video feature
Arcipelago Film Festival
MAXXI – National Museum of 21st Century Arts
Arte Video Roma

For most travellers, Rome is representing a dream destination, also for Wilfried. He was visiting Rome for the 1st time in 1980, when he was – after his art studies in Amsterdam – on the classical tour through Italy, like uncountable artists generations did before. Then it took 15 years, until Wilfried was landing by chance in Rome, when he was in February /March 1995 in Poland in an art residency in Katowice during an extremely cold winter. When he was vising the beautiful Renaissance town of Zamosc, and frozen to ice strolling through the empty streets of the old city center, he saw the poster of a travel agency promoting a pilgrimage travel to Rome – yes, Wilfried liked the idea to be in the warmth of the South, and spending Easter in Rome what a great idea, he entered the agency and booked spontaneously a travel to Rome which was supposed to start already the next day, and without reflecting too long, he was sitting in the pilgrimage bus collecting other pilgrims on the way to Rome in the montainside of Southern Poland, and then after an overnight ride next morning when he opened his eyes after the uncomfortable sleeping it was a kind of cultural shock, the bus stopped on the auto-route close to Bologna and Wilfried ordered a cup of cappucino in the restaurant, real Italian capuccino!! it felt like in heaven, and so it was when the bus was entering Rome and stopped close to the Termini station – and suddenly Wilfried was overwhelmed by the warmth and the lucky spirit of classical Rome!!

When he is visiting the next time Rome, it is 10 years further ahead in 2005, this time he is in a professional mission here, because he is participating in the shortfilm festival “Arcipelago”, using his visit to Pescaca some days ago, to attend the festival in Rome. And it is the same lucky feeling like the times before, it is the spirit of history, whereever he is looking around he is confronted with artefacts he was admiring already when he was at school (he studied Latin and ancient Greek), and being confronted with the fundament of the European culture and civilization, it gives him a feeling of eternity! The reality of the film festival however is taking Wilfried back to earth, because he is searching in the whole city center of Rome for the festival location, he is asking the local people nobody knows, and close to the church of Santa Maria in Trastevere, when he is following a small street, he is passing a door and by walking some steps back, he suddenly recognizes the poster of the festival and the closed door of glass is representing the entrance to the cinema where the festival is taking place, bad luck! After a warm welcome as one of the participating film directors, Wilfried is looking for the screening room presenting the program including his film – and while he is looking and looking he recognizes films and videos he has in his own VideoChannel programs, but he is shocked about the quality of the screened films and he nearly missed his own film because he could not recognize it as his own film due to the horrible quality. One has to imagine, Wilfried has provided especially a Betacam video copy, this was the best screening quality at that time, but what was the festival making out of the wonderful films and videos?!?! Wilfried was tremendously shocked and complaines the desastrous film quality, but the festival director is just shrugging his shoulders. Ok, Wilfried is thinking, it is probaly no good idea to attend a festival, at all, especially like in the given case when he had to pay his stay in Rome by himself. – But, of course, Wilfried was also visiting some festivals whose staff was really caring about the guests and the best screening quality for the audience! – Wilfried is tremendously agry, because the audience watching these bad quality films is thinking the bad quality would be intentional!

Santa Maria in Trastevere
MAXXI – National Museum of 21st Century Arts
It is actually nearly the same time, when Wilfried is contacted by Elena Giulia Rossi, a curator at a Rome based museum. He never had heard before of MAXXI – The National Museum for the 21st century arts, but he likes the idea that one of his interactive work ]and[-scape should be part of an exhibition to take place in 2006 – Netspace The geographies of spaces @ MAXXI .

C.A.R.M.A. Roma
In 2011, there is another reason to go to Rome, this time Wilfried is invited to prepare as a curator of Cologne International Video Art Festival a guest screening program for “Arte Video Roma”, a videoart festival realised by the Rome based organisation C.A.R.M.A. However, he will not attend the festival, because the schedule of his activities this year is so tight, that he can hardly manage the more than 30 venues.