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18 September 2015

video feature
La Paz
Buenos Aires


It was typical, one day Wilfried was contacted by persons responsible for an videoart event in, respectively close to Barcelona/Spain – he had never heard before.
Barcelona is actually a good place for film and video, in fact, however it is actually overwhelmed with such cultural events, and therefore Wilfried was happy that Barcelona existed also on the countryside, a small place dominated by a former “convent”, nowadays abandoned and used for divers cultural purposes like concerts, theatre, residency and festivals. And then it was clear – and Wilfried was particularly happy that the local organizers had tried to bring divers festivals together in an several days lasting program of projections, Wilfried was not standing alone in the middle of nowhere but in best company with welrespected festival and artists collegues. He is presenting today and tomorrow a small curated video program entitled: Alternate Perceptions – Percepciones Alterna.

Konvent Festival Cel-AV – Barcelona

CologneOFF Spain II
@ Konvent Festival Cel-AV – Barcelona
18-19 September 2015

CologneOFF 2015 Spain II
@ Konvent Festival – Cel-AV
Cal Rosal (Berguedà) -BARCELONA
18-20 September 2015

Alternate Perceptions – Percepciones Alterna
Curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

List of videos

Francesca Fini (Italy) – Touchless, 2014, 4:56
Albert Merino (Spain) – Les Baigneurs, 2010, 4:00
Shahar Marcus (Israel) – Seeds, 2012, 5:13
Weigang Song (China) – Walling Dissensus, 2014, 5:11

The Konvent is an antic convent of monks from the late nineteenth century converted into a multidisciplinary artistic center. It is a space for art, but differently from others, it is also a way of showing and understanding the culture attached to the territory. The main function of the seva is the cultural mediation through the creation and artistic diffusion with the will to dignify the environment, a unique mutant country, on the continent and the continent sovint not encaixen.

The existence of the project is freedom, which implies renouncing the requirements of the great majority of official organizations. The Konvent s’auto-manages, te les seves forces centripetes i centrífugues, a particular idiosyncrasy that has become a model of reference. The treball scale is glocal with an approach that seeks the sum of contributions from various disciplines to evolve cultural revulsion.

The starting point is resilience, do not contemplate pre-established requirements or limiters for what it is to artistic production. We offered the one we had: a singular space that provides installation per a total type of activity, whether individual or collective, així as a common space to facilitate interaction and social interaction. A canvi, cerquem propostes that contributed a renewed look to the world of cultural creation. Estem oberts those projects that enrich the artistic discourse, they like the unfinished ideas, the unimaginable adventures and the irreverent complicity with the spectator.

La Paz

Wilfried’s video “Silent cry” is making a short stop in La Paz/Bolivia on a tour around the world – at Festival internacional de cine y video alternativo – Ojo al Sancocho.
And jumping back to 2003, when in Buenos Aires Maimonides University is organising a 2 days colloquium including a digital multimedia exhibition (18/19 September 2003)- and in Paris @ Festival international du film de l’internet de Paris – both are presenting the most recent multimedia work – “Urban.early Sunday morning_raw” created originally in Flash, but later successfully transformed into linear video formats like mp4. Unfortunatly, for Wilfried it was never possible to attend such events of a short duration!

Festival internacional de cine y video alternativo y comunitario “Ojo al Sancocho
Festival internacional de cine y video alternativo y comunitario “Ojo al Sancocho”, Ciudad Bolívar La Paz, 17 – 24 September – Silent Cry
Silent Cry, 2008, 3:40

Short synopsis
Silent Cry is the visualization of an internal cry happening all the time, when society does not allow to show deep emotional affection. The silent cry is always present caused by never ending traumatizations during decades hidden behind the facade people wants to see. And even if the cry would be be seen or heard, people would refuse to face it. The work release is giving sound a particular relevance.
The International Festival of Alternative and Community Film and Video OJO AL SANCOCHO, is a community initiative, which in 2008 was born from the need to democratize Culture and audiovisual Education in Colombia.

What is Ojo al Sancocho: meeting of children’s filmmakers

A process of political advocacy, which allows the social, cultural, environmental, economic, educational empowerment of peripheral, local and regional sectors, in the construction of a dignified life, through the realization of non-violence practices, by part of children, youth, adults, families, organized and unorganized community, through audiovisual media.

An initiative of children and young people who work in a network with cultural agents, leaders and social leaders, collectives, organizations, educational institutions, popular sectors, public and private entities, at the local, national and international level, where they have generated a sin number of synergies, alliances and mutual cooperation processes between the different actors.
Festival internacional de cine y video alternativo y comunitario “Ojo al Sancocho”, Ciudad Bolívar, sept 17 AL 24 DE 2010

PDF catalogue

Buenos Aires

Esquina de la Casa de colores en Caminito, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Artemedia 2003 – Universidad Maimonides Buenos Aires
Urban.early sunday morning_raw, 2002, 4:40
Video based on a poetic text by Agricola de Cologne inspired by the Central Station of Milan (Italy).

Metropolis: sunday morning, between open end and twilight, between hope and resignation, between following a dream and returning that night to the home town or village outside.
Coming from the disco, full of the impressions of that juicy girl or that horny boy, doubtful of whether preserving innocence or following the instinct for an outstanding erotic adventure.
It is the moment of not yet knowing, vacillating between yes or no.
It is a same ritual each week-end, even if decisions are made once.
It is a game between identifying and identity.
The work describes the urban landscape as a scenario of a play, where the protagonists are embedded in without any chance to escape.

Enter the Flash version 2002

*Artemedia 2003 – Universidad Maimonides Buenos Aires/Argentina 18 & 19 September


Festival international du film de l'internet de Paris
Urban.early sunday morning_raw, 2002, 4:40
Video based on a poetic text by Agricola de Cologne inspired by the Central Station of Milan (Italy).

Metropolis: sunday morning, between open end and twilight, between hope and resignation, between following a dream and returning that night to the home town or village outside.
Coming from the disco, full of the impressions of that juicy girl or that horny boy, doubtful of whether preserving innocence or following the instinct for an outstanding erotic adventure.
It is the moment of not yet knowing, vacillating between yes or no.
It is a same ritual each week-end, even if decisions are made once.
It is a game between identifying and identity.
The work describes the urban landscape as a scenario of a play, where the protagonists are embedded in without any chance to escape.

Enter the Flash version 2002

*FiFI Festival 2003 – Paris (France) 18 september 2003
Festival international du film de l’internet de Paris
Le Festival International du Film de L’internet (Le FIFI devenu Le FIFI Festival en 2002) a été créé en 1999 à l’occasion de la Fête de l’Internet.
Le FIFI était un festival consacré aux fictions audiovisuelles exclusivement diffusées sur Internet. Il a été créé par Christophe Clément et Vincy Thomas, avec le soutien de Jean-Michel Billaut et Brigitte Guillemette, Alexia Guggémos en a été la déléguée générale chargée de la sélection, de 1999 à 2001.
Il a eu lieu à l’Espace Vivendi (Paris) en 1999, avec Havas et Canal+ comme partenaires. En 2000 et 2001, il a pris place à Lille. En 2002 et 2003, il s’est tenu à la Cité des sciences et de l’industrie (Paris).

Paris International Internet Film Festival
The International Internet Film Festival (The FIFI became The FIFI Festival in 2002) was created in 1999 on the occasion of the Internet Festival.
The FIFI was a festival devoted to audiovisual fictions exclusively broadcast on the Internet. It was created by Christophe Clément and Vincy Thomas, with the support of Jean-Michel Billaut and Brigitte Guillemette, Alexia Guggémos was the general delegate in charge of the selection, from 1999 to 2001.
It took place at Espace Vivendi (Paris) in 1999, with Havas and Canal + as partners. In 2000 and 2001, it took place in Lille. In 2002 and 2003, it was held at the Cité des sciences et de l’Industrie (Paris).

Schedule for – 18 September

  • •Torrance Art Museum Los Angeles – 18 July – 20 September 2020
  • MIVA – Muestra Internacional de Videoarte Alterego – Quito/Ecuador – 24 August – 19 September 2012
  • BEAP – Biennale of Electronic Art Perth/Australia – 1 September – 17 November 2004
  • FestiNova Festival Garikula/Georgia – 5 Aug – 20 Oct 2009
  • Madeira International Art Biennale – FONLAD – 1 September – 13 October 2008
  • International Film Festival Naoussa/Greece 30 Sep – 3 Oct 2010
  • FestiNova Festival Garikula/Georgia – 5 Aug – 20 Oct 2009
  • Centro de Arte Caja de Burgos (CAB)/Spain: 9-30 September 2006
  • [BOX] – space for videoart Milan – artvideoKOELN “Phantoms of Perception – 14 Sept-7 Oct 2010
  • *Lisbon Gay & Lesbian Film Festival 15-21 September Lisbon/Portugal 2005
  • *FiFI Festival 2003 – Paris (France) 18 september 2003
  • Ionian International Digital Film Festival – 15-22 September 2012