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18 March 2011

Kharkiv (Ukraine)
National Karazin University
Municipal Art Gallery

Today, it is 18 March 2011 . It’s the 2nd day Wilfried is in Kharkiv (Ukraine). He arrived already on 16 March coming from Kiew. He will continue the event – CologneOFF 2011 Ukraine – in the million city Kharkiv – located close to the Russian border. In Soviet times, Charkov belonged to the most important Russian industrial areas of the national steel industry. Nowadays, Kharkiv is the Ukrainian hotspot for higher education hosting more than 40 universities. After the political change, in Kharkiv established the first municipal art gallery for contemporary art, and so Wilfried is collaborating the biggest university, National V.N Karazin University and

Municipal Art Gallery - which was opening yesterday on 17 March, 17h

The lecture goes down to the question who is actually designing culture, and what are the tools for designing culture. Agricola de Cologne is using his festival project “CologneOFF 2011 – videoart in a global context” – as a tool for designing his idea of an “ideal” culture, which is based on diversity, networking and cooperating, and video as the global medium of the field of his activity, “art and moving images”.
CologneOFF 2011 started on 1 January 2011 a virtual and simultaneously a physical tour around the globe. The nomadic festival project is incorporating more than 800 videos from 70 countries, so the global aspect is already manifesting itself in this fact, whereby CologneOFF has a share about 50% and the 40 curatorial contributions contain the other 50 %. One might call CologneOFF 2011 in its totality a creative pool for creating dynamic images via curating, selecting and compiling.
A video artist himself , Agricola de Cologne sees his curating as the specific form of his artistic expression, as an ongoing creative process. So his position as a curator is fundamentally different than the position and task of a museum curator, for instance, even if the result of curating eventually would be even similiar. His position, however, is not less justified or valuable than the other.
His approach to curating “art & moving images”, a term which Agricola de Cologne is preferring, since the term “videoart” has its own restricted history, is marked by the deep passion, even love, for art, the knowledge of creating total art by using the medium of video, the skills in all processes like filming, editing etc, so that his view on the artistic results of his artists collegues is going much deeper than facing just some aesthetic surfaces or any pseudo-scientific categorizing. Not being affiliated to any institutional context, he has expressively no real distance which would allow a more objective point of view on the art genre of video, as such, the individual works, or the artists, but it is his personal and emotional affection and involvement, thus mere subjectivity, which is marking his deep respect for art, artists, artworks and not to forget the audience, since Agricola de Cologne is curating for the audience. Curating is no job, duty or a purpose for itself, but a need, a manifestation how Agricola de Cologne is taking responsibility in art. And this respect is causing again not only respect from the artists’ or audience side, but generally openness and trust, thus the best atmosphere for encouraging art and artists.

the CologneOFF2011 event lasting three days presenting art video bringing artists from all over the world to the Eastern Ukraine – the feeled end of the civilized world.

The new spirit Wilfried is carrying is less his focus on art and moving images, it is his idea to present a diversity of different artistic and curatorial concepts and the change of perceiving art through the activation of the audience. Of course, this is in first place an intellectual challenge, because Wilfried is presenting a wide range of different curatorial points of view, signalizing that differently than in totalitarian structures there is not that one curator manipulating the audience by dictating the world what art is, but there are many curators and the audience is encouraged to make its opinion by comparing, by becoming this way the actual curator. It is that kind of emancipation of art and audience through its activation which already the “art professionals” Wilfried was meeting in Kiev did not understand, the ladies of the Media Art Lab and Center for Contemporary Art growing up studying art history in Soviet Russia had completely antiquated ideas about art, for them the democratization in dealing with culture was a mere provocation, how will it be in Kharkiv?

Wilfried is staying in a nice hotel close to the Municipal Art Gallery. One of the curators, Yaroslava is caring for Wilfried as the guest from Germany. She is joining him in the breakfast room, where they talk about the schedule of the day. She is reporting about the good feedback she got from the opening on the evening before, and that the screening will start today on 18 March at 1 p.m. without Wilfried, because there are much more important appointments – at 11 a.m. the

  • press conference at MOST
  • – a local institution related to public relations of the municipality and the university – later on 3.p.m. a presentation and round table is scheduled at Media Communication Department of the National Karazin University and at 7 p.m. there will be another talk at the Municipal Art Gallery later at 18h.

    At the university, Wilfried is welcomed by the head of the department, Lidia Starodubtseva, she is showing him the different rooms for presentation and round table and she and Wilfried will have some nice inspiring talks. Wilfried seems to be a strange person, his status is not completely clear, he is something between an academic, and institutional leader and an artist or combining all in one person? He is addressed as a professor, nobody wants to make anything wrong, but at the same time people is fascinated, that he obvious has no academic affiliation, but is presenting himself as an independent cultural instance, a festival and museum director and what else, yet. But the most important seems to be the selection of art videos he is presenting, because it is a demonstration of Wilfried’s specific kind of curatorship – activating the audience through diversity. Later the talks with students are about that topic, even if the selection of nine videos is allowing only a marginal insight in the subject matter, all agree that the most relevant issue cannot be discussed within one hour, in Kiev, yet, the people tried to the impossible – packing fundamental issues of dealing with new forms in art in a really contemporary way in 2 hours, a topic for a whole university study of many years.

    Later, in the evening when Yaroslava and Wilfried are arriving at the Municipal Art Gallery, the screening programs are still running, and some visitors are fascinated about the variety of the programs, there are several computers running the screening programs from DVD and a major projection. Wilfried comes obviously right in time, because he is involved in some discussions which again are about his new concept which find many visitors quite confusing, and Wilfried and even more Yaroslava as the gallery curator become aware, that is not sufficient to make just once an introduction into the new concept of presenting art & moving images. The audience has to become aware, that video isn’t video, that the moving images of the art works have a completely different meaning than the film and videos people are consuming day and night in television, Internet and cinema or advertising or even that kind of videoart as it is know since decades, already, the visitor/viewer of such a video show thinks he knows already everything, so there is no need to watch the moving images, at all, and those people who do start to understand only slowly that differently that in a usual film where the single frame in the sequence of countless frames loses it relevance completely, it is the single frame of the art video regaining its meaning.

    Wilfried is thinking, how important such discussions for a better understanding of new art forms are, and he doubts actually, that such an event like in Kharkiv or earlier in Kiev lasting no more than two days, is making any sense, at all, because it has no sustainable effect on the perception of people, in general, and in particular the few people who come along and see the show more or less by chance. But these are the rules.

    CologneOFF 2011 Ukraine – is realized in collaboration with the Goethe Institute Kiev, Media Art Lab Kiev, CCA Kiev, the Nuremberg House Kharkiv, the Municipal Art Gallery Kharkiv, the National V.N. Karazin University Kharkiv

    About CologneOFF 2011 Ukraine
    Kiev – Kharkiv – 14-20 March 2011

    As a nomadic festival project running 12 months, CologneOFF 2011 is focussing on experimental aspects of the „global“ art medium “video” (experimental film and videoart) by spotlighting the diversity of artistic and curatorial contributions from many countries around the globe. Every month of 2011 is dedicated to other geographical global regions, among them , 􀃆 Africa, Northern Europe, Mediterrenian, Eastern Europe, Balkan, UK-Ireland, Latin America, Germany-Austria, France-Spain-Portugal, Middle East, Far East
    This ambitious media art project is using CologneOFF VI – the 6th festival edition- as its fundament – including for the first time an international jury consisting of the curators from 7 internationally reknown festivals.
    Margarida Paiva ( director Oslo Screen Festival), Gioula Papadopoulou (curator Videoart Festival Miden Greece), Macu Moran (director Videoart World Barcelona), Giorgio Fedeli (curator VisualContainer Milan), Jonas Nilsson/Eva Olsson (art:screen Orebro), Mohamed Allam (director Medrar Video Festival Cairo /Egypt), Tamas Gabeli (director Budapest International Shortfilm Festival Hungary) – as well a basic screening program to be extended and complemented by curatorial contributions of videoart, presenting and reflecting not only various views on the art medium itself, but also on the selected artists and art works intending to confront the audience a variety of artistic and curatorial approaches. The filters of 12 additional thematic projects complement the concept of presenting diversity.
    While CologneOFF 2011 is present 24 hours a day on the net from 1 January 2011 on, each month physical events are scheduled at other around the globe in form of screenings, presentations and exhibitions to be complemented by lectures and workshops.
    The presentation of CologneOFF 2011 Ukraine (Kiev and Kharkiv) is containing more than 18 hours screening, whereby in Kharkiv 194 videos will be presented within 13 hours programming, while 72 videos will be presented in Kiev. This will not only demonstrate the power of the presented video works, but also the power of presenting the diversity of video as an art medium practiced as a global art language.

    Kharkiv University - Mediatopos 18 March 2011 - pictures
    Center for Media Communication @ National V.A. Karazin University Kharkiv – 18 March 2011

    National Karazin University

    Lidia Starodubtseva & Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

    The Prophet

    round table at Mediatopos

    Lidia Starodubtseva & Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

    CologneOFF 2011 Kharkiv - programs 17 - 18 - 19 March - streaming

    CologneOFF2011 – Ukraine

    17-18-19 March – Kharkiv
    curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne


    City Art Gallery Kharkiv
    Media Communication Department National University of Kharkiv

    CologneOFF2011 Ukraine – PDF catalogue

    Municipal Art Gallery

    17 March
    17h Opening with lecture by Agricola de Cologne
    and a special screening CologneOFF VI – Corporate II
    Mohammed Harb (Palestine) -Without Windows, 2009, 5:00
    Dellani Lima – Joacélio Batista (Brazil) – Bolivia, I miss you, 2009, 7:00
    Confusion Group (Spain) – Sorry to bother you, 2008, 6´06″
    Neringa Naujokaite (Lithuania) – “Horizont”, 2010, 8:53 min.
    Pablo Fernandez-Pujol (Spain) – 142-143 – 2010, 2:1
    Sai Hua Kuan (Singapore) – Space Drawing No. 5 – , 2009, 1:02
    Marianne & Daniel O’Reilly (UK) – capital’, 2008, 7min
    Denise Hood (USA) – Disconnect – 2009, 3:47
    Irina Gabiani (Georgia) – Diachronicon – 2010, 1:00
    Jack Brandtman (Australia) – Nightlife, 2010, 1:00
    Doug Williams (USA) – Back & Forth, 2009, 2:42
    Richard Bolland (South Africa) – I Dream Manenberg, 2010, 15 Minutes

    18 March 2011

    11h –

  • press conference at MOST
  • 15h Workshop/Round table at Media Communication Department National University of Kharkiv

    Municipal Art Gallery
    18 March 13-19h screenings
    13h-14h Videoart from Eastern Europe (1)

    Beyond All Borders – videoart from Ukraine curated by Yarina Butkovska

    Kateryna Babkina – Used to be Keys: 2:30, 2007
    Borys Pasichniy and Julia Pavlovska – Milk: 3:51, 2007
    Oleg Ushchenko – Genius: 1:25, 2006
    Olexiy Khoroshko – The Aim Of The Game: 4:20, 2007
    Mykola Kondratenko – Longing For Students: 3:47, 2007
    Oksana Chepelyk – Shifting Time: 6:00, 2004……
    Yuriy Kruchak – Showcase: 2:49, 2006
    MaxFlood – Let’s walk More: 1:49, 2007
    S. Oleshko & M. Barbara – Stas Perfetsky is returning to Ukraine: 7:51, 2005
    Viacheslav Poliakov – Indoor-outdoor, 3:51, 2007

    Between the one and the other end – videos from Russia
    Mikhail Zheleznikov – Together – Vmeste, 2010, 4′23
    Kira Zhigalina -Blank or Attempts to Draw at Nothingness, 2008, 6:00
    Shota Gamisonia – Field, Clowns, Apple, 2008, 15:00

    14h-15h – The Female Eye (1)
    Contextual Face curated by Evelin Stermitz
    1. Duba Sambolec (Slovenia) – NoHomeVideos© CODE II – 2000, 01:32 Min.
    2. Michelle Handelman (USA) – I hate You, 2002, 02:48 Min.
    3. Evelin Stermitz (Austria) – Portrait of Carmen Lipush, 2010, 02:06
    4. Ana Grobler (Slovenia) – Migraine, 2007, 05:23 Min.
    5. Liana Zanfrisco (Italy) – Like Me, 2009, 01:30 Min.
    6. Kika Nicolela (Brazil) – Ecstasy Poem, 2006, 02:46 Min.
    7. Vesna Bukovec (Slovenia) – Endless Game, 2006, 01:32 Min.
    8. Alison Williams (South Africa) – Sit Stay, 2008, 03:20 Min.
    9. Angelika Rinnhofer (Germany) – traumraum revised:insomnia, 2009, 04:41 Min.
    10. Grace Graupe Pillard (USA) – What I Worry About????, 2007, 02:57 Min.
    11. Dominique Buchtala (Germany) – Collecting, 2006, 04:00 Min.
    12. Evelin Stermitz (Austria) – Rose is a Rose, 2008, 03:52 Min.

    Women Director Cut 10:10:10 curated by Agricola de Cologne

    01. Rahel Maher (Australia) – Misstar, 2:00, 2003
    02. Larissa Sansour (Palestine) – Bethlehem Bandolero 3:40, 2004
    03. Unnur A. Einarsdottir (Iceland) – Music in Cake 3:00, 2004
    04. Ina Loitzl (Austria) – Snow-white and red like a rose 5:00, 2005
    05. Letitia El Halli Obeid (Argentina) – Headphones 2:33, 2001
    06. Margarida Paiva (Portugal) – Habit, 5:50, 2005
    07. Sonja VUK (Croatia) – My Way 1:00, 2006
    08. Clare Ultimo (USA) – Inner Dialogue 3:36, 2004
    09. Nancy Atakan (Turkey) – The Wall by 1:40, 2005
    10. Isabelle Schneider (France) – The Body of War II, 2007, 4:00

    15h-16h – Adventures from the Baltic Sea (1)
    Videoart from Sweden curated by Jonas Nilsson& Eva Olsson
    1. Dan Lestander – Dreams and Wishes, 2009, 4:19 min.
    2. Elin Bruun-Nystedt – Frasse and I, 2009, 2:05 min.
    3. Evelina Gustavsson – Mor & dotter (Mother & daughter), 2004, 2:42 min.
    4. Sara Lundberg – CORDS (hear us and have mercy), 2008, 3:14 min.
    5. Eva Olsson – The Labyrinth, 2009, 3:41 min.
    6. Björn Perborg – The Trip To America, 2008-2009, 2:14 min.
    7. Nina Lassila – Woman with knife, 2009, 1:49 min.
    8. Dana Sederowsky – Special announcements edition four, 2009, 1:35 min.
    9. Jonas Nilsson – The choice, 2009, 2:15 min.
    10.Antti Savela – My Way, 2010, 4:50 min.

    Videoart from Middle East (1)
    ”Behind Words” – videoart from Syria– curated by Abir Boukhari
    01. Adnan Jatto – I am Twelve, 2010, 1:30
    02. Fadi Hamwi – Artificial, 2010, 2.11
    03. Hazem Hamwi – Cold Breathe, 2010, 4.21
    04. Hiba Aizouk – Corners, 2010, 4.19
    05. Giwan Khalaf – Female, 2010, 1.29 min
    06. Maha Shahine – 2010, Frame, 2010, 0.59
    07. Nisrine Boukhari – Accident, 2010, 2.42
    08. Razan Mohsen – Paralization, 2010, 1.24
    09. Raed Zeino – He & She, 2010, 2:00
    10. Ruba Khweis -Stereotype, 2010, 00.59

    16h-17h – Videoart from Germany
    Feature of the Month March 2011 – Johanna Reich –


    1. Blast, HD, PAL, 1`00, 2008
    2. Kassandra, HD, PAL, 4`00, 2008
    3. Black hole, DV, PAL, 6`00, 2009
    4. Front, DV, PAL, 2:18, 2006
    5. BlueRed, DV, PAL, 3`00, 2008
    6. A State of Crystal, HD, Pal, 3’19, 2010,
    7. Notes, HD, PAL, 4’25, 2010

    Enigmatic– videoart from Germany (CologneOFF)

    Daniel Lo Iacono – Digital Snapshots, (2:30), 2003
    Alfred Banze – Exotica, 6:34, 2010
    Boris Eldagsen – The Show Must Go On, 11:28, 2006
    Philip Matousek – A Beautiful Day, 3:12, 2009
    Ebert Brothers – “Bluescape” 2006, 2:54
    Ascan Breuer-The Kurukshetra-Report, 8:00, 2009

    17h-18 Videoart from Asia (1)
    Far West/Far East – Videoart from East Asia
    Yu Cheng Yu (Taiwan) – Switch, 2008, 3:30
    Liu Wei (China) – Is Fighting Our Machine” 2003, 4:10
    Nhieu Do (Vietnam) – Testimony”, 2008, 7:12
    Ling-Yin Chen (Taiwan) – Trace” 2007, 5:36
    Lili & Honglei (China) – Forbidden City, 2007, 4:15
    Aiko Okamoto (Japan) – Silk (Teardrops-salt) – , 2009, 2:48
    Bijing Zhang (China) – In the Field, 2009, 3:15
    Sreedeep (India) – 1 minute crash-course on SEDUCTION, 1:00, 2009
    Yoko Taketani (Japan) – Wall of China, 1:00, 2009
    Yoko Fukushima (Japan) – “Hitchhiker”, 2007, 2:03

    Greetings from Laos
    Videos by Vientianale – Vientiane International Film Festival /Laos
    1. Katrin Theurer (Laos) – WHY LAO PEOPLE SMILE SO MUCH?, 2009, 10:00
    2. National Institute of Fine Arts (Laos) – HOT COFFEE, 2009, 4:00
    3. Bhountanong Xomxaphol (Laos) – YES, I AM, 10:00. 2008
    4. Santhavy Phomvixay (Laos) – MY RIVER, 8:00., 2009

    18h-19h – Digital video
    Digitalis – aspects of digital video

    Dario Bardic (Croatia) -Etude, 3:17, 2007
    Gerald Habarth (USA) –Pilot/Gamer, 12:00, 2007
    Rami Fischler (Australia) – Changing Man, 2:58, 2006
    Nick Fox-Gieg (USA) – Disarmed, 2:42, 2005
    Mihai Grecu (Romania) – Coagulate, 5:56, 2008
    Alfonso Rodrigo (Spain) – Fashion Death, 4:51, 2008
    Les Riches Douaniers (France) – 8:43, 2009
    Ulf Kristinansen (Norway) – The Care Bears – 2010, 3:00
    Ocusonic aka Paul O Donoghue (Ireland) – Why Do You Have a Beard? – 2010, 6:02
    Roland Quelven (France) – La Chambre de May D., 1:33, 2010
    Barry Morse (USA) – Mouse’s Birthday, 3:37, 2010
    Rafael Alcala (Puerto Rico) – Smoked, 3:20, 2006
    Sheldon Brown (USA) – Scalable City, 5.03, 2009
    Robby Rackleff (USA) – Dark Fortress Occult Master of Space: Genesis Genesis, 2009, 3:00
    Agricola de Cologne (Germany) – Urban.early sunday morning raw, 4:50, 2007
    Laurent Pernot (France) – Still Alives, 2:33, 2006

    19 March 2011

    13-19h screenings
    13h-14h Videoart from Latin America (1)
    Lines, colours & emotions – videoart from Latin America – curated by VideoChannel Cologne

    Marita Contreras (Peru) -Via Crucis, 2008, 4:00
    Luis Ascanio (Venezuela) – Second station, 2008, 2´31´´
    Julio Orta Villarreal (Mexico) – Elena in the Prison of Herself, 2006, 6:58
    Nuria Fragoso (Mexico) – Anomia, 2008, 4:50
    Carlos Ruiz-Valarino (Puerto Rico) – Hosts / Guests, 2004, 7:50
    Christian Bermudez ( Costa Rica) – Dear Neigbour, 2006, 7:00
    Juan David Gonzalez Monroy (Colombia) – Title: How To Catch A Mole, 2009, 9:00
    Alejandra Villasmil (Ecuador) – Fanesca, 2010, 1:00
    Henrique Roscoe (Brazil) – Love Rules, 2007, 1:16
    Silvia Cacciatori Filloy (Uruguay) – Prostituto, ta., 2005, 4:40
    i2off.org+r3nder.net (Argentina) – Siembra: Videocode03 (2006, 4:09)

    14h-15h – Videoart from Latin America
    Argentinian Dreamers curated by Silvio de Gracia (Argentina)
    1. Gustavo Galuppo – Progression of disasters, 2005, 8’ 57”
    2. Marcela Rivera – I think my eyes should have wings, 2007, 3’ 8”
    3. Gabriela Alonso – Leche (Milk), 2006, 3’ 43”
    4. La Nariz en la Taza, Transformaciones , 2006, 5’ 59”
    5. Ricardo Rojstaczer – Southward Bound, 2005, 3’ 35” 6.
    Silvio De Gracia – Via Crisis, 2007, 2’ 49”

    Right Now – videoart from Chile curated by Nicole Rademacher (Chile)
    1. ERROR VIDEOS Esteban Cabezas & Joaquín Fernández – TERRORvideos 2 / 2009 / 1.54
    2. Rafael Guendelman – Las Palomas, 2010, 1:08
    3. TERROR – download error, 2009, 01,35
    4. Constanza Gazmuri – En tránsito., 4 min 32 seg ., 2009
    5. Macarena Molina – Dollar, 2009, 1:00
    6. Bernardita Bennett – La hora del te, 2009,, 1 minute, 31 seconds
    7. Luis Hermosilla – Robbery Without Violence /2010 /4m04s /
    8. Francisco Schultz – e potestate maleficarum, 2010, 03, 43

    15h-16h Videoart from Africa
    Still Fighting – videoart from Central Africa curated by Kisito Assangni

    1. Samba FALL (Senegal) – Oil man / 2008 / 1′00
    2. Saliou TRAORE (Burkina Faso) – Traffic Mum / 2009 / 10′33″
    3. Douts NDOYE (Senegal) – Train Train Medina / 2007 / 5′17″
    4. Kokou EKOUAGOU (Togo) – Time / 2010 / 2′00
    5. Michele MAGEMA (D.Congo) – Interiority-Fresco IV / 2010 / 2′31″
    6. Guy WOUETE (Cameroon)-Le dilemme divin / 2009 / 5′31″

    City Breath – videoart from South Africa curated by Kai Lossgott
    1. Circles, 01:54, 2009 by Terry Westby-Nunn
    2. I walk the street with loose parts, 04′00”, 2008 by Ryan Kruger
    3. Between, 2′51, 2009 by Colleen Alborough/Johannesburg
    4. Fragmented, 4′53”, 2009 by Khanyisile Mbongwa
    5. (Un)veiling, 2′51, 2009 by Mandilakhe Yengo
    6. waitless, 4′40”, 2009 by Ananda Fuchs
    7. The Electrician, 2′5”, 2009 by Terry Westby-Nunn
    8 Player 1.1, 4′00”, 2008 by Mark Wilby/Port Elizabeth
    9. TV Programs 001: Powerlines /03′10”, 2007 by Nileru

    16h-17h – Videoart from USA (1)
    Artist of the Month Feb 2011 – Henry Gwiazda (USA)

    1. A Dollhouse is…. – 05:48 (2007)
    2. Something/the/you – 4′58″ (2009)
    3. About/being/history – 7′34″ (2009)
    4. Infectious – 2′03″ (2009)
    5. From nothing – an idea – 1′43″ (2009)
    6. The smallest changes – 2′03″ (2009)

    Horror Vacui? – What’s Happening Next? – videoart from USA
    Bill Domonkos – Berenice, 2008, 4:31
    David Jakubovic – “JOINED AT THE HEAD”, (2008, 4:40, USA)
    Arthur Reynolds – “Three Minute Lease On Life” by (2006, 3:38, USA)
    Jay Needham – “Opened”, 2006/2007, 5:00
    Erika Yeomans – BOO!, 2008, 4:00
    Heidi Kumao – Hole in the Floor, 2008, 7:00

    17h-18h CologneOFF 2011 invites… –
    Less-Time-Less curated by Gioula Papadopoulou & Giorgos Dimitrakopoulos (VideoArt Festival Miden Kalamata/Greece)
    1. Ioanna Myrka (Greece) -Frustration, 2006, 1.55
    2. Giorgos Dimitrakopoulos (Greece) – Tiga Nekra,-2009, 4.45
    3. Lukas Matejka (Slovakia) – 20m, 2008, 1.00
    4. Dimitris Gakis (Greece) – Four Elements Groove, 2009, 3.11
    5. Guy Yitzhaki (Israel) – Liquidation, 2009, 3.00
    6. Claudio Stellato (Belgium) – The Attic, 2008, 2.40
    7. Tilman Kuentzel (Germany) – Dave, 2008, 4.00 8. Alessandro Vitali,(Italy) – Genesis, 2007/08, 8.35
    9. Ivar Smedstad, (Norway) – mekanisk ↔ organisk, 2009, 5.06
    10. Jean-Gabriel Periot (France) – Nijuman no borei (200 000 Phantoms), 2008, 7.30
    11. Nicolas Wiese (Germany) – Luftkreuz Lullaby, 2007/08, 6.50
    12. Gioula Papadopoulou (Greece) – Brown study portraits #1: Maria, 2009, 1.35
    13. Bryan Lauch & Petra Pokos (Slovenia) – X, OM, 2009, 1.53
    14. Makis Faros (Greece) – Lebensweisheitsspielerei (fr Wallace Stevens’ poem), 2009, 3.13
    15. Anna Woch (Canada) – Last message from Mr Cogito, 2009, 4.30

    Figure it Out ! – performance in videoart

    Ane Lan (Norway) – Ane Lan, 2:50, 2001
    Cynthia Whelan (UK) – Selfportrait, 3:27, 2005
    Sinasi Gunes (Turkey) – Anatolia, 2:27, 2007
    Boris Sribar (Serbia) – I love you so much I could kill for you, 3:20, 2010
    Kisito Assangni (Togo) – Explosion, 2:22, 2009
    Roland Wegerer (Austria) – How to Clean a Puddle, 1:48, 2008
    Virginie Foloppe (France) – J.F.’s Toolbox” 2004, 5:50
    Renata Gaspar & Marcin Dudek (Poland) – Axis, 2010, 3:07 min.
    Luc Gut (Switzerland) – Alter Ego, 2008, 2 min
    Agricola de Cologne (Germany) – Silent Cry, 3:05, 2008
    Unnur Andrea Einarsdottir (Iceland) – Toilet, 5:00, 2005
    Francesca Fini (Italy) – Cry Me, 2009, 4:34
    Valerie Garlick (USA) – Cakesitter, 4:52, 2007
    Shahar Marcus (Israel) – The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on edge, 4:07, 2008
    Oksana Shatalova/Alla Girik (Kazakhstan) – Warning: Women!, 3:12, 2005
    Ji Hyun Kim (South Korea)–Wo-men, Wo-rld, 3:34, 2004

    Kharkiv Municipal Art Gallery

    Kharkiv is the second largest city in Ukraine after Kiev with around 1.5 million inhabitants and with 42 universities and colleges it is the country’s most important science and education center after Kiev. The city is located in the northeast of Ukraine at the mouth of the Kharkiv river in the Lopan and the Lopan in the Udy.

    Kharkov Municipal Art Gallery
    (partner of CologneOFF 2011 Kharkov – 17-18-19 March 2011
    in cooperation with the Goethe Institute Ukraine and Nürnberg House Kharkiv)

    Kharkiv Municipal Art Gallery
    Kharkov Municipal Art Gallery (MG) is the only one of gallery, which provides contemporary art in Kharkov. It started activities in 1996. Since then the Gallery has organized around 1000 exhibitions, curatorial projects and art actions both at the Gallery area and outside.

    Now MG holds the international festival of the youth projects “Non Stop Media” (since 2003), Street Art Fest (since 2008). Main circle of the Gallery authors includes famous artists of Kharkov, leading masters of modern and contemporary Ukrainian art – participants of prestigious national and foreign exhibitions, working in painting, graphics, sculpture, art photography, art design, prints, art-objects, installations, new media and other techniques.

    City Art Gallery Kharkiv/Ukraine
    MG is a famous centre of contemporary art in Kharkov, so the exhibition plan of MG is saturated and known for two years forward. The exhibitions change every two weeks. Besides Kharkov artists in plan of 2011 year are artist from the USA, Germany, Norway, another cities of Ukraine. Against a background constant expositions MG spends different art-events. The Long Night of Museums will be in May 15: MG manages this event in Kharkov (since 2009), 8 art institution took part in it in 2010.

    City Art Gallery Kharkiv/UkraineMG regulary supports young artists with Non Stop Media Fest. Next fest will be in 2012 Spring and include contemporary art in the various forms.
    Amongst dynamic international MG’s exhibition activities we can note the costant collaboration with Sweden and Poland partners. In 2009 MG made 3 social project of Swedish and Ukrainian authors on the Gogolfest in Arsenal (Kiev, Ukraine, catalog). MG works with Sweden not only one time: in 2007 was Ukrainian-Sweden workshop and exhibition project “Urban Structures” in Getteborg and Kharkov. MG made several project in Poznan (Poland) too. There were International Art Project «Bridge. Poznan-Kharkov-Hanover» (2001), “Kharkiv Photography” (2004), exhibition of young Kharkiv photographers (2006), “Non-Stop Art”: exhibition of young Kharkov artists at the frame of program “Ukrainian spring”(2008).


    General Information about Kharkiv City Art Gallery

    Kharkiv City Art Gallery – one of the first galleries in Ukraine with municipal status, founded at the end of 1996. From 1997 it is a member of Association of Art-Galleries of Ukraine.

    Gallery popularize the contemporary art and first of all artists works of Kharkov and Ukraine.
    Long-term Gallery programs that are turn to realization of this task: «Kharkov – Art», «Masters», «Our Heritage», «Contemporary Foreign Art», «Russian Palette», «From Private and Museum Collections», «New Names», «Experimental Studio», «Youth Branch».

    Every 2 weeks we have a new exposition in the Gallery.

    Main circle of the Gallery authors includes famous artists of Kharkov, leading masters of modern and contemporary Ukrainian art – participants of prestigious national and foreign exhibitions, working in painting, graphics, sculpture, art photography, art design, prints, art-objects, installations, new media and other techniques.

    City Art Gallery Kharkiv/UkraineAmong them: the graphic artists – Pavel Makov, Natalia Mironenko (Honoured Ukrainian Artist), Elena Kudinova, Oleg Veklenko (Honoured Ukrainian Artist), painters – Alexey Borisov, Alexander Vlasenko, Victor Gontarov (People’s Ukrainian Artist), Dmitry Danish, Alexey Esyunin, Vitaly Kulikov, Vachagan Norazyan, Andrew Pichahchi, Viktor Sidorenko (People’s Ukrainian Artist), Vitaly Smahtin, Yuriy Shein, Edward Yashin, designers – Vladimir Bondarenko, Yuriy Ryntovt, Sergey Tynynyka, sculptors – Anna Ivanova, Vladimir Kochmar, Alexander Kovalev, Alexander Ridnyi (Honoured Ukrainian Artist), Sergey Sbitnev, photographers – Sergei Bratkov, Vladimir Bysov, Oleg Malevanniy, Eugen Pavlov, Sergey Solonskiy, Alexander Suprun, etc.

    For the time of existence the Gallery became a popular center of contemporary art, famous and authoritative beyond the bounds of the Kharkov and Ukraine. Since then the Gallery has organized more than 500 exhibitions, curatorial projects and art actions both at the Gallery area and outside. It also organized set of personal exhibitions and author’s artist projects from Kharkov, Kiev, Donetsk, Odessa, Lvov, Poltava, Simferopol, Moscow, Nalchik, Penza, Arkhangelsk, Yerevan, Tashkent, Vilnius, Warsaw, Vienna, London, Paris, Nuremberg, Poznan, Syufolka, Cincinnati, and about 50 group exhibitions of foreign authors from Austria, Great Britain, Germany, France, USA, Iran, Serbia, Poland, Russia, Lithuania, Moldova, Israel, Armenia, and Uzbekistan.

    As result of art rating of Association of Art Galleries of Ukraine in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,2006/2007 Kharkov Art Gallery permanently is ranked as one of the first leading galleries and art centers of Ukraine.

    15 Chernyshevskogo St.,
    Kharkov, 61057, Ukraine.

    Schedule for 18 March

  • •City Art Gallery Kharkiv (Ukraine – CologneOFF Ukraine – 17-19 March 2011
  • •Mediateca -CaixaForum-, Barcelona 14 February – 7 April – “Violencia sin cuerpos” 2006
  • •Festival Audiovisual Zemos98_8 – Sevilla/Spain 14-18 March 2007
  • •Traverse Video Festival Toulouse/France – VideoChannel – 4 Videos by Unnur A. Einarsdottir – Traverse Video Festival Toulouse/F – 11-28 March 2009
  • •VidFest07 – Museum of New Art Detroit/USA – 9-30 March 2007
  • •Generation Loss Festival Manila – 14-28 March 2012
  • •Videoformes – Festival of Video & New Media Clermont Ferrand/F – 11 – 27 March 2009
  • •Festival Audiovisual Zemos98_8 – Sevilla/Spain 14-18 March 2006
  • •Videoformes 20th Video & New Media Art Festival Clermont-Ferrand (F) – 14 – 19 March 2005
  • •Videoformes 21th Video & New Media Art Festival – Clermont-Ferrand (F) – 14-18 March 2006
  • •FILE – Electronic Language Festival Rio de Janeiro/Brazil 26/02-29/03 2008
  • •MNAC – National Museum of Contemporary Art in Bucharest (4 March- 30 April 2004)