video feature
animateCologne 2012
art & animation festival
In 2012, Wilfried launched the 1st edition of animateCologne, Cologne Art & Animation Festival. Since Wilfried was curating art and moving images, animated contents was playing a more and more relevant role. Wilfried was not interested in conventional, classical or commercial animation films, but in art works using artistically animated contents, to give animation in art more attention and encourage artists to include animation in the artistc works and concepts. According to Wilfried, animation respectively the combination of animated and non-animated contents has a huge potential, because it allowes to create complex expressions on different levels of perception. That his own ideas have potential demonstrate not only his curated screening programs, but even more the new festival format animateCologne and its first edition 2012 as a new forum experimenting with animated contents, and the interest of partner festivals in presenting expressively Wilfried’s curatorial compositions focussing on art and animated images as a counter concept to the perfect digital commercial animations produced by the famous film studios.
animateCOLOGNE 2012
1st edition of Cologne Art & Animation Festival
XI Kansk International Videoart Festival (Russia)
Linomleum – International Animation Festival Moskow (Russia)
8th Budapest Short Film Festival (Hungary)
anima Banja Luka (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
ExTeresa Arte Actual Mexico City (Mexico)
Digital Marrakech (Morocco)
List of participating films
animateCologne – Cologne Art & Animation Festival

Caro Estrada (Austria) – Typemachinery, 2011, 3:58
Natalia Biegaj (Poland) – For Katy, 2012, 3:26
Bobby Abate (USA) – A Party Record Packed with Sex and Sadness, 2011, 10 min
//Andrew Fedak (USA) – Orwell in Catalonia, 2012, 20:00
Ben Fox (UK) – Wounds, 2012, 2:38
David Clark (UK) – Odd Jobs, 2010, 4:16
Pablo Fernandez-Pujol (Spain)- Pigman, 2012, 3:00
DoDomani Studio (Italy) – The Box, 2012, 3:00
Henri Gwiazda (USA) – Being Young, 2009, 1:52
Ulf Kristiansen (Norway) – The Art Awards, 2012, 15:34
Kok & Deiman (Netherlands) – The Highlights, 2012, 2:20

gruppoGruppo (Italy/Sweden) – Secrete Lives, 2012, 6:00
Andrea Ferri (Italy) – Satura, 2008, 2:30
Lauris Kalnins (Latvia) – little black shit wants to communicate, 2012, 2:20
Phillipp Haffner (Germany) – Car chase (part1), 2012, 7:00
Pablo Renee Rosero Marino (Ecuador) – Nebula Hmlovina, 2011, 6:05
Brett Underhill (USA) – Threadbare, 2012, 4:40
Ezra Wube (Ethiopia) – Mela, 2006, 1:54
Shuai Cheng Pu (Taiwan) – Ferry Paradise, 2012, 3:48
Franesca Fini (Italy) – Virus,2012, 5:00
Lily & Honglei (China) – Dragon, 2012, 4:20
QNQ/AUJIK (Sweden) – 9 States of Ambivalence, 2012, 1:30 min
SuZi Zimmermann (Germany) – Once Upon a Time,2011, 2:30
//Michael Lasater (USA) – And Then, 2011, 9:13
Ygor Marotta (Brazil) – Homeless, 2011, 2:53

Marlena Rask (Denmark) – The Signal, 2011, 07:13
Susanne Wiegner (Germany) – At the Museum, 2012, 3:00
Gina Marie Napolitan (USA) – A Catechism of Familiar Things”, 2012, 8:00
Robby Rackleff (USA) – Mistakes: Restaurant, 2011, 05:12
Simon Ruschmeyer (Germany) – Alter Ego, 2012, 04:10
Barbara Marcel (Brazil) – A Tooth is a Tooth is a Tooth, 2011, 5:48
Nina Kurtela (Croatia) – TRANSFORMANCE, 2010, 8’15
//Klaus Schrefler (Austria) – Intiñahui – In the Eye of the Sun, 2009, DVD
Tessa Moult – Milewska (Poland) – The Designer, 1012, 13:00
Loes van Dorp (Netherlands) – Framed Memory, 2012, 5:36
Ping-Yao Chen (Taiwan) – Go West, 2012, 19:40