations of the mothers kept vivid the memory of the disappeared, and most of the cases could not be cleared up until these days and remained a national trauma.
Only these days and under more democratic conditions, there is slowly starting a general movement to reflect the period of the military juntas.
The project stands in the context of these recent developments in Argentina.
The genocide stands in one line with the genocide on the Jews in Nazi Germany, on the different minded in Stalinist Russia, the muslim in former Yugoslavia, the intellectuals in Cambodia and many more. If the project would like to give one message, than this:
What happened in Argentina must not happen again, not in this country nor at any other place on the globe.
The project is created, edited and produced by Agricola de Cologne, but the collaborative and networking aspect is of essential relevance.
Women: Memory of Repression in Argentina
Is also corporate part of
[R][R][F]2005—>XP – global networking project

Women: Memory of Repression in Argentina
Mujeres: Memoria de la represión en la Argentina
el ambiente curatorial por Agricola de Cologne y Raquel Partnoy

El proyecto está refiriendo a los treinta millares de personas que desaparecieron durante las dictaduras militares del vigésimo siglo en la Argentina, una guerra de los militares contra para poseer a la población, un genocide, que también se llama “holocaust de Argentina”.
Éstos desaparecieron eran principalmente miembros de una familia como hijos y fathers/husbands, intelectuales y diverso haber importado, pero muchos de ellos también los judíos. Solamente la resistencia de las mujeres valerosas, las madres, mejora conocido como la “madre de Plaza de Mayo” contra el régimen militar cambió el país profundo organizando demostraciones para conseguir las respuestas qué sucedió sus hijos y los maridos. Raquel Partnoy, ella misma una de las madres que perdieron a hijo y que persiguieron y fueron encarcelada a hija, está colaborando como co-curator-curator. El proyecto contiene un número de testimonios auténticos, un retrato de la familia judía Partnoy que emigró en el principio del vigésimo siglo de Europa a la Argentina, un documental que dé una idea cómo la estructura de la familia fue destruida sistemáticamente mientras que los militares gobernaban, fomenta un número medios femeninos jóvenes que los artistas que se ocupan de esta memoria traumática manifestada en sus trabajos de arte basados netos, curated por Agricola de Colongne, por nombre Irene Coremberg, Marina Zerbarini, Anahi Caceres y su red de Arte UNa y Andamio Contiguo de Argentina de nuevos, los artistas de colaboración.
Durante muchas décadas solamente las demostraciones de las madres guardaron vivo la memoria del haber desaparecido, y la mayoría de los casos no podrían ser despejaron para arriba hasta actualmente y seguían siendo un trauma nacional. Solamente actualmente y bajo condiciones más democráticas, está comenzando lentamente un movimiento general para reflejar el período de las juntas militares.
El proyecto está parado en el contexto de estos progresos recientes en la Argentina. El genocide está parado en una línea con el genocide en los judíos en Nazi Alemania, en el diferente importado en Stalinist Rusia, el musulmán en Yugoslavia anterior, los intelectuales en Camboya y muchos más.
Si el proyecto quisiera dar un mensaje, que esto: Qué sucedió en la Argentina no debe suceder otra vez, no en este país ni en ningún otro lugar en el globo.
El proyecto es creado, corregido y producido por Agricola de Cologne, pero el aspecto de colaboración y del establecimiento de una red es de importancia esencial.
Mujeres: La memoria de la represión en la Argentina
es también parte corporativa de
[ R][R][F]2005->xp – proyecto global del establecimiento de una red http://rrf200x.newmediafest.org

Raquel Partnoy

Alicia – Ruth – Raquel

Family Portrait

A Portrait of the Argentine family Partnoy which was captured by the dark shadows of the Argentine past.
In the center => Mother, daughter and grand daughter of the Partnoy Family who survived the so called Argentine Holocaust.

The Family Portrait

focusses on the historical background and the work of these three visual artists and poets.
The project is a collaborative work between them and Agricola de Cologne.

Agricola de Cologne’s collaborative project “Family Portrait” portrays three generations of the Partnoy family from Argentina in a triple diasporic tale of survival and artistic creativity. The Partnoys escaped persecution in Europe, fleeing to Argentina where they were once again persecuted during the so-called Argentine holocaust during the military dictatorships. After being “disappeared” and imprisoned in Argentina, Alicia (Raquel’s daughter) and her family found asylum in USA, where later in 1994 also Raquel and her husband Salomón emigrated to, and they all live now as visual artists, writers and poets.
In the framework of MOSAIC AWARD 2005, Agricola produced a third and final version of “Family Portrait” including new aspects of the story and a chapter about the lost son of the Partnoy Family. Agricola’s project spotlights poignant aspects of Jewish diasporic history (Argentina) as well as artists whose identity and work is formed by this Jewish history.


Women: Memories of the Repression in Argentina

Video lecture by Raquel Partnoy

During the seven years of dictatorship in Argentina thirty thousands people were killed by the military junta in the name of national security. Most of them were young adults and even
teenagers and children. State terrorism created a new term to mask such a crime: desaparecidos, the disappeared.

The soldiers made people disappear by fiercely taken them from home, destroying and stealing their belongings. They took the prisoners to one of three hundred forty six detentions camps where they were physically and psychologically tortured by trained guards. Those guards employed different methods to exterminate their captives such as suffocation, immersion, or electric shocks; throwing captives from airplanes into the river or sea with stones tied to their feet. The victims were shooting individually or in mass executions and their bodies were incinerated or buried in mass graves. After this cruel regime collapsed in 1983, mass graves with victims remains were found.

When local and foreign human rights organizations criticized those techniques, members of the military junta replied that repression was necessary in a dirty war. In fact, it was not a dirty
war. It was not even a war. It was a genocide against anyone suspected of being a subversive and everyone who reacted against the atrocity that the military were perpetrating.
As a mother of a “disappeared” child I experienced the terror of seeing how my family was gradually destroyed. From the day my daughter Alicia and her husband Carlos were kidnapped by the military forces, anguish, hatred, and depression overwhelmed us while we wondered if they were still alive, felt impotent because the military wouldn’t give us any kind of information. There was no communication among people, only silence and fear.
At first we thought we were alone. Later we learned that thousands and thousands of families were going through the same situation.
The voices of the women I have included in Women: Memories of the Repression in Argentina express their feelings through poems, tales, letters or testimonies as ways to keep alive the memory of such a cruel tragedy. The military always wanted us to forget but I believe that, through art, we can preserve what happened to Argentina’s population during those times.
Matilde Mellibovsky, is a very courageous woman. She is the mother of a disappeared daughter. Matilde got the strength to be one of the founders of Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, a Buenos Aires organization which have been circling around the plaza every Thursday since 1977, soon after the coup, asking for the whereabouts of their children.
Etelvina Astrada describes very well in her poem the brutality of the dictatorial regime through their procedures.
Irene Martinez, is one of the few Argentinean who survived torture. She was a medical student when the military kidnapped her. She was tortured, spent time in jail and under house arrest before obtaining political asylum in the United Stated. In this country she practices medicine and specializes in the rehabilitation of tortured victims.
Graciela Cabales captures in her story the anguish of the mothers of disappeared children who never got the chance to see their dead bodies, and remain the rest of their lives searching for them, finding similar features in the faces of other young people they see everyday.
Carmen Batsche, of Guatemalan descent, came with her family to live in Argentina. In her testimonial letter to my daughter Alicia, she tells of her impotence after her sister was disappeared in Argentina. Her mother, also a political activist, went back to Guatemala and was killed at the hands of the military of her country. Heriberto Lorenzati, sent us the images related to the Argentinean’s genocide to accompany the writings of these women.
I hope that the voices of these women reach you and through their words we mantein the flame of memory alive so that this tragedy is not repeated anymore, in Argentina and
in any country around the world.

Copyright © 2004 by Raquel Partnoy

Family Portrait

Anahi Caceres - ArteUna
Anahi Caceres ArteUna

Anahi Caceres & ArteUna network
new project WALLS XXth – XXIst CENTURIES
Physical and virtual WALLS, which collapsed or are still standing or under construction. WALLS for defence ? , for demarcation; for containing; for discrimination; WALLS as boundaries or for segregation.
August 13th, 2004, marks the 34th anniversary of the construction of the Berlin Wall, which was pulled down in the XXth century. However, new walls
are being built in this millennium. There is always a line that divides a world in two parts. This call is proposed as a community work of art , and in order to reflect upon this, its architecture is neither lineal nor hierarchical, and we all participate in its weave. Researchers, artists, journalists and theoreticians who model an open response to dialogue and transformation.
For Berlín – Israel- Cysjordania – Korea – Mexico – Belfast – Bagdad, Wet Backs from all parts of the segregated world . And the other walls: Walls of Intolerance, Walls and Memory for the missing and so many others.



has been the director of www.arteuna.com, a space of multiple art on the internet since 1996. She was an artist in residence for the Franklin Furnace‘s program The Future of the Present 2001.
She is tenured teacher of Digital Image at the National University Institute of Art (Instituto Universitario Nacional del Arte). She was also a Consultant for the BID (Interamerican Development Bank) Program of Institutional Strengthening for the design and edition of the Web page : http://www.museos.buenosaires.gov.ar of the General Bureau of Museums of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires, Special Mention Internet in the EYKON Award of Corporate Design and Image 2003.
For over 20 years she has simultaneously worked on different artistic languages: Painting, Drawing, Engraving, Sculpture , Object, Installations, Video and performances. As from 1994 she has developed her work with digital means such as Image, video, Animation, Net Art, performances and Installations.
She has so far shown her work in more than 400 art exhibitions, either in Argentina and abroad; and has received more than 30 awards. Her work produced along three decades in different areas is now part of public and private collections in the country and abroad.
Jacobo Kogan Internet Award granted by the Argentine Association of Art Critics 1999. It is a space of multiple arts on the Internet whose object is to inform, promote and summon different argentine artistic expressions such as Visual Arts, Literature, Review, Drama, Music, Film and Video. More than 300 catalogues of prestigious artists, as well as foreign guests, exhibitions, Laboratory, links, and Forum are now in its archives.
arteUna started in 1996 and since then has organized events and calls in constant relation to other important sites of the Web community. The maintenance and updating of the site is carried out with its own funds and with no subsidies whatsoever.


arteUNA videos

as a part of the arteUNA presentation in the framework of W:MORIA, the following videos had in the original low resolution version small sizes and were created in meanwhile partially< obsolete technologies like Flash, Shockwave, Quicktime, Real Media etc. The videos are reconstructed and converted to mp4. Bild1abc

Granada – Graciela Taquini – 2005

RRF/ arteUna: “Poema Circular” – C. Pezido – A. Cáceres – 2004

RRF / arteUna: “Album Familiar” – Alejandro Gomez Tolosa – 2006

RRF / arteUna – “Petroleo” – Walter Costas – 2004

RRF / arteUna – “Muros” Claudio Gabriel Escobar – 2004

Lesa Humanidad. Video arte Anahí Caceres 2007

RRF / arteUna: “Adonde estaba yo” – Carmen Pezido – 2004

RRF / arteUna: “Caja negra” – F. Bragone -N. Ojeda – 2004

RRF/ arteUna: “Nunca más” – Marta Gonzalez – 2004

RRF/ arteUna: “Nunca más” – León Ferrari – 2004

RRF/ arteUna – “AAA” – Walter Costas

RRF/ arteUna: “Espaldas Mojadas” A.Cáceres – W. Costas – 2004

RRF/ arteUna: “Bicis” – Fernando Traverso – 2004

“Qué habremos hecho” Videoarte. Anahí Cáceres. 2006

Marina Zerbarini

Marina Zerbarini

Marina Zerbarini

Tejijo de la Memoria

t is a “work in progress”, that incorporates writings supplied by users, making the contents constantly dinamic.
It is developed the concept of time in subjects like Human rights, Poverty and Social Inequality, War and Memory.

The user interacts choosing between graphs, statistics, images and videos his reading time and the relation between them.

A memory that can be read ” by heart” or like a “weave” that constructs and reconstructs.

Short biography
Marina Zerbarini studied photography, in the Bs.As Photo Club in 1974. In 1991 she obtained a degree in painting-
In the first years of her profession she was dedicated to the painting, within an abstract tradition with an own conceptual incorporations.
As leaves she received distinctions in:
Painting Ward School, Mention of Honour (1991); Alap (1989), Vte.Lopez Municipality (1989), Rotary Club (1994). Third Painting Prize in Cutralco La Pampa (1992), Second Prize in the Fernán Felix de Amador Hall of Luján city, Bellas Artes Museum (1993).

She made individual samples in: Altos de Sarmiento Gallery, Paintings 1991, Fondo Nacional de las Artes, Paintings 1993, Ricardo Rojas Foundation, Paintings and Sculptures 1994, Recoleta Cultural Centre, Installation (1996), French Alliance of BA, photographs (2000).

She received distinctions in:
2001 Concourse Noos “Avec Noos, création devient media”, Premier Concourse of création Artistique sur i-net.2 P International second prize by the work: “The dream is gone”, given
and exposed in the International fair of contemporary art FIAC, Paris, France www.noos.fr
2001 Tribute to May Ray, Borges Cultural Centre, B.A. Mention to the object photography, by the work “La realidad no existe en un deseo”.
She had numerous group and solo exhibitions in Argentina and abroad.

Irene Coremberg
Irene Coremberg

Irene Coremberg

Memory Tunnels

A generation of young people “disappear” until the heedless glance of an absent society, because of their ideals.
A lot of children were born in captivity and grew up without knowing their real identity.

Their families are still looking for them, behind a silent and forgotten wall, built by most people.

Work developed with 3DStudioMax, Adobe Photoshop, Sound Forge, Adobe After Effects and Macromedia Flash.


Short biography
Studies: Visual Arts: San Martín Visual Arts School.
Teachers: Digital Arts & Arts Basis: Anahí Cáceres.
Drawing: Marta Córdova.
Painting: Gabriel Microsznik.
Painting & Sculpture: Alberto Arregui.
Degree of licentiate in Digital Arts of IUNA (National &
Universitarian Institute of Arts ) – Buenos Aires:
currently Studying

– Festival “Arte Digital Rosario 2003, Muestra 0”
– “Java Museum”. Latino NetArte.net. (Spain & Portugal)
– “Cinemateque, le Musèe Divisioniste”: “Winter Streams”
– Dámaso Arce Museum. Olavarría, Buenos Aires, Ar.
– “Violence”. International thematic exhibition on-line for multimedial arts.
– “Self Portrait”. International thematic exhibition on-line for multimedial arts.
– “Third Dimension in Digital Arts”. Conference about 3D techniques in modelling an animation in 3DSMax for artists. San Martín Theatre. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

– 3º Prize in the Photography Salon. Fotoclub Buenos Aires (1997)
– 1º Prize in the “Salón de Artistas Jóvenes” of “Casa de Cultura” from San Isidro (1983)

The Argentina Collection

The Argentina Film Collection
The third component completing the Argentina Memorial Projects is entitled: Collective Trauma Film Collection – Argentina, a collection of audiovisual works by Argentine artists dealing with the national collective trauma the military dictatorships were generating.

In this way, the Argentina projects cover personal individual affection, as well a the collective nationwide affection.

Some selected works

Javier José Plano (Argentina) – “5 actions (on the collective memory)”, 2010, 9:00

Osvaldo Raúl Ponce (Argentina) – “… Once upon now”, 2012, 09’20

Christian Tapies (Argentina) – Three Modern Haiku, 2010, 12:00

Silvio de Gracia (Argentina)- Stigmata, 2005, 2:37

Mariana Radisic Koliren (Argentina) – Infant Lacrimogenia, 2013, 4:00

Male Cernadas (Argentina)- Displacement, 2013,1:38

Diego de los Campos Orefice (Uruguay) – Meatman, 2011, 5:12

Elisabeth Ross (Mexico) – ..AND THEY CONTINUE TO BE BORN, 2007, 4:03

Angela Aguayo (USA) – Ni Una Mas (Not One More), 2010 , 18:00

Buenos Aires, Junin, Rosario, Santa Fe

=>Buenos Aires
Centro Cultural Recoleta Buenis Aires – 11 October 2005
Bibliotheque Nacial Bues Aires – 12 October 2005
=>Buenos Aires – Junin
Universidad de Noroeste Interferencias Junin/Argentina lecture/presentation 13-16 October
Macro – Museum of Contemporary Art Rosario – lecture/presentation 18 October
University of Art Rosario – lecture/presentation 19 October
=>Santa Fe
Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Fe – lecture/presentation 21 October
=>Santiago de Chile
Finis Terrae University Santiago/Chile – 25 October – lecture/presentation
7th Biennale of Video & New Media 18 – 28 November 2005 – Museum of Contemporary Art Santiago
=>Montevideo /Uruguay
Goethe Institute Montevideo/Uruguay – 27 October – lecture
National Academy of Fine Arts Montevideo/Uruguay – 28 October presentation Brazil
=>Sao Paulo
FILE – Symposion Sao Paulo – 1-4 November
=>Rio de Janeiro
Univercidade – IAV – Rio de Janeiro – 7 November – lecture/presentation
State University of Rio de Janeiro – 7 November – lecture/Presentation

Centro Cultural Recoleta
11 October 2005 – Centro Cultural Recoleta de Buenos Aires

12 October 2005 – Biblioteca Nacional de Buenos Aires

Press – 11 October 2005
Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires

Agrícola de Cologne
Global Network Proyect
Women, Memory of Represion in Argentina
Muros XX-XXI
global networking project [R][R][F]2005—>XP > (Remembering, Repressing, Forgetting)

Proyecto mundial de arte multimedia

Tecnología, arte y problemas sociales

Este martes 11 y el miércoles 12 de octubre el artista alemán Wilfried Agrícola de Cologne presentará, en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, su proyecto de arte web relacionado con temas como la violencia, la memoria y la identidad, y del cual participan artistas argentinos. La primera presentación se realizará en el Centro Cultural Recoleta –Junín 1930-, a partir de las 18 hs. La del miércoles se llevará a cabo en la Biblioteca Nacional, en Agüero 2502.

Wilfried Agrícola de Cologne es un artista multimedia alemán que lleva adelante un proyecto de convocatorias de arte web denominado [NewMediaArtProjectNetwork]:||cologne. Sus propuestas están relacionadas con problemáticas sociales desarrolladas con tecnología multimedia. Así, partiendo del ciberespacio como una gran sala global, los artistas participan en una construcción que, al realizarse través de la red, está en permanente acción.

Además, Cologne ha sido invitado como curador y co-organizador de numerosos festivales. Desde el año 2001, realizó más de 100 exhibiciones individuales en 70 museos de Europa y más de 200 participaciones en festivales multimediales del mundo. Por su trabajo en la red recibió numerosos premios y distinciones. El último fue MOSAICA, Premio por “Family Portrait”, incorporado en “Women: Memory of Repression in Argentina”, dedicado a las Madres de Plaza de Mayo.

En los encuentros, Agrícola de Cologne exhibirá por primera vez en el país las obras de artistas argentinos que, desde marzo de 2004, fueron presentadas en salas no virtuales en más de 20 países del mundo. En el Centro Cultural Recoleta se presentará el proyecto “Women, Memory of Represion in Argentina” (Mujeres, Memoria de la Represión en Argentina) y, en la Biblioteca Nacional, “Muros XX-XI”.

Este evento cuenta con el auspicio de la Presidencia de la Nación, Secretaría de Cultura, Biblioteca Nacional, Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Centro Cultural Recoleta y arteUna .com

La programación
• Centro Cultural Recoleta (Junín 1930)
Martes 11 de octubre, 18 hs.
Video presentación a cargo del artista alemán en la cual inaugurará, por primera vez en nuestro país su obra, el Global Network Proyect (Proyecto multimedia en internet), un inusual trabajo de arte con nuevos medios comenzado en el año 2000. Se realizará una exhibición en pantalla del proyecto y tendrá atención especial el global networking project [R][R][F]2005—>XP > (Remembering, Repressing, Forgetting ), basado en el tema “Memoria e identidad”, donde participan más de 850 net artworks de artistas, 50 curadores y más de 200 instituciones y organizaciones del mundo.

A las 18.30 hs., se realizará la apertura de la gira por Sudamérica -Argentina, Uruguay, Brasil, Chile- del proyecto “Women, Memory of Represion in Argentina” (Mujeres, Memoria de la Represión en Argentina). Agrícola de Cologne hará una introdución y leerá un mensaje de Raquel Portnoy, co-curadora de este proyecto. Participan Irene Coremberg, Marina Zerbarini, Andamio Contiguo, Anahí Cáceres, Marta Sacco y Walter Costas con artistas invitados.

• Biblioteca Nacional
Miércoles 12 de octubre, 18 hs.
Nuevamente, el artista alemán presentará, en videoconferencia, el Global Network Proyect. En esta ocasión, también se referirá al desarrollo de los [NewMediaArtProjectnetwork]::||cologne, y su incorporación de los proyectos en nuevos medios creados, curados y realizados por Agricola de Cologne. Se introducirá una selección del segmento Video Channel parte de [R][R][F]2005—>XP . VideoChannel, el cual invita a curadores de todas partes del mundo para contribuir con videos de su lugar de trabajo, en su país basados en el tema “Memoria e identidad”. VideoChannel incluye cerca de 20 curadores y 150 artistas y videos. Todos pueden verse en http://videochannel.newmediafest.org/ y han sido presentados en selecciones como así también en festivales y exhibiciones.

A las 18.30 hs., Anahí Cáceres, directora de arteuna.com, presentará la segunda convocatoria “Muros XX-XXI” de 2004, incluida en [R][R][F]2005—>XP Global Networking Project con la participación de más de 100 artistas invitados.

Publicación: 11 de octubre de 2005

14 October 2005 – Universidad del Noroeste Junin/Buenos Aires

MACRO – Museum of Contemporary Art Rosario
18 October 2005 – MACRO – Rosario Contemporary Art Museum

Universidad de Arte Rosario

19 October 2005 – Universidad de Arte Rosario

MAC – Santa Fe Contemporary Art Museum
21 October 2005 – MAC – Santa Fe Contemporary Art Museum

As a standing alone interactive multimedia project
W:MoRiA was presented 2012 & 2013 @

A Virtual Memorial Riga 2012

A Virtual Memorial Vilnius 2013

As a standing alone interactive multimedia project
W:MoRiA was presented 2012 & 2013 @
2005/2006 @

*FILE – Rio de Janeiro/Brazil 20/03-20/04 2006
*FILE – Electronic Language Festival Sao Paulo/Brazil 2005
*Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del ZULIA, MACZUL – Salón de Arte Digital – 2005
*Version’05 Festival Chicago/USA – 2005
*ZKM Karlsruhe/G – MAKING THINGS PUBLIC —>Fair Assembly 2005

As an integral part of
[R][R][F]200x–>XP global networking project
W:MoRiA was presented 2005/2006

01. Festival Arte Digital Rosario/Argenina – 16-18 November 2006
02. Play IV VideoFestival Buenos Aires/Argentina 24-27 August 2006
03. PI 5 Intermedia Festival Szczecin/Poland – 20-22 October 2006
05. MAF’06 -New Media Art Festival Bangkok/Th 02/05-04/05 2006
06. FILE – Electronic Language Festival Rio de Janeiro/Brazil 20/03-20/04
07. CeC & CaC – India International Center New Dehli/India 27/01-29/01
08. “Global Groove” – The Art Gallery of Knoxville/USA – 01/01-25/01
09. Biennale of Video and New Media- Santiago/Chile – 18/11-27/11
10. State University – Rio de Janeiro/Brazil – 7/11
11. Univercidade – IAV (Institute of Visual Arts)- Rio de Janeiro/Brazil 7/11
12. Select Media 4 Festival- Chicago/USA – 20 October – 13 November
13. National Academy of Fine Arts Montevideo/Ur – 28/10 -/lect/pres
14. Finis Terrae University- Santiago/Chile – 25/10
15. MAC – Museum of Contemporary Art- Santa Fe/Argentina 21/10
16. National University/Art Department- Rosario/Argentina – 18/10
17. MACRO – Museum of Contemporary Art- Rosario/Argentina 17/10
18. Recoleta Cultural Centre- Buenos Aires/Argentina – 11/10
19. National Library Buenos Aires/Ar 12/10
20. Interferencias – University of Noroeste/Ar 14/10
21. PI five Video Festival Szczecin/Poland 9/10 -13/11
22. “Groundworks” Regina Gouger Miller Gallery at Carnegie Mellon – University Pittsburg/USA 14/10 – 11/10
23. Prog::ME – Electronic Art Festival Rio de Janeiro/Br 17/07-28/08
24. V SALON INTERNACIONAL DE ARTE DIGITAL Maracaibo/Venezuela 20/03-02/07
25. EAST’05 – Making Things Better – Norwich/UK 02/07- 20/08
26. MAF’05 June edition – New Media Art Festival Bangkok/Thailand
27. Hic et Nunc San Vito a/Tagliamento/Italy – Selection’03 11/07-17/07
28. Israeli Digital ArtLab Holon/Israel 16/04- 16/07
29. Version’05 Festival Chicago/USA 22/04- 01/05
30. Images Festival Toronto/Canada – 7/04 – 13/04
31. ZKM Karlsruhe/G – Making Things Public – 20/03- 08/03
32. Camera Obscura Academy Tel-Aviv/Israel – lecture – 02/03
33. MAF05 – New Media Art Festival Bangkok/Thailand – 25/02-29/02
34. Musrara Media Art Academy Jerusalem/Israel – lect/pres 22/02
35. Bethlehem International Center – lect/pres – 19/02
36. Bethlehem University – lect/pres- 17/02
37. CAVE Gallery at ICB Bethlehem/Palestine- solo show 17/
38. University of Bremen/Germany – December 2004
39. 404 New Media Art Festival Rosario/Argentina (7-15 Dec) 2004
40. FILE – Electronic Language Festival Sao Paulo/Brazil (23 Nov-12Dec) 2004
41. 1st International Exhibition of Digital Art – Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Fe/Argentina (04/11- 04/12) 2004
42. 24h of Nuremberg/Germany – International Shortfilm Festival 15/16 October 2004
43. Biennale of Electronic Art Perth (Australia) (1/09 – 7/11) 2004
44. West Coast Numusic & Electronic Arts Festival Stavanger/Norway 17/08-22/08 2004
45. public_space_festival Yerewan/Armenia 23/07 – 03/08 2004
46. International Festival of New Film and New Media Split/Croatia (26/06-02/07) 2004
48. BASICS Festival Salzburg/Austria – 08/05-16/05 2004
49. Electronic Art Meeting – PEAM 2004 – Pescara (Italy) 19/05-23/05 2004
50. Version’04 Festival – Invisible Networks – Chicago/USA – 16/04-01/05 2004
51. Now Music Streaming Festival Berlin (Germany)- – 7/04 2004
51. New Media Art Festival Bangkok (Thailand) (20/03-28/03) 2004
52. Bergen Electronic Arts Centre Bergen/Norway (05/03- 28/03) 2004
53. National Museum of Contemporary Art Bucaresti/Romania (05/03-30/04) 2004


Schedule for – 11 October

  • BEAP – Biennale of Electronic Art Perth/Australia – 1 September – 17 November 2004
  • FestiNova Festival Garikula/Georgia – 5 Aug – 20 Oct 2009
  • Madeira International Art Biennale – FONLAD – 1 September – 13 October 2008
  • A Virtual Memorial Vilnius 2013 – 23 sept – 29 Oct 2013
  • Corona! Shut Down? – 09-15 October 2020
  • Digital Fringe Melbourne (Aus) – 23 Sept- 11 Oct 2009
  • Digital Fringe Melbourne/AU – 24 Sept- 12 October 2008
  • MIVA _ Centro de las Artes – La Ronda Quito/Ecuador / 2 October – 8 Nov 2015
  • Regional Museum Kedianiai/Lithuania – 02-29 October 2013
  • Salon de Arte Digital Maracaibo/Venezuela – 1-9 October 2006