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14 March 2011

CologneOFF 2011
Kiev – Goethe Institute


Goethe Institute building Kiev

2011 is one of the most unusual years in the 20 years history. Today, 14 March Wilfried is waking up in the morning in his roon on the 10th floor of Hotel Ukraine which is towering over the heart of Kiev – the sun is rising illuminating the “Maidan Square”. Wilfried will have his presentation at the Goethe Institute Kiev organized by the CCA Kiev (Centre for Contemporary Art), starting at 2 p.m. During the morning hours Wilfried will have a tour guided by Olena Lykhovodova, PR @ Goethe Kiev, it is obvious two days visiting Kiev are much too short, and every minute is occupied. That’s crucial with all the professional travels, there is no time felt to explore the local attractions. In any case, on 14h the screening is starting >>

Goethe Institute Kiev
event schedule 14 & 15 March 2011 und streaming video programs

CologneOFF 2011 Ukraine
complete PDF catalogue

14 March
Location: Goethe Institute Kiev organised by Centre for Contemporary Art Foundation Kiev
A series of CologneOFF 2011 screenings & and a lecture by Agricola de Cologne

14.00-18.00 screenings
14.00-15.00 Digitalis – aspects of digital video
15.00-16.00 Figure it out! – performance in video
16.00-17.00 Videoart from Germany : Johanna Reich & Enigmatic

17.00-18.00 Partners: Athens VideoArt Festival – Oslo Screen Festival
19.00-20.00 official opening and lecture
20.00-21.00 screening selection “Corporate I ” – CologneOFF VI
21.00-21.30 discussion with audience

15 March
10h – 13h workshop at Media Art Lab Kiev
organised by Centre for Contemporary Art Foundation Kiev
afterwards lunch

14 March 2011
14.00-15.00 Digitalis – aspects of digital video


Dario Bardic (Croatia)-Etude, 3:17, 2007
Henry Gwiazda (USA) – A Dollhouse is…, 5:48, 2007
ami Fischler (Australia) – Changing Man, 2:58, 2006
Nick Fox-Gieg (USA) – Disarmed, 2:42, 2005
Mihai Grecu (Romania) – Coagulate, 5:56, 2008
Alfonso Rodrigo (Spain) – Fashion Death, 4:51, 2008
Les Riches Douaniers (France) Motorized Ordeal – 8:43, 2009
Ulf Kristinansen (Norway) – The Care Bears – 2010, 3:00
Ocusonic aka Paul O Donoghue (Ireland) – Why Do You Have a Beard? – 2010, 6:02
Roland Quelven (France) – La Chambre de Maya D., 1:33, 2010
Barry Morse (USA) – Mouse’s Birthday, 3:37, 2010
Rafael Alcala (Puerto Rico) – Smoked, 3:20, 2006
Sheldon Brown (USA) – Scalable City, 4.03, 2009
Robby Rackleff (USA) – Dark Fortress Occult Master of Space: Genesis Genesis, 2009, 3:00
Agricola de Cologne (Germany) – Urban.early sunday morning raw, 4:50, 2007
Laurent Pernot (France) – Still Alives, 2:33, 2006

15.00-16.00 Figure it out! – performance in video

Ane Lan (Norway)-Ane Lan, 2:50, 2001
Cynthia Whelan (UK) – Selfportrait, 3:27, 2005
Sinasi Gunes (Turkey) – Anatolia, 2:27, 2007
Boris Sribar (Serbia) – I love you so much I could kill for you, 3:20, 2010
Kisito Assangni (Togo) – Explosion, 2:22, 2009
Roland Wegerer (Austria) – How to Clean a Puddle, 1:48, 2008
Virginie Foloppe (France) – J.F.’s Toolbox” 2004, 5:50
Renata Gaspar & Marcin Dudek (Poland) – Axis, 2010, 3:07 min.
Luc Gut (Switzerland) – Alter Ego, 2008, 2 min
Agricola de Cologne (Germany) – Silent Cry, 3:05, 2008
Unnur Andrea Einarsdottir (Iceland) – Toilet, 5:00, 2005
Francesca Fini (Italy) – Cry Me, 2009, 4:34
Valerie Garlick (USA) – Cakesitter, 4:52, 2007
Shahar Marcus (Israel) – The fathers have eaten sour grapes, & the children’s teeth are set on edge, 4:07, 2008
Oksana Shatalova/Alla Girik (Kazakhstan) – Warning: Women!, 3:12, 2005
Ji Hyun Kim (South Korea) – Wo-men, Wo-rld, 3:34, 2004

16.00-17.00 Videoart from Germany :

Joanna Reich
1. Blast, HD, PAL, 1`00, 2008
2. Kassandra, HD, PAL, 4`00, 2008
3. Black hole, DV, PAL, 6`00, 2009
4. Front, DV, PAL, 2:18, 2006
5. BlueRed, DV, PAL, 3`00, 2008
6. A State of Crystal, HD, Pal, 3’19, 2010,
7. Notes, HD, PAL, 4’25, 2010

Daniel Lo Iacono – Digital Snapshots, (2:30), 2003
Alfred Banze – Exotica, 6:34, 2010
Boris Eldagsen – The Show Must Go On, 11:28, 2006
Philip Matousek – A Beautiful Day, 3:12, 2009
Ebert Brothers – “Bluescape” 2006, 2:54
Ascan Breuer – The Kurukshetra-Report, 8:00, 2009

Athens Videoart Festival –
selection curated by Sotiris Iliadis & Timothy Laskaratos

1.Achilleas Gatsopoulos (Greece) Seal of Lilith/2010/5′01”
2. Dagly Zeynep (Turkey) – Disaster /2006 /2′23” /
3.Jazbec Masa (Slovenia) – First blood /2010 /1′20”/
4.Thessia Machado (Brazil) – Longday/2010 /0′25” /
5.Vincent Gisbert (Spain) – Contra /2009 /3′43”
6.Dimitris Papoutsakis (Greece) – Athenian Summer /2009/2′53” /
7.Guido Salvini (Italy) – Strength test /2009 /2′00”
8. Rogelio Sastre (Spain) – The Perfect Immigrant /2010 /11′30”
9.Giorgio Constantine (Greece) – Wait for me /2010 /3:00

Oslo Screen Festival –
Norwegian selection curated by Margarida Paiva
1. Ottar Ormstad (Norway) – LYMS , 7′40”, 2009
2. Ingeborg Stana (Norway) – Getaway, 3′, 2008
3. Shwan Dler Qaradaki (Norway/Iraq) – The sun tattooed, 3′34”, 2009
4. Bull.Miletic (Norway) – Par Hasard, 5′45”, 2009
5. Denise Hauser (Norway) – Copy City, 4′35”, 2008
6. Sabina Jacobsson (Norway) – The Red City, 4′31”, 2008
7. Håvard Gjelseth (Norway) – Jazkamer, Live at Club Urga, Tokyo, 1′39”, 2008

It is a full program, the audience usually is not accustomed to, so after the three hours screenning it will be expected, that many of the attending people will leave and new visitors will join, but nobody is leaving keeping their seats occupied, but when at 19h Wilfried lecture will be starting, for all the new people arriving new seats have to be provided.
Wilfried standing in a group of people talking about the challenge to realize such a cultural enterprise in Ukraine will get touched and turning around he is looking in the face of a young woman – it is Yarina Burkovska (on th right), who prepared 2009 a curated selection of Ukrainian videos. he had met her in Lviv in 2008 on occasion of the Kinolevchuk Festival she had been one of the local curators.
Wilfried is surprised to meet her now, because the communication had not been continued.

The ladies from Center for Contemporary Art (Kateryna Botanova, Liuda Motsiuk – on the left) had asked Wilfried about his curating expecting him to tell them all the secrets of his extensive video curation. They will be disappointed, that Wilfried’s secret is, that there is no secret, and surprised how simple, but most effective and substantial it is without any intellectual frills. While the audience and the Goethe Institute director Vera Bagaliantz obviously are impressed by Wilfried’s power, the ladies from the Center of Contemporary Art who had invited some other Ukrainian curator collegues do not know how to deal with the unexpected simplicity of Wilfried’s concepts – nothing spectacular – nothing to learn from, at least, on first sight.

Vera Bagaliantz – Goethe Institute director – introducing Wilfried to the audience

Goethe Institute Kiev - more images
14 March @ Goethe Institute

Goethe Institute Kiev – Presentation Hall

15 March @ CCA – Center for Contemporary Art

Natalya Valda & Wilfried Agricola de Cologne @ CCA workshop on 15 March 2011

This so-called “workshop” had the meaning to encourage students and local artists to do something in “netart”. For doing so 2 hours were available. Holding this “workshop” wasn’t Wilfried’s idea. Such a workshop requires a week, at least, Wilfried complained, but finally, he agreed after the ladies of mediaartLab promissed to teach interested students in programming in advance. But hey hadn’t to prepare a concept for an artwork only, but execute it already, and the 2 hours left for the “workshop” actually had the only purpose finally, to discuss the concept and artwork and for Wilfried to give some advice, if possible. It will be really chaotic, every time when Wilfried starts to go to deeper into the subject matter, new students enter and others leave the room, when some of the students start smoking like in bar, and the noise level is rising like in a central station, Wilfried will stand up and refuse to continue. It is like a kindergarden full of nasty children. There are about 60-80 young people and just 4 or 5 of them are interested in the topic of the workshop. But it will be not even possible for Wilfried to pay attention to them, because obviously nobody is accustomed to discuss and formulate one’s own opinion. At the end Wilfried will give up, by telling the Goethe Institute and CCA responsibles, if he would have been a more prominent person, nobody would have dared to behave like that. But there were also some funny and even touching moments, so that Wilfried will give up his annoyance already soon.

Press 1 – Art Ukraine

Press 2 – Goethe Institut Kiev

Schedule for 14 March

  • Festival Audiovisual Zemos98_8 – Sevilla/Spain 14-18 March 2007
  • Traverse Video Festival Toulouse/France – VideoChannel – 4 Videos by Unnur A. Einarsdottir – Traverse Video Festival Toulouse/F – 11-28 March 2009
  • VidFest07 – Museum of New Art Detroit/USA – 9-30 March 2007
  • Generation Loss Festival Manila – 14-28 March 2012
  • Videoformes – Festival of Video & New Media Clermont Ferrand/F – 11 – 27 March 2009
  • Videoformes – International Festival of Video and New Media Clermont-Ferrand/Fr – 13-17 March 2007
  • ArtChannel Paris – Videoformes Clermont-Ferrand/F 13-17 March 2007 – art videos
  • Festival Audiovisual Zemos98_8 – Sevilla/Spain 14-18 March 2006
  • Videoformes 20th International Video & New Media Art Festival Clermont-Ferrand (France) – 14 – 19 March 2005
  • Videoformes 21th International Video & New Media Art Festival – Clermont-Ferrand (France) – 14-18 March 2006
  • •MNAC – National Museum of Contemporary Art in Bucharest (4 March- 30 April 2004)