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22 April 2010

VideoChannel – [self]~imaging
EmergenzaArte video festival
Silent Cry

Santa Maria di Sala

Today, Wilfried is making a trip to one of the most beautiful landscapes, he ever visited, the region around Venice (Veneto/Italy) with all the wonderful Renaissance Villas and Palazzi. many of them are not just existing for their beauty, but represent also venues for cultural events or host art galleries or historical museums. Villa Farsetti is such a beautiful place, where XX.9.12 FabrikaArte is organising the contemporary art festival EmergenzaArte including a videoart exhibition which Wilfried is participating in with his video “Silent Cry”.

EmergenzaArte Festival @ Villa Farsetti

Wilfried Agricola de Cologne – Silent Cry, 2008, 3:40
Short synopsis
Silent Cry is the visualization of an internal cry happening all the time, when society does not allow to show deep emotional affection. The silent cry is always present caused by never ending traumatizations during decades hidden behind the facade people wants to see. And even if the cry would be be seen or heard, people would refuse to face it. The work release is giving sound a particular relevance.

The festival – opened on 10 April 2010 – is running since some time and will be closed on 25 April. Juxtaposing the contemporary often controverse language of the “moving images” with an architecture striving for perfect harmony has a kind of magic charm, which has the potential to bring video as an art medium closer to a wider audience, separated from all day life which is overwhelmed by moving images in TV, cinema, advertising and Internet. It is only a pity that such initiatives have mostly not the financial potential to survive more than several seasons.

For Wilfried was portraying himself always the possibility to experiment with a human model and its identity, already at the early phase when he started being creative as a child. While investigating during his life for the message an artist wanted to communicate with the viewer (audience), he found out those artists who were portraying themselves, not all artists like to be confronted with themselves, however, had the most artistic depth, and even artists in the 2nd row with less artistic potential created often excellent self-portraits. The artist self-portrait is representing an exciting topic.

VideoChannel - Self~imaging

ENTER the complete collection as a Flash presention here

Wilfried Agricola de Cologne (Ger)
Giovanni Antignano (Italy)
Christian Bermudez (Costa Rica)
Jeremy Blank (Australia)
Vince Briffa (Malta)
Gerard Chauvin (France)
Erin Gee (Canada)
Erdelyi Gergely (Hungary)
Magdalena Jachimiak (Poland)
Theresa Krause (Germany)
Mingyu Lee (South Koera)
Nina Marczan (Germany)
Oliver Griem (Germany)
Jonas Nilsson (Sweden)
Eva Olsson (Sweden)
Reuben James Preston (UK)
Johanna Reich (Germany)
Jen Ross (UK)
Jeanette Schou (Denmark)
Olga Tzimou (Greece)
Claire Ultimo (USA)
Lee Welch (Ireland)
Cynthia Whelan (UK)
Clemens Wilhelm (Germany)
Nowadays, people do nothing else than overwhelming the living context with their “selfies” by using the camera of their mobile, superficial shots of mainly statistic value.
The portrait and even selfportrait was from the beginning of art creation also propaganda – staging oneself – to create an image how people would like other people to perceive them, but the way how people use their self-presentation as propaganda is often telling more about the personality. How about the artists using video- and moving images as medium for self-representing?
VideoChannel is anwering these and other conceptual questions via the 25 first works of a the series of 100 artists self-portraits, showing a diversity of different approaches giving partially exiting insights in otherwise hidden internal worlds.

Schedule for 22 April

  • •MNAC – National Museum of Contemporary Art in Bucharest (5 March- 30 April 2004) – RRF
  • •Japan Media Arts Festival 24/03 – 05/05 2006
  • • *Museo National Arte Contemporanea Reina Sofia – 31 March – 8 May -“Violencia sin cuerpos”
  • •CologneOFF 2016 USA @ Torrance Art Museum – Los Angeles/CA – 2 April – 28 May 2016
  • •“Bivouac Project – The Big Switch: New Media, Film and Video” – Sumter County Gallery of Art (USA) – 2 April- 22 May 2009
  • •Now & After International Videoart Festival Moscow – 2-30 April 2014
  • •The Hong Kong Artists Biennale 2005 – 1-30 April
  • •Emergenzaarte – videoart festival – Santa Maria die Sale (Venice) – 10 -25 April – 2010
  • •Versionfest>04 Festival Chicago (USA) – 16 April – 01 May 2004 – The RRF Project
  • •Israeli Center for Digital Art Holon/Israel – 16 April – 16 July 2005