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4 February 1971 / 2005

Videoart feature
videos from Brazil

4 February 1971

Today, close to the end of the winter semester Wilfried is telling his parents that he will stop his art studies at State Academy of Fine Art in Stuttgart, und go to Munich instead. He actually wants to enroll in the art academy in Munich in order to continue the visual art studies, but by moving already short time later to Munich he will find out, that he missed the application deadline. What to do?
>Always being creative, after finding a room close to the university, Wilfried will enroll there instead for art history, dramatic science and journalism, not knowing what all these studies might be about – but soon he will get some sensational new ideas – Munich thrilling him as a city of the arts and the thousand possibilities will be offering him in the local newspaper the call for auditions at one of the actor schools, yes – he will be thinking, that’s it, he is sure suddenly – he is born to become a famous actor – exactly this would promise all the freedom, Wilfried is looking for. Munich will be Wilfried’s coming out! In many concerns!

4 February 2005

Today, Wilfried is releasing one of the first curatorial contributions on his new experimental platform for art & moving images “VideoChannel” – http://videochannel.newmediafest.org – one of the achievements from The RRF Project, he had created for BEAP 2004 – Biennale of Electronic Art in Perth/Australia – this contribution is coming from the artists group “Brocolis VHS” – running in Brazil an online platform for art video. The idea to create an online forum for curatorial studies in the field of art and moving images was quite innovative, but Wilfried hasn’t scientific research in mind, but dealing with curating in a creative way via experimenting, basically Wilfried’s own experimenting, but via inviting to encourage external curators to experiment, as well. Wilfried will be meeting “Brocolis VHS” later in 2005 participating in the symposium @ FILE – Electronic Language Festival in Sao Paulo/Brazil.
In terms of showing these works today, when people are accustomed to HD image resolution quality, it needs to be stated, that in 2005 the DVD standard was existing already, but the contributed videos had even a lower resolution, so that also today in 2020, one can speak of an experiment – in viewing these works.

The contribution from Brazil is curated by Brócolis VHS – Video Homeless System to be featured later on occasion of the RRF presentation at Al Kahf Art Gallery at Bethlehem Palestine 17 February -17 March 2005
Cassia Kallenah – Nàrkissos, video, 1999, 5:00
Omar Emir Barquet – Angelito, video, 2000, 2:00
Neide Jallageas – Entrevista (Interview), video, 2003, 5:00
Fabio Oliveira Nunes – Rua Sol, Flash video, 2004, 1:50
Brócolis VHS – Video Homeless System – Signature Project, video, 2003, 6:00

Here is a complementary selection of videos from Brazil

Dellani Lima – Joacélio Batista (Brazil) – Bolivia, I miss you, 2009, 7:00
Erika Fraenkel(Brazil) – Cascadura Baby, 2004, 5:00
Carlo Sansolo (Brazil) – PANOPTICA, 2004, 3:50
Cynthia Domenico (Brazil) – Twist and Turn, 2009, 4min55sec
Arthur Tuoto (Brazil) – Essay for a surveillance video, 2009, 5:26


Barbara Marcel (Brazil) – A Tooth is a Tooth is a Tooth, 2011, 5:48
Sávio Leite & Clecius Rodrigues (Brazil) – Saturn , 2014, 8’30”
Renata Padovan (Brazil) – Habeas Corpus, 2008, 7:20