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26 October 2014 / 2008

video feature
Proyector Videoart Festival


Matadero Madrid – former Slaughter House

Proyector Videoart Festival Madrid

2014 - CologneOFF X

Proyector Videoart Festival Madrid – 25 October – 14 November 2014


Alienating Power(s)
screening on 25 Oct 2014 @ Matadero Madrid

list of selected videos,

Johanna Reich (Germany) – Phoenix, 2012, 3:20
Sanglim Han (S.Korea) – Bloom, 2012, 3:35
Giovanni Bucci (Italy) – Never-Never, 2013, 3:44
Gabriele Tosi (Italy) – The Extreme Challenge, 2014, 4:56
Kaiser Nahhas (Syria) – Anti Censoship Protest at Taksim, 2014, 2014, 4:27
Mr MVIN (Spain) – BREAK GLASS IN CASE OF CRISIS”, 2013, 1:50
Alexander Yeltsin (Ukraine) – Warning, 2014, 5:37
Weigang Song (China) – Walling Dissensus, 2014, 5:01
Sandra Dollo (Italy) – Tweng, 2013, 2:15

CologneOFF X
10th Cologne International Videoart Festival
@ Proyector Videoart Festival Madrid
25 Oct- 05 Nov 2014

2012 - CologneOFF VIII

Proyector Videoart Festival Madrid – 14-23 December 2012

Continental Drift – Moving Forward

Jean-Michel Rolland (France) – Smiles & Slaps, 2012, 3:55
Giovanni Bucci (Italy) – Addictions, 2011, 2:00
Antonina Baever (Russia) – The Ropes, 2012
, 6`54“
Alexandre Braga (Portugal) – An Excuse for a Man, 2011, 3:00
Mark Kadota (Japan) – Un-Caged, 2012, 5:30
Angelika Herta (Austria) – Man of Iron, 2011, 1:53
Mikael Muraz (France) – Hangar, 2012, 1:00
Beate Hecher/Markus Keim (Austria) – ln Absentia, 2012, 10:00
Francesca Leoni (Italy) – In-Sanity, 2012, 3:55
Alexander Isaenko (Ukraine)- The negative selection, 2012, 3:30
Cinzia Sarto (Italy)- TRIP, 2006, 3:20
Michael Murnau (UK) – Hanging On Me, 2012, 7:26
Nicole Sloan (USA) – Shuffle Ball Chain, 2011, 3:19
Katherine Oggier Chanda (CH) – Squeaky Clean, 2010, 1:00
George Krastev (Bulgaria) – Restore of the Summer, 2011, 1:00

Jo Parkes, Rachel Davies, Rosie Whitney-Fish (UK) -Real Taste, Mile End, 2012, 1:36
Theme Bannenberg & NOK Snel (NL) – Behind Closed Doors, 2010, 7:38
Lino Strangis (Italy) – Battle Play in Her Mind, 2010, 6:44
Marita Contreras (Peru) – Maria, 2010, 5:30
Alessandro Amaducci (Italy) – Not With A Bang, 2008, 4:30
Sergio Sotomayor (Spain) – Quantum, 2009, 3:13
Jill Sigman (USA) – War is Good for Business, 2009, 3:06
Beatrice Allegranti (UK)- Personal Text Public Body, 2007, 15:00
Simon Ruschmeyer (Germany) – Alter Ego, 2012, 04:10
Khanyisile Mbongwa, James Taylor (RSA) – Fragmented, 4′53”, 2009
Ananda Fuchs (RSA) waitless, 4′40”, 2009 by
Jeanette Ginslov (RSA) – Korohano, 3:40, 2009

Proyector Videoart Festival Madrid – 14-23 December 2012
PROYECTOR 2012. 5º Festival Internacional de Videoarte. Fechas: V14-D23 diciembre 2012. Madrid. Sedes: Intermediæ [Creación Contemporánea], Galería 6 más 1, Galería ASM28, Galería La Zúa, Galería Eva Ruiz, Espacio Islandia, LAPIEZA (Junk art) en Basurama, Lacasafranca, Embajadores con provisiones, Arrebato, De Fijo a Móvil, Intercambiador ACART, Estudio Coco Moya, Estudio Tao Live, Espacio Malmö, Nudo Teatro, La Noche boca arriba. Colaboraciones internacionales: Festival FUSO (Pt), Festival Temps D´Images (Pt), Festival FONLAD (Pt), VisualContainer (It), CologneOFF (De), VideoBardo (Ar), Confraria do Vento (Br), Alliance Française de Coimbra (Pt), Digital Marrakech Festival, DVD PROJECT. Participan, asimismo, artistas de diversas procedencias: Marruecos, España, Portugal, Perú, Italia o Francia. http://proyectorvideoartfestival.blogspot.pt/2012/08/preparando-la-5-edicion-del-festival.html

CologneOFF 2012 Spain III
Cologne International Videoart Festival
@ Proyector Videoart Festival Madrid
14-23 December 2012

screening on 23 December 2012 @ Matadero /MediaLAB Madrid


8th Cologne International Videoart Festival
curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
in collaboration with Kai Lossgott (South Africa)

2011 - CologneOFF VII

Proyector Festival 2011 Madrid – 11-17 July 2011


Art & the City: The Gesture of Generosity

Daniel Lo Iacono (Germany) – Digital Snapshots, 2:30, 2003
Mikhail Zheleznikov (Russia) – Together – Vmeste, 2010, 4′23
iaaai (France) – Patience, 2006-2007, 4 min 10 sec
Myriam Thyes (Switzerland) – Depression Marquis, 2009, 2:23
Jude Anogwih (Nigeria) – Unstable Stables, 2009, 1:20
Albert Merino Gomez (Spain) – The City and The Other, 2010, 3:09
Ira Needleman (USA) – Corporate Art Policy, 2007, 5:30
Giuseppe Girardi (Italy) – “Foreigner-Straniero”, 2008, 6:56
Yuriy Kruchak, Yulia Kostereva (UA) – The 7th of November, 2009, 3:36
Ezra Wube (Ethiopia) – Amora, 2011, 2:26
Andres Villa (Mexico) – The Gang: La Raza Loca 2004, 8:00

50 minutes

Art & the City: Connected- Disconnected

Sai Hua Kuan (Singapore) – Space Drawing No. 5 – , 2009, 1:02
Pablo Fernandez-Pujol (Spain) – 142-143 – 2010, 2:10
Emeka Ogboh (Nigeria) – [dis] connection – 2009, 1:58
Denise Hood (USA) – Disconnect – 2009, 3:47
Shahar Marcus (Israel) – Homecoming Artist, 2008, 4:37
Jorge Garcia Velayos (Spain) – THE BEAST , 2009, 05’ 20’’
Mohammed Harb (Palestine) – Without Windows, 2009, 5:00
Renata Gaspar & Marcin Dudek (Poland) – Axis, 2010, 3:07 min.
Johanna Reich (Germany) – A State of Crystall, 3’19, 2010,
Doug Williams (USA) – Back & Forth, 2009, 2:42
Nick Fox-Gieg (USA) – Disarmed, 2:42, 2005
Francesca Fini (Italy) – Oasis in The Desert, 2010, 5:05
William Peña Vega (Colombia) – Carton, 2010, 12:00
50 min

Art & the City: A Matter of Identity

Ane Lan (Norway) – Ane Lan, 2:50, 2001
Cynthia Whelan (UK) – Selfportrait, 3:27, 2005
Roland Wegerer (Austria) – How to Clean a Puddle, 1:48, 2008
Luc Gut (Switzerland) – Alter Ego, 2008, 2 min
Jamie Marie Waelchli (USA) – Little Pleasure, 2007, 11:09
Kisito ASSANGNI (Togo) Explosion, 2009, 2’22”
Masha Yozefpolsky (Israel) – Noli Me Tangere, 2008, 6:20
Agricola de Cologne (Germany) – Silent Cry, 3:05, 2008
Unnur Andrea Einarsdottir (Iceland) – Toilet, 5:00, 2005
Beatrice Allegranti (UK) – IN MY BODY, 2005, 4 min
Ascan Breuer (Germany) – The Kurukshetra-Report, 2009, 8:00

50 min

Proyector Video Art Festival Madrid (Spain) – 14 July 11
Art & and the City – CologneOFF 2011
Special Selections under the title: Art & the City

1. Gesture of Generosity
2. Connected – Disconnected
3. A Matter of Identity

Proyector 2010
Proyector 2009
Optica Videoart Festival @ Proyector 2010
Silent Cry, 2016, 3:40
Silent Cry is the visualization of an internal cry happening all the time, when society does not allow to show deep emotional affection. The silent cry is always present caused by never ending traumatizations during decades hidden behind the facade people wants to see. And even if the cry would be be seen or heard, people would refuse to face it. The work release is giving sound a particular relevance.

“Festival Proyector 2010″ – Optica Videoart –
Espacio Menos Uno Madrid (Spain) 5-31 July 2010 – Silent Cry

Cita que sirve de anticipo del Festival internacional de vídeoarte que realizarán en Gijón, Madrid y París en otoño.

10 piezas audiovisuales que optaron al Premio Jurado Joven Optica 2009:

– “Mamo” de Anders Weberg. 2´31
– “Psycho Dairy” de Beatriz Marín Urbán. 1´02
– “Holy Image” de Compagnia dello Zukkero. 3´05
– “The Last Room” de David Conill. 1´49
– “Dead SEEquences” de Fabio Scacchioli. 4´10
– “Un pensamiento de Laura” de Germán Scelso. 3´25
– “Front” de Johanna Reich. 2´04
– “To Play at Crying” de Juanma Carrillo. 3´34
– “Memoria_” de María Castellanos. 3´04
– “Silent Cry” de Wilfried Agricola de Cologne. 3´04

PROYECTOR 2009. 2º Festival de Videoarte 22 – 26 SEP 2009

En[code]ed, 2008, 5:00
Digital video inspired by a visit of Thessaloniki.
The work describes the principle of “code” or “coding” in form of an allegory, a metaphoric story as a ritual of meeting, dominating and resigning. The code is identified as a state of the static, dogmatic and conservative, which asks for obedience, but gives no chance to escape.

Transfera Video Art is an independent tv program that broadcasts from Madrid on Fridays and Wednesdays at night which specializes in contemporary audio-visual experimentation.

Transfera TV Madrid 2008-2010

Urban.early sunday morning_raw
@ Transfera/ Madrid- broadcast on 21 & 22 May 2010

Urban.early sunday morning_raw, 2002, 4:40
Video based on a poetic text by Agricola de Cologne inspired by the Central Station of Milan (Italy).

Metropolis: sunday morning, between open end and twilight, between hope and resignation, between following a dream and returning that night to the home town or village outside.
Coming from the disco, full of the impressions of that juicy girl or that horny boy, doubtful of whether preserving innocence or following the instinct for an outstanding erotic adventure.
It is the moment of not yet knowing, vacillating between yes or no.
It is a same ritual each week-end, even if decisions are made once.
It is a game between identifying and identity.
The work describes the urban landscape as a scenario of a play, where the protagonists are embedded in without any chance to escape.

“One Day on Mars”
Transfera TV Madrid: screening on 24/25 October 2008

On Day on Mars, 2007, 8:00
A human being is obliged to spend at least one day in his lifetime on Mars. Mars the red desert planet, Mars the god of war. Mars can be anywhere, any place which is identified with the inhuman, violence, hate, rage, revenge and despair.
Agricola de Cologne filmed the original material 2006 during a visit in Palestine & Israel.

Inability of Being Nude &
Bareback – Serial Discharche
Transfera TV Madrid: screening on 17/18 October 2008

Inability of Being Nude, 2004, 2:0
The moving picture takes the classical theme of the “nude” in a contemporary interpretation as a psychological condition.
The viewer is confronted with different levels of movements of baring/exposing.
He becomes very quickly aware, that he did not enter a peep-show, but is disturbing intimacy, the process of emptiness. Emptiness in the sense of meditating.
The nude is a metaphor. The Inability of Being Nude becomes the inability of exposing one’s entire internal to other people, including those who are most intimate and this could be the viewer himself. This inability is in the same way protecting as separating.

Bareback – serialDIScharge, 2007, 4:50
The experimental film tells the story of a homeless person, who lost its identity in all the traumatic experiences it was undergoing. Again, Agricola de Cologne uses the form of the allegorical representation for pointing to essential questions of human existence. All people are homeless in on or the other way, most however, suffer from it without being aware of it. The film is a mirror of our time which has lost its roots.


MADATAC 2009 – Experimental Videoart Festival Madrid – 10-12 December 2009 – Bareback – serialDIScharge

Bareback – serialDIScharge, 2007, 4:50
The experimental film tells the story of a homeless person, who lost its identity in all the traumatic experiences it was undergoing. Again, Agricola de Cologne uses the form of the allegorical representation for pointing to essential questions of human existence. All people are homeless in on or the other way, most however, suffer from it without being aware of it. The film is a mirror of our time which has lost its roots.

2009 – I Edition of Open Mostra of Contemporary Audiovisual Art Madrid Spain at the Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas

MADATAC is an independent and non-profit springboard, with an cultural diversity approach for cutting edge experimental and new media audio-visual culture, that particularly values innovation, originality and risk-taking art projects.
This unique and leading international event take ‘s place in Madrid (Spain) each December within the city Mile of Art. Our objective is encourage the participation of citizens in the fields of audiovisual art, video art, digital new media art culture and to promote the exchange of knowledge between professionals with collaborative projects which serve as a collective laboratory were artists can present their most recent creations to the greater public, critics, commissioners, scholars from university institutions, curators, collectors, institutions and companies, as well as other trained members the community.
This is intended to support and spotlight rising investigations, research work and papers on this field employing new technologies, awarding creative excellence of artists who best fuse in a single work technology and imagination and challenge conventional cinematic narratives, in order to build worldwide networking intercultural bridges between regions, artists and organizations overturned towards the most transforming future art.

Jury Lech

Schedule for – 26 October

  • BEAP – Biennale of Electronic Art Perth/Australia – 1 September – 17 November 2004
  • La Biennale de Montreal – 23 September – 31 October 2004
  • FestiNova Festival Garikula/Georgia – 5 Aug – 20 Oct 2009
  • A Virtual Memorial Vilnius 2013 – 23 sept – 29 Oct 2013
  • Corona! Shut Down? – 16-22 October 2020
  • MIVA _ Centro de las Artes – La Ronda Quito/Ecuador / 2 October – 8 Nov 2015
  • Regional Museum Kedianiai/Lithuania – 02-29 October 2013
  • Festival internacional de cine y video alternativo y comunitario “Ojo al Sancocho”, Ciudad Bolívar La Paz, 17 – 24 September 2010
  • ShootOFF – Experimental Videoart Festival Paris – 17-23 October 2009
  • Sguardi Sonori 2008 Festival of media and time based art -CAM_Casoria – Casoria (Napoli) – 5-30 October 2008
  • Le Studio Art & You Paris/F – 13-31 October 2007
  • *V-Art05 – Videofestival Cagliari/Sardinien – 25-29 October – 2005
  • Anima – International Animation Festival Banja Luka /Bosnia-Herzegovina -23-28 October 2012
  • Szemlétek Audiovisual Filmfest and Art Meeting Pécs (Hungary) – 25-28 October 2007 –
  • Streaming Festival The Hague/NL – 25-28 October 2007 –
  • DigiFestival Florence/Italy – 25-28 October 2007