video feature
Violence Online Festival
After the 9/11 terror attacks in New York & Washington, Wilfried’s art activities were focussed on the topic of violence – too much he was identfying himself as a victim of terror. So, it was no coincidence that one day in November 2001, after Wilfried had recovered from terror impact on him personally, he was contacted by Violens Festival Tabor – a small place in Czech Republic – planning for 2002 the next festival dedicated to the topic of violence. Wilfried’s fame of his Internet based art activities were spreading globalwide, and he was invited by the physical festival in Tabor to create an online part. Typically for Wilfried, he did not hesitate one second and accepted this invitation, not knowing yet, how he might manage Violens Festival in virtual space. So, he did what he had done several times before, he released on open call, and additionally he activited the expanding network of artists, he had started in 2000.
As a primarily visually, but not ideologically, dognmatically orientated person, he found again in the multi-media software “Flash” his ideal creation tool. Like before and after, Wilfried was taking an enourmous risk, because again everything was based on experimenting- the particular challenge in creating “Violence Online Festival” was combining completely new artistic and curatorial concepts – resulting the idea of the Violence Media Publishing House – which was offering Wilfried all options for expanding the project and keep it on running for longer than just the few days of the physical festival.
That’s still the misunderstanding when physical events launch an online part, as well, because the virtual existence is following completely different rules – transferring the limitations from physical to virtual space does not make sense, it is not sustainable – so one criterium for considering an online part additionally to a physical part – has to be sustainability. In terms of Violence Online Festival this sustainability was manifesting itself in that way, that the physical Violens Festival was just the starting point for a continuously expaning project until 2005, when Violence Online Festival was fusioning with The RRF Project- and this was running until 2007 actively. So, only in 2007 also Violence Online Festival was completed as an art project .
In 2003, on the same day when the Iraq war was starting, Violence Online Festival released its “War” edition”, so Violence Online Festival was predestined to react immediately on all forms of violence which were present anywhere after the 9/11 atacks for the next following years.
Expanding and growing in substance was also meaning to involve increasingly more and more artists, and, as another way of reflecting- to present Violence Online Festival in most different virtual and physical art contexts.
Especially the fusion with The RRF Project made Violence Online Festival one of the most successful art projects on the net, at all.
Yes, what had been artisically a challenge by using a commercially orientated Flash software, the existience of Violence Online Festival, as well all other Flash baed projects Wilfried was creating between 2000-2007 – at the end of 2020, ADOBE, owner of Flash decided to discontinue the support for Flash, and then – Wilfried’s work online, perfectly documented since 2000, will not exist any longer due to certain commercial interests.
This is really tragic for the entire genre of netart, because due to their intuitive use as artistic tools – Flash & Shockwave were very popular software applications. Most artists are affected but not all were using the software – once developped by Macromedia – it is already now like that, that the entire oevres of artists vanish from the net, and this way the artists, as well. So, the way, how Adobe is following the commercial company’s interests – is representing a gigantic killing machine of art & artists. These killings happen without any publicity – again, nobody cares about the victims – the artists – and the doors are wide open – for falsifying history, art history and art, that’s just incredible!